Interesting things to Think About: Comment and Response Regarding #6: What is Vibrating? Attitude! In Assumption!
I send you a greeting from Argentina. I've seen your posts, not all, but some, and they have fascinated me.
I would like to know your opinion about Non-Duality (Advaita Vedanta, Shivaism of Kashmir, Dzogchen, Sufism, etc.) because I have a series of theories that I would like to order. Regarding this, I mention that I admire Neville Goddard a lot. If you do not know him, he is a great Western mystic who has absorbed much of the oriental knowledge, as has the teacher Gurdjieff, from whom I have learned the Enneagram. My questions for you dear friend, would be the following:
1) What is non-duality for you? Which of all its branches do you consider the most important? What books do you recommend about this?
2) What is the enneagram for you?
3) How would you relate the non-dual worldview of reality and the use of the enneagram?
Understanding that Gurdjieff speaks of the octaves as a level of reality, everything that I see at this moment, the events that happen to me, the people with whom I relate, etc. that is to say, all my current reality correspond to this "frequency", tone (octave) that I am emitting. If I change the octave, that is, if I raise my vibrational level, does it change everything around? That is, other events happen to me, I see the best version of the people around me? If I go up, upload everything with me?
I hope you understand I am using the Google translator (because I speak Spanish), and I await your response. Congratulations for what you are doing.
Additional question: Is there any relationship between our Native Americans and the Shiva of Kashmir (India)?
Can I find you on Facebook?
Radio 101.1 FM
Dear Radio 101.1 FM,
Thank you for your comment and questions. I am very familiar with Neville Goddard. Non-dualism appears in Advaita Vedanta, Shivaism of Kashmir, Dzogchen, Sufism, Judaism, Christianity, etc., in their mystic occurrence, because it is the only real thing that is going on. Non-dualism is the reality God has been drawing the whole world's attention to throughout history. Succinctly, we are Him and He is us.
What is non-duality? There is an ineffable beingness, a consciousness which is becoming manifest of its own resources. There is not anything other than that. The universe is that becoming. No matter how far up you go, there is no break in the continuity between the highest and the lowest. "God is one" is all-inclusive.
The Enneagram is a way of looking at basic personality traits developed in childhood which continue through a person’s lifetime if not acted upon; i.e., if the person does not leave them upon maturing. When we grow up to become a man or woman, we put away the childish things. The Enneagram does not serve much purpose except to indicate some ways in which one’s person may be improved from its truncated state.
In my opinion, everything about vibration is a lie. In NONE of the religions I am aware of is vibration ever even mentioned, and that would not be because they didn’t know about it . . . if it existed as a factor. No, they say to follow the Law, to practice vedanta, dharma, rightness, and to "love YHWH thy God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength." If I may use the crude vernacular, vibration is unmitigated bullshit. It is put forth as doctrine by manifestations of the Ignorance — demons — to distract, deceive, and delude. We are supposed to be becoming aware of what the Ineffable Most High is so that we may become that, too. We can either look at the nonsense of vibration, or at the nature and characteristics of the Ineffable. Which are you going to choose?
I am not saying that we do not transmit from our hearts and minds into the consciousness which is resident in the electromagnetic field. We transmit our whole being into that consciousness constantly. But that transmission is ourselves--attitudes, opinions, desires, needs, affections--much more than any "vibration." When God responds, He speaks our language. And He does respond as a deliberate, discriminating, conscious person--mano y mano. There is no impersonal power or force out there.
We were the Imagination of the Ineffable, not knowing what we actually were. Vibration is the essence of the Ignorance (capital ‘i’) from our ancient, pre-incarnate state (see Neville Goddard's lecture, "Unless I Go Away"; we started out like the sunflowers). We are supposed to be overcoming this Ignorance, not majoring in it. I do not believe in a personal Satan, but if there were one, all this vibration b.s. would be his signature work. Do not worry about your vibration, rejoice in your knowledge of God. For the Kingdom of God has to do with ATTITUDES.
So yes, apart from vibration, if one takes on the attitudes commonly ASSOCIATED with raising one’s vibration, he or she will create a better version of the world, because he or she will be better. In ASSUMPTION one is communicating to God a new being which He has become, and God (as one with them) causes HIS manifestation to become. THAT is non-dualism.
Sorry, I have no Facebook page. I might in the future. The only books I know of about non-duality are the Bible, properly read, and God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism by David A. Cooper (1997, New York: Riverhead Books;
Dan Steele
I appreciate the time you have taken to answer me. Thank you.
According to what I understand, removing concepts such as "vibration" the example of sunflowers speaks of what I was trying to say. The external world reflects my internal state, therefore if I change my internal state it also changes the internal state of everyone around, not only mine. It is understood? Like animals, not one animal more evolved than another, they all evolve together.
I'm going to read that book by Rabbi David at some point, I suppose that Ein Sof is similar to our wonderful human imagination (shiva and shakti)
I would like to read your answer to continue the conversation, it is interesting. Regards!
Radio FM Pais // 101.1, at 10:13 AM
With respect to the Enneagram:
I think there is still a lost piece of the puzzle of all this. And I will give you my opinion the way I can try to express it. You may have heard of the Enneagram, a very old method for defining the "color" that the person has taken at birth. That "color" accompanies him all his life, he somehow determines his likes and dislikes, his likes and dislikes in a very exact way, and I say it from my own experience. The problem with this knowledge is that it stays in that, the western one stays anchored in the personal use of the enneagram, as if it were a horoscope, then people say things like "wow I have a character of type 5 and you an 8" Okay, but for the Sufis the thing goes much further. Imagine the cover of Pink Floyd's album "Dark Side of the Moon" (the prism with a ray of light on one side and the colors reflected once pierced the prism) Birth is light colliding in the prism, in manifest reality Take a certain color, but WE ARE the prism and the light. When you meet other people, different from you, it is because they wear a different color and see the different world is simply because they are dressed in a different color. No color is better than another, they all function in a coordinated way in a broader reality (example: if you look with a microscope a piece of meat in decomposition, you will see groups of bacteria, some behave one way, another group behaves in a way Totally different, but all of them are doing a task that maybe from the sight of a bacteria can not be known). In a few words the enneagram serves to recognize what aspects of you or what corner of your consciousness represents the person you have in front of you. I would love to hear your opinion about it. regards
Radio FM Pais // 101.1, at 10:25 AM
Yes, I believe Neville used an example of this in "Mental Diets" or "How to Use Your Imagination." He speaks of a woman, his wife actually, who did not get along with her employer. She mentally argued with him all day. He advised her to change her conversation with him, and her employer changed his attitude towards her. The world images our inner being as an organic whole, for the Ineffable is one. I take that to heart when I am not getting along with my wife. Andrew Carnegie warned of the consequences of not taking control of our own minds in Napoleon Hill's Law of Success.
Something deeper to reflect upon from Neville: Is there any reality at all? All is consciousness, imagination. All different states and time are immediately available to Mind. Our change of internal state may change everyone else's internal state because all are the Ineffable's imagination . . . so is anyone really there except the Ineffable?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:52 AM
With regards to the enneagram, we are not originating in this life. We are all evolving over the ages through our experiences in manifestation. At one time we might have been bushes, bugs, or the bacteria you mention. What our interests were in our last life we bring with us into the next, albeit behind the amnesia we come in. You can categorize these types of personality or interests roughly with the enneagram, but I am not much interested in that. Whatever we are is destined to fulfill scripture, and I am looking THAT way, toward THAT. We are all going to fit through that door regardless of the baggage we carry at birth.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:18 AM
". . . the enneagram serves to recognize what aspects of you or what corner of your consciousness represents the person you have in front of you." I kind of see where you are coming from in this. The internal state of the person in front of you represents some facet of your internal state. An astute observation. But the enneagram is laborious, is it not? Why not just ask God? He is more than capable to inform and enlighten through our intuition and thoughts. I should mention Gregg Braden's youtube video "The Seven Essene Mirrors," which has to do with the out-picturing of our inner states, and Mark Virkler's Our Message in 8 Minutes," which has to do with hearing God virtually all the time. I would be very surprised if there were not some Spanish version available of these. If not, you have a calling.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:36 AM
Every word is a God when I'm speechless
Radio FM Pais // 101.1, at 11:40 AM
Suggested by Argentine Radio:
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:45 AM
Exact. You follow me The enneagram in its mystical sense represents the 9 holy ideas of the mind of God, that is, 9 aspects of myself. Because "I Am" the Atman. 9 "colors" that have resulted from our incarnation in the world, but as we know, each color is a fragment of light. All the people that I see with my eyes are fragments of that light that I was.
Now I will try to delve into the "vibration" or "frequency":
Take for example the color red, there are different shades of red, from the lightest to the darkest shade of red. I exist in a tonality, but suddenly I raise my tonality, all those that exist around me also raise their tonality.
I have arguments to support this theory. I'm working on a book about it to be able to express myself better. It is simply a way of seeing
Radio FM Pais // 101.1, at 11:55 AM
I see. I have one suggestion: you say every word is a God when I am speechless. Watch your use of articles regarding God (I realize you are using a translator, and might not be accurately translated). There is only one God, and everything is Him. We are not gods, becoming gods, "like" God, or anything which suggests there being two Gods. Advaita is, perhaps, not one, but it also is not two. The English Psalm 82:6 is translated as "I say you are gods." Elohim. But Elohim is a singular word with a plural ending (-im): "Over the Flames." What God is saying is, quite literally, "You are God." That is what he was saying in Exodus 3:14, "I am you/you are Me." So nothing is "a" God; everything is THE God.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:03 PM
From Radio FM Pais:
That is what I am saying.
Everything is a symbol, an epiphany, a message when you look at the world from the eyes of your REAL I. "You are gods, but you have forgotten." There is only one God, and that includes you.
And from me, Dan Steele:
Almost. I take exception to “You are gods.” We are God. But we have forgotten. We are to do nothing solo as “a god.”
Yo no hablo español. Por favor no me hagas correr la cosa a través de un traductor. Gracias.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:26 PM
“Everything is a symbol, an epiphany, a message when you look at the world from the eyes of your REAL I.” THAT, by the way, is an imagic (image+ic) world view. Welcome to the club.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:33 PM
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