The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Feel Chosen, For You ARE Loved (If You Want Love, Do Not WANT Love; But Rather FEEL Loved, For The Feeling You Assume Is The Future You Create)

"I hope to get you to feel that you are wanted, that you are chosen, that you are the elect," begins Neville Goddard in "Feel Chosen." Feel like Gordon MacRea's character in the movie "Oklahoma!" --even more so, many times over. Says Neville: "As we are told, 'He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4, emphasis mine). THAT should get us singing, Oh, the glory of it! THIS is the word, the message that is true! We are the beloved of God--David (the meaning of the Hebrew word david is "beloved"), chosen in Christ by Him before the foundation of the world. We should be in the heights of ecstasy 24/7 for this truth.

"But man will not believe it; he will not believe that he is that important."

That we are God's chosen in Christ IS true, but we consider God a liar. We DISbelieve. "Who listens when they hear Us, and to whom is the arm (power) of Maryeh (the Lord) revealed?" (Isaiah 53:1 Alexander). What was said by AHYH? "In exchange for His casting Himself to death and to be counted among the abominable, and yet He shall carry off the sins of many and deal with (intercede on behalf of) the abominable" (Isaiah 53:12 Alexander). THAT is David. I see me in there, the abominable who had disbelieved, sins carried off and reconciled with God.

"For this is how [much] God loved humanity, that he gave forth his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him does not perish* (go to oblivion), except that they may have life everlasting. For God did not send his Son to the world* (the people) to condemn (judge) people, except that people shall live* (be saved [by Him]) by his hand* (grace). Whoever believes in him, is not condemned" (John 3:16-17a Alexander, emphasis mine).

It is CHRIST'S right to forgive us. For HE, at the end of our becoming HIM, was the Beginning of HIS becoming US. This is complicated, yet ever so simple. Neville Goddard explains it in "Where And When Did It Happen?" (Unfortunately, the available text in Horowitz's book is, in my opinion, inadequate. I count over one hundred variances from what Neville says in the lecture. It's a paraphrase, maybe? The audio lecture should be listened to.) In and as Christ God became individualized as us, for we to become Him. We are in Him, of Him, through Him, and to Him--the Beloved of God, to become Him. YOU!! I am speaking about you and me. God loves us so much He went through hell for us, to make us Him. We are the man, the flesh He became. He suffers US. And only we can turn it around. Learn of Him, adopt His character and nature, His ways and opinion. Let us receive the Holy Ghost and humbly let His Spirit direct us where She will--feeling the glad happiness of being the chosen all the while. Isn't it wonderful!?

Edit: I made a slight mistake when I was saved in 1975. Finding that I had mentally separated myself from God, making myself untouchable to Him, I had volitionally cast self-control out of myself and repented of my self-lordship, achieving full surrender. I had not yet been forgiven and accepted by God, but I said, "You are Glorious God; I am a mudman. Whatever you tell me to do, that I will do," as though I HAD ALREADY BEEN forgiven and accepted. He hadn't killed me, so I unwittingly assumed His tolerance of me was a done deal. That was when God said, "Remember this, and it is all right," forgiving and accepting me, making it truly a done deal, and then giving me the ecstatic joy of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Remember this: I am His life, mentally keep it a done deal, and be imbued with His Holy Spirit.


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