A Note to Maia
Hi Dan,
I've been following your blog since I had my awakening with Neville in June 2018.
I've found myself in a rut and wondered if you had experience or advice.
Essentially, I came to this awakening through being disappointed that a man I thought I was in love was absolutely NOT good for me. In not being able to accept that, I went to LOA stuff to try to "manifest" him back and as a good fit for me. I found Neville, and in sheer desperation, put in so much effort imagining that I suddenly imagined myself into the realization I was God. Neville talks about this, in that our desire for power is often the first step. Since then I can imagine so many things that happen, and they happen almost instantaneously - like, find my hat - I imagine holding my hat. "ladder experiment" type stuff. I KNOW it's true. But I feel sabotaged when it comes to imagining and assuming things like happiness, being wanted, confidence, wealth, etc. It's like demons try to shut me down and I see saw from happy to sad.
And after that initial Power I discovered, I crashed - perhaps into the lesson of Love? I realized no matter how powerful I was, it wasn't about changing this person but going into the state itself and letting God develop in Me.
However, ever since this disappointment and turnaround, when I start to imagine and assume the state I want so much (of being happily married to my helpmeet, being wanted, confident, etc - definitely have dealt with depression, powerlessness, and low self worth as a young woman), I find I lose my motivation and my focus. I feel zapped of energy and still in want, still focused on specific men, and when I try to put myself into the state of the end without specific individuals, it's shaky at best.
Today, I'm sad and depressed about another love disappointment. I know I'm being taught and shaped and tested for The Promise - and I'm in A LOT better of a place than I was since before June, maybe then I EVER was - but I really feel I'm passing through "hell" like Neville says, that my imagining skills are awful, and it's all just tiring.
How can I get my energy and focus back? It's so much easier for me to imagine love with these specific people, for example, because I am so attached to their form and think "if only they shift and change to fit what I need" - but I don't think that's right. Are there any stories of difficulty and hopelessness in the bible you can help and relate to Truth as expressed by Neville? Any guidance on how to manage heartbreak and emotions?
I know I just need to keep doing it and get back on the horse. But :( . It feels hard and lonely and I'm tired of NOT having what I want.
Congratulations on awakening. It is a beginning, isn't it? Just like when we first became Christians and began to grow in that.
I am no Ann Landers (newspaper advice columnist). I'm not a certified counsellor, psychologist, nor a minister, and have very little experience as a young woman looking for love (hormones, though, I do understand). So take my opinions and speculations with a grain of salt. I am listening and considering. You sound rational and mature, and obviously analytical. Perhaps you will find something useful in my rantings.
One reason you cannot control others as you have tried is they also are God. You know that. Sabotage comes FROM OUR OWN IGNORANCE. "Where am I ignorant in this?" is a good question to pose to the Lord (your imagination, a la Mark Virkler) when things seem to fail. God puts these things which challenge us in front of us so that we might find him in and/or through them.
Note in the sentence above that it is all for him. We are all for him, too. This is all about him. We are his/Its manifestation. How does he want to manifest? is another good question.
It might be in a) effort; and/or b) focus; or c) the wanting in "the state I want so much."
A) Somewhere Neville spoke about not putting effort into the process of enjoying the end state desired. Praise, rejoice, feel satisfied, but do not feel effort. Theta is dream state. Imagination, not work.
B) Perhaps you are not sure just what you do want. The feeling of being married, loved, secure, pride may be nebulous, or in conflict with other things you want--career, travel, etc.. Saint Augustine famously said, "Lord, make me pure, but not yet."
C) It is probably difficult if not impossible to not want what you do not yet have even when you are imagining the having of it. If you are there still feeling want and tired of not having what you want, you are going to manifest it. Our sub-consciousness really isn't that blind. We might need to somehow make it blinder, more fooled by more tones of reality. Jacob went with the requested food, hair, clothes, odors, stories and answers--the whole nine yards--to fool Isaac.
I would not have any advice on how to manage heartbreak and emotions. Other than revalue yourself according to God's value on you and involve yourself in work and/or ministry. You are tired of not having what you want. I heard the other day a woman in Africa say she was so tired of not having ANYTHING. One other thing, of course, is to pray in the Holy Spirit. Even if you know that you are God, and you are, you still need to be imbued with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Sender sent the Sender AS the Sent (us), and imbues That-Made-Ignorant (us) with Its own consciousness. It (Its own consciousness) is already GIVEN. It only needs to be received.
Last thing: regarding energy and focus: I mentioned above that it is all about God, not us even though we are God. Well, it is about us, but not what we think or want. It is about us as we manifest Him. The stories in the Bible that come to mind are about children--what is coming out of our lives. In 1 Kings 17 Elijah, the Power of God, was sent to a woman. Her son was dying, and Elijah positioned himself face to face with the kid three times, and the kid was restored. In Mark 5 Jairus call Jesus to heal his daughter. As the woman with the issue of blood, she is as dead. Jesus--YHWH's anointing--enters and raises her up. She is now as a twelve-year-old. (This reminds me of the restoration of Sarah, who became young again to bear Isaac.) My point: find your love in God, as Solomon did, and he will give you everything else you could have asked for. I guess that is pretty much what Emmet Fox said in the Golden Key.
Dan Steele
PS: Sorry if your emoji gets split.
This was VERY helpful and I have felt an expansion in my understanding, commitment to God, and self-empowerment all at once. Thank you!
Maia, at 11:32 AM
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