The Becoming God

Thursday, April 09, 2015

The Way to Success is to Imagine It

Imagination is ALL consciousness--ALL of ones awareness, subconscious and thinking mind, emotions and attitudes. Ones imagination extends far beyond the physical brain of the mortal body; its real seat is the Original Mind, which oversees the entire universe. "Imagination" is the Ineffable.

We need money and provision in this "world of Caesar," so do what Neville Goddard said and use the Law or nature of God to get it. But remember, the promise he talked about is more important, and much more valuable. The Promise operates in the world of God, the spiritual realm. For this Neville studied the Bible intently and ceaselessly all of his adult life. Not for the Law--he learned that from Abdullah during the Great Depression. But it WORKED, and he found the Promise through the discovery of God in its successful operation.

The operation of the Law is successful because imagination is the Ineffable. We are individual outposts of that Whole, and integral to It by Its Manifestation, Jesus Christ. 

Here is "the Muslim Mistake": Jesus Christ is not a prophet the Christians worship as God; Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy, the Manifestation of God who indwells every human alive. Mohammad prophesied by the operation of the Manifestation of God within him--i.e., BY Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn't a guy; he is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God within us, the spirit of God animating us.

The "Christian Mistake" is their believing that Jesus Christ, the Manifestation of God and the Spirit of Prophecy within us, always was, is, and ever shall be a separate human man.

Both mistakes are the results of our ignorance from our descent into the complete forgetfulness of our being God. In Genesis 1: 1, Jesus Christ as "the Beginning" created us as God: the Heavens and the Earth. I.e., he became consciousness--power and wisdom--in physical manifestation.

Jesus only became a man in that he became every one of us. If the Ineffable ever imagined becoming a man directly, which It could do, He'd still be one of us, which is the whole point of the Gospel--we ARE the Ineffable becoming by imagining. He is not imaginary, he is imagination. We are all the manifestation of the Father, and the religious rejection of each other is due to the fact that we "know not the Father," whom each of us IS.

Our subtle, inner nature is love, patience and kindness. We should be embracing one another in holiness. To war is manifestation of our ignorance of what it is that we are supposedly fighting for--the love of the Father .  . who happens to be Jesus Christ in us.


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