The Becoming God

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Unexamined Lives are Undirected Train Wrecks

It is not that we wanted our lives to be train wrecks; our lives have been undirected train wrecks. It has been for us to take control of our minds and to direct our lives, and we have not.

Think only the positive and helpful, kind and loving. It has been for us to think good in response to what has been bad, to want and to think good for all.

We cannot reject bad until we know it. What "goes south" (bad) during the day we ought to revise in our minds at night as having gone well. "Resist the Devil (our ignorantly thinking bad) and it shall flee."

Reject thinking any longer on bad images. Revise the mind to believe what would have been good has been received. OUR CONSTANT POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND BELIEF FOR EVERYONE IS WHAT WE ARE HERE TO LEARN. It is a God of love. Be ye imitators of him.


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