The Becoming God

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

HOW the Milta, the Word of God Became Man was How WE Became Who We Are

This is less than obvious. It was SHOWN to me just before my baptism in the Holy Spirit. I was wondering why I was rejected by God. Rather desperate at the moment. I saw in my imagination the shape of a man scooped from the fine, silty mud of the earth. The man-shaped mud was sat in front of me. Actually, there was no "me"; "I" was only the mind's eye of my imagination. Anyway, as I stared at the mudman, the mud was turned into bone and joints, muscle and sinew, organs and vessels and finally hair-covered skin. It was a completely normal, physical man. But it was not alive.

Then it was given life. It breathed; it blinked; and it looked. I wondered what it must think, seeing things for the first time--only moments ago it was lifeless mud. It stood up and turned around, gazing at the plain of mud it had just been taken from. As I watched it, I heard its thoughts: "This is the earth. It is daytime. The sun is up. It will set, and it will get cold. I had better find shelter in those hills." I could see in my imagination forested hills in the distance and to the right.

The mud-man took off walking toward the hills. My mind's-eye perspective followed close behind and to the left. I was watching him, and still wondering what he saw and thought. I imagined seeing through his eyes, and then I heard his thoughts.

My point is that at this point I effectively BECAME the mudman. One moment prior I was an observing, imagining spirit, and in the next moment I was the imagination of a man--a real human man: ME!! The life the mudman had been given became my life, and I became the perpetrator of all that he did. We two became one, and the third, God, became ignored. I believe we all are spirits who have become people in this way.

I believe God likewise imagined that His Jesus qualities, the Milta, were those of a mudman. It was that the mudman should become the Messiah of Daniel 9:24 at the end of the Season of Grace. As the mudman He lived a perfect life, etc., etc., culminating the Season of Grace as He had prophesied since before the overthrow of the earth. The Jesus qualities of God became a human just as you and I became humans, and He did His bit in the Season as a man, taking us into the eternal righteousness.

Oh please, man, miss, show gratitude. Be grateful. He became as we are---a real human in this earth--so that we might become as He is. Do the Matthew 11:28-29 thing, going to Him by reading the Bible as HIS words to you, learning of Him, taking His yoke upon you. He is serious, real stuff. You cannot believe, learn, preach and do rightly without His confirmation presenting the evidence you need to know that He is real.


Edit: an interesting video:

John MacArthur Explains Who Jesus Christ Is To Ben Shapiro!


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