The Becoming God

Thursday, June 16, 2016

It is Not the Law of Attraction, But the Law of Assumption: A Call For Abandoning the Misleading Term 'Attraction'

I know Neville Goddard once described getting thoughts lined up like the electrons in a magnet, but he quickly dropped the idea. He read a lot, and the idea of magnetic attraction, the so-called Law of Attraction, came and went, because it is unmitigated B.S.

Neville is also credited by many to have been a teacher of New Thought. He hated New Thought; he lambasted the idea to its perpetrators' faces. There is no New Thought: we are destined to fulfill Scripture, the very scriptures we inspired the prophets to write.

When Neville speaks of the Law, he is invariably speaking of the Law of ASSUMPTION. Assuming thought precedes manifestation. That is the Law we are in and the Law we can use for good in this life. It is the Law proponents of the Law of Attraction use to "attract" the things they want. There is no Law of Attraction outside gravity and electromagnetism. It is unmitigated B.S.

A positive mental attitude and a pleasing personality will give you a magnetic charisma, but if you want something for yourself or for another you are going to have to assume that you have it. Pick up any of the jillions of Law of Attraction handbooks that are being sold and what are its instructions? Assume that you have what you want and are delighted with it. It is the Law of Assumption.

"Well then, why don't they just come right out and call it the Law of Assumption?"

The Law of Assumption presumes the existence of a First Assumer, a conscious Person who made the first assumption, which assumption we can now take advantage of by assuming ourselves: God. The Ineffable Most High God. The Law of Assumption is His. His existence is required by the Law of Assumption.

"Well, what is wrong with that?"

The Law of Attraction is just happenstance. In theory, it is just an artifact of the impersonal forces of the universe: things which have similar vibration frequencies tend to gather together. So if you get the frequency of a new computer vibrating in your thoughts, a new computer will drift up the street and knock on your door. The Law of Assumption, on the other hand, posits a powerful, personal intelligence who ORCHESTRATES the fulfillment of your assumption of having a new computer. And when the assumption works, you have evidence of the Divine Orchestrator who is conscious of your imagination and powerful to bring it to pass. There is Someone to act. With the Law of Assumption, you have to deal with the Personal Divine. That insinuates a moral standard, and the proponents of the Law of Attraction want nothing to do with a moral standard. They are making money hand-over-fist with the lying facade of 'Attraction' for what is really the Ineffable Most High God's Assumption. There might be a twinge of guilt for them in that.

"Well then, why don't the Most High God just whack them liars?"

Unconditional love. You are seeing the unconditional love of God in action. He knows that He is going to get His way eventually. The liars are Him in ignorance, and He unconditionally forgives them while they are lying, just as he unconditionally forgives you for your ignorance right now. When they start to wake up spiritually, they will recognize His assumption and will repent to His Law. Hey, they are getting a lot of practice in it in the meantime. They are just missing honoring Him -- exactly the case in the Book of Malachi: "If I am a Father, where is my honor?" The Jews were bringing all of the tithes into the storehouse and were reaping the benefits of God's faithfulness, but they attributed it to . . . the Law of Attraction (the pleasing of their idols)! (You have got to read it in Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic to understand what God really said

Why don't we all call it what it is: the Law of Assumption, and recognize the existence of the God Who Assumes and Fulfills?


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