The Becoming God

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Two Become One: Mind And Matter Become Manifestation

I am Fred A. Steele, Jr.. And my mother, Theo Marie. The two became one. Their genes-DNA-combined perfectly to create THEMSELVES AS ONE: me.

Adam was male and female. "He" is God's consciousness and power to become (intelligence), the inner man: mind.

Mind and earth combine perfectly-the two become one-in the manifestation of fulfillment, satisfaction.

"Man (mind) leaves his father and mother and catches himself a wife (earth-end imagined). And they (mind and earth) become both one flesh (fulfillment)."

The DNA of mind and earth combined. Genesis 2:9 "And the Lord God supplied from the earth all that is pleasing to the sight (vision of the end) and delicious to eat (pleasant to experience), and the Tree of Life in the midst of Paradise" (don't blame Alexander).

Adam is male and female. 'Wife' is something different: their fulfillment of mind and matter! The two become one in their children. This is what is going on in Proverbs 8. What we think becomes what we experience-our child. We supply the mental DNA-the wife comes from man.

I'd be remiss if I did not mention that Adam was God's consciousness/imagination BEFORE becoming flesh. Becoming flesh involved taking on amnesia-the ignorance of flesh: evil. We imagined being men/women to enter this sphere of experience: death. We successfully became one with it. TAD (temporary assigned duty).

Creation is, in my opinion, imagination. The manifestation in physical dust comes later. So creating man from the dust of the earth is God's imagined PLAN. In Genesis 2:21, the Lord God cast a calm over Adam and THEY slept, and He consecrated one of Adam's ribs-dreams-and He placed flesh-matter-in its stead. THEIR experience became "Wife" to THEM. "She" was consecrated from Adam-mind. The two had become both one flesh.

Where I'd be remiss is warning/reminding you that the one flesh which becomes manifest, your "acquisition" (read: Cain), is by its nature TRANSITORY (read: Abel). This is a 24/7, no-discharge-from-this-war type of thing. Fat and sassy doesn't cut it.


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