The Becoming God

Saturday, August 04, 2018

The Man at the End

Isaiah announced the Exile to Babylon and the Season of Grace. Daniel specified when the Season would be. Just as Moses was the prophet of the Law, Jeremiah was the prophet of the Promise which was to come, and did come, at the culmination of the Season.

The Season of Grace was a model, and as such it was a RECAPITULATION of the history and the purpose of the world and of man. The world and its man are recapitulated in the Season and in its Man. There are parallels and one-for-one matches in an umbrella of correlations. The little Season recaps the Whole History.

There was grace, an anointing, upon the Season. The Season was to make a flawless picture. In our history we have screwed up. Recapitulation offers an unscrewed up version, a vision of how it’s supposed to be. So in the recap things were set right. Right things were done. Right choices were made. NOT by everyone, but by those few called. Just like in the world, but in miniature. A micro of the macro. Some few went out to the wilderness to prepare. Fewer still had hearts that were right — the right attitude and openness for YHWH.

The New Testament is about the Season of Grace. From the Season came the church Saul persecuted and the man Jesus Christ. The Season JOINED what is right with our personal histories. It is: “Do you want to be in this group, or do you want to be in that group?” THE SEASON HAD TO CULMINATE IN THE MANIFESTATION OF YHWH. HAD TO (!), ELSE IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A FULL RECAPITULATION.

The Gospel is that it did, and that the Promise is PROVEN. The Manifestation of YHWH appeared among men, the guarantee that man’s destiny is real. Please read and learn about the recapitulation.

Breezing through these, I am reminded of Dr. Ray Shelton at Melodyland School of Theology. I had his Romans class. I wrote a very thick three page paper on the doctrine of recapitulation for Church History, but Dr. Shelton made a very important observation, which was that the Bible translators did not translate the ‘o in Romans 5:12. He had written his doctoral dissertation on this. The upshot is that Romans 5:12 has been forever mistranslated. It reads in the King James: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” The untranslated ‘o in Greek has the effect of “because of which.” Death passed upon all men NOT because they sinned, but they were spiritually dead, BECAUSE OF WHICH all have sinned.

Spiritual death is not a punishment; it is the state we are born into due to amnesia. BECAUSE OF THE RECAPITULATION OF THE SEASON OF GRACE, WE CAN OPT OUT OF THE GROUP WE WERE BORN INTO AND JOIN THE OTHER AS THOUGH WE HAD NOT SINNED. That is what we do in assumption properly done.


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