The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Why Rome In The Revelation Of Jesus Christ??

Rome is the capital of the Christian Empire during the Church Age. Imagically, Rome is the federal head of the religious forces which oppose the Truth that God is One: that God is man, and that man is God. Rome is imagic of the Pharisees who murdered Jesus for making himself as one with God - just as Babylon murdered Judea/Israel, and Cain murdered Abel. Rome is imagic - God's language, actually - of man's perceptual ignorance and denial of his oneness with God, that man IS God. Each religious empire rejecting that God can be man goes on to murder the evidence that God is man. These empires are held accountable by God for rejecting the Truth: the Word of God that we are the direct manifestation of the field which is the ineffable Most High's consciousness.

All this indicates Satan's - our ignorance's - lie to Adam in the Garden of Eden. Satan's lie was not that Adam would die, but that he was perceptually dead to God's life. That is Saint Paul's take on it in Roman's 5:12, which is that we do not die because we sin, we sin because we are dead. When we flipped from spiritual life/experience with God to base human life and experience, we lost consciousness and our percetion of being God. THAT is the ignorance we are here to overcome and to move beyond to a richer, fuller experience of being God.

Our ignorance, "Satan," is the fruit of the flip. Ignorance's lie to us is that God is separate, "other"; that there is some sort of divide between the nothing we are made from and the No-thing God is. Satan lied not about our dying but about our being dead, in ignorance having lost the perception and awareness that we ARE God. There Can Not Be Two.

That God is separate from us is the lie of our own blinded perception. And it is the lie of the religious empire. The Purple Curtain cloaks the heart of the beast (see William M. Branham's 1933 prophecy), that those in power believe that by either subterfuge or murder their idols must be submitted to. When one does not work, they resort to the other. And the unperceiving world follows.

The pattern must complete. In that sense it is scheduled. But when the schedule completes is subject to our - the Christians' - expansion. We can extend it. Governments act on behalf of their constituents. We do not know when they will act, but we can assume every good thing is accepted with honor to God, giving no cause for offence by not fighting the peripheral. Frank C. Laubach (see Letters by a Modern Mystic, esp. March 9, 1930) called it a war of amazing love. With love we can choose our war. Jesus waited for His time. We can wait for ours by careful selection.

Edit: Well, this appeared on my YouTube doorstep as something of a gift and a hint. Listen carefully from about :40 to 1:09. He says the Roman doctrine is that divine life is dispensed by the church. #36 A SIX-MINUTE THEOLOGY COURSE SUMMARY--WHAT IS DANGEROUS WITH ROMAN CATHOLICISM?


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