The Becoming God

Friday, August 17, 2018

A word from John Otvos, who recently left this comment:

“I've been reading a great deal about Neville. I was recently introduced to him through a SuperSoul Sunday between Wayne Dyer and Oprah. None of us can deny someone else's vision or direct experience of reality, whether of this physical world or a metaphysical reality. My own particular philosophy is to be very wary of anyone who has all the answers and is not in awe of the great mystery we know as life. To have all the answers is a soft form of fundamentalism.”


Thank you for the comment. I clicked on your name and liked your site. I hope others will visit from here to get a taste of your point of view and a dose of your information. Few of us can withdraw to the Canadian wilderness, so take a good, long look at it and say, “Thank you.”

I hope you do not think Neville was not in awe of the Mystery. I think he had just found a way to meld with it and stay conscious. It is, after all, zero distance away. I have like reservation as you mentioned with Wayne Dyer and Oprah, neither of which I have ever been able to watch a full program. Fundamentalism cuts both ways, and I am more on the conservative side. But I hope people will take your advice regarding meat and dairy to heart.

“I wasn’t really afraid of death because I had already experienced a near fatal car crash in Hendersonville, NC in 2003. My apprehension was of not living; of not being able to do all the things that give me enormous joy such as hiking, canoeing, woodworking, reading and the growing of vegetables for sustenance. All of these activities are just being with All That There IS. Communing with people who love deep communication and silence is what the Sufis refer to as sohbet. These personal joys are the direct connection with the natural world, a deep spirituality if you will, that our modern civilization has unconsciously decided to forego in lieu of materialism. The world of ideas is what has sustained me all these years in the aloneness.”

Also, John’s personal manifesto:


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