The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Letting the World Reflect the Messiah Inside You

When you recognize that the Messiah "outside" of you, the imagined, completed one who became you and the plan-fulfilled, completed one you are destined to become are both within you, and you have your life in him, the world will reflect what you believe of yourself. For you are that Messiah. Hence Mark wrote of "Jesus" who was so submitted to the Christ inside that he was the embodiment of Messiah. Thus we have a teacher of righteousness who knew full well the ancient meditation techniques, the chakras, the intention of Moses' oneness with God, the Old Testament as a success manual for prayer, and the Messiah within. Do you think that prophecy is future telling? It is speaking on God's behalf. And he says, "Come unto Me" (Matthew 11:28). And the world reflected him.

And where is God? As Neville said time and time again, "When it works, you have found him." We delight that it has worked before it happens (Mark 11:24), and that emotion of delight is God's creative power, his wisdom, the Messiah within us. Rabbi David A. Cooper tells a story about a rabbi who asked, "When will Messiah come?"  Another rabbi said, "Why don't you ask him?" (Forgive me, David, for pulling this out of fuzzy recollection.) Later, the second rabbi asked the first, "What did he say?" "He said, 'I will come today.' But he did not come." The second responded, "No. This is what the Messiah said, "I will come today, if you will hear my voice." He says, "Come unto me." How do we come? LISTEN! DELIGHT! AND OBSERVE HIS WORKS. When it works, worship.


  • Hi, it's me, Anonymous :) Your blog is awesome and I'm so glad I found it. And I wish I had the deepness of understanding that you do. And I wish I had the time to delve to gain that understanding. For now, it seems, whenever I have moments, I try to absorb like a sponge...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 PM  

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