The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Self-control: Sin or Salvation

I had an interesting experience when I met God. I began to find out how stupid I am. I found that I had lived His life as though it were my life. To rectify this, I cast self-control of "my" life out of myself. Well, of course this act was also self-control, but there was a big difference: whereas self-control of my life for my purpose was sin, self-control of my life for His purpose was salvation.

Unfortunately, I did not keep it up. The flesh is real stupid and real attractive, and I was real stupid. I believed the scriptures, but it doesn't help a lot if you don't understand them. For a long time I thought that God was outside of me, "other." I have only recently come to understand that He IS me, is within, and is my destiny . . . if I exercise self-control. Now I look at such scriptures as Genesis 1:26, "Let Us make man in our image, after Our likeness," and understand that He is talking to ME, the Moses me, as I am the Manifestation of Him.

Now I can understand Neville Goddard's insistence that YHWH means "I AM." I believe Neville knew full well that YHWH means "He is," but if He is, and I am Him, because He is me, then I AM. I got a taste of that future me in the baptism in the Holy Ghost. I liked it, but I was too stupid to devote myself to reading and understanding the Bible. Thank God He is patient and forgiving. He sent me to Melodyland School of Theology, where again I was too stupid, too unperceptive, too lazy to take advantage of all the learning that was there for me. My brain's immaturity is a tough row to hoe--all I saw was churchiology.

By God's grace I am where I am, learning Christianity as self-control for Him, to become the Manifestation of God my future self IS.

Imagine what it would be like if it were true, if you were what you want to be, the very Manifestation of God. Give it all the tones of reality, and be loyal to it.


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