The Becoming God

Monday, June 12, 2017

Sitting Around Like a Dork While Unity Fiddles and Burns

Perhaps like me, you have been known to waste time, to procrastinate, to be slow to get anything done. Neil Douglas-Klotz in The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus (Quest Books, 1999), notes that the name (nature) Alaha means Sacred Unity. Gandy and Freke in Jesus and the Lost Goddess (Three Rivers Press, 2001), conclude that the lost "Goddess" (spoiler alert!) is our oneness, our unity with God. Is there anything in the world more important to be doing than exercising and promulgating our unity with God? I catch myself sitting around like a dork while this unity lies waste in my life and the lives of others. Can you guess what the church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be doing?

Neville Goddard was not so. He practiced (!) unity with God and preached it "24-7." After discovering that we are what we are, he PRACTICED revisioning, meditating, hearing, and envisioning. Initially, it takes intense effort to "hear as though one heard." He keeps telling us through his lectures that it is not enough to know about causation by imagination, we have to DO it. And as it did for him, it takes PRACTICE: constant, repetitive practice. If Consciousness is the only reality, where ought we be and be learning how to live?


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