Sorry, but no. Virtually all transcribed lectures can be found with google searches akin to "Neville Goddard lecture texts," except of course commercial projects like Mitch Horowitz's book of Neville's final lectures. My blog is a freebie on, a gift from Google. I neither pay a nickel for it, nor get a nickel from it. WordPress type sites like mindserpent, though, are pay-to-play. No tickie, no laundry. If the site does not produce revenue, it is not unreasonable to give it up. I imagine you have a typewriter or word processor. I just typed up my own list, alphabetical with date if known and audio and/or text. The printouts are filed by date (a half-dozen binders), so I look up desired texts alphabetically on my list and pull them out of their binder by date. Easy-peasy. Of course, they are all in the computer, too. I need to listen to these final lectures to see if I need to correct some of the transcriptions. I have transcribed a few myself, and it is no easy matter to hear each word spoken and get the sentences written correctly.
God spoke to me audibly, so I set out to find what he has said to other people. I found he is in constant transition becoming himself MANIFESTED, and there is nothing other than himself, which makes him us and we him in the process of becoming him. The processes involved in his becoming are complicated to us, but he knows exactly what he is doing and lets us know. Thus I have learned to read the Bible a bit differently than others, and am here trying to get us in sync with his program.
Discovering that God is real and the world is per the Bible (Spirit based, not matter based), I realized everything I thought I knew--my whole secular and religious worldviews--were wrong! Studying the Bible in light of the God I discovered, I have found that most things taught about it are wrong, too. God is right, and the Bible was originally, too, but it has been edited, corrupted, falsified, mistranslated, misread and misinterpreted to mitigate our understanding of its message of oneness. "God is One," includes YOU!!!
404: Not Found
do you have an updated link?
Thank you
Anonymous, at 3:38 PM
Sorry, but no. Virtually all transcribed lectures can be found with google searches akin to "Neville Goddard lecture texts," except of course commercial projects like Mitch Horowitz's book of Neville's final lectures. My blog is a freebie on, a gift from Google. I neither pay a nickel for it, nor get a nickel from it. WordPress type sites like mindserpent, though, are pay-to-play. No tickie, no laundry. If the site does not produce revenue, it is not unreasonable to give it up. I imagine you have a typewriter or word processor. I just typed up my own list, alphabetical with date if known and audio and/or text. The printouts are filed by date (a half-dozen binders), so I look up desired texts alphabetically on my list and pull them out of their binder by date. Easy-peasy. Of course, they are all in the computer, too. I need to listen to these final lectures to see if I need to correct some of the transcriptions. I have transcribed a few myself, and it is no easy matter to hear each word spoken and get the sentences written correctly.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:58 PM
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