The Becoming God

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Why the Law of Attraction Works . . . is Why It is Wrong

The Law of Attraction works because you have to imagine to do it. It is actually imagining. Imagining works because it is God, and God IS.

Yet the Law of Attraction would deny that God is. "It is just my higher vibration rate. My vibration is attracting what I imagined to me."

It is God who does the work. Not a separate God watching from a distance, but God who is one with us because he is our imagination.

"Why not say it is the vibration rate that is attracting what I want to me instead of God's invisible orchestrations?"

Because vibrations don't talk. God does. Vibrations don't appear to people, react to communication, judge intentions, demonstrate their own volition, and act at specific times, in specific ways, in response to specific acts of faith. God does. And vibrations don't converse with and guide us. God does. And these things are done.

Imagining works because the Master of the Universe has become our imagining and works through our imagining. He does this whether we know or acknowledge him or not, but denying him simply means that we will have to repeat this process of discovery again and again until we do discover him. Believing the BS that the "Law of Attraction" is delays the fulfillment of our destiny, which is for us to become just as the Ineffable. I do not want to delay it because this place, the death of forgetting and the afflictions resultant from forgetting, is "Hell." For myself, I would much rather deal with this loving God and amscray out of here as soon as possible.


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