The Becoming God

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Exodus 3:14 does not say “I AM THAT I AM” or “I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE,” but "I BECOME."

Exodus 3:14 does not say “I AM THAT I AM” or “I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE.” The word they translate as am or will be means become. He is the Becoming God.

“I AM” sounds pretty impressive. It is. That God simply is is mind boggling. I realize now, though, that it is a low view of God. An insult, actually. That God simply is—so what? There he is, self-existent, all powerful, omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent. Whoopty-do. What in the world does that have to do with us? He is over there, and we are over here. Let him go and mind his own bees’ wax.

I read Exodus 3: 14 in Victor Alexander’s translation from the actual ancient Aramaic ( Mr. Alexander, God bless him, could not translate the Aramaic into English, because the ideas behind the words need explanation. Mr. Alexander has a high view of God and wouldn’t cheapen the meaning of the words, so he provides the explanation instead.

In short, it says that God says that he comes by becoming. This is a world of difference from I AM. “I AM” is over there. “I COME BY BECOMING” involves us.


Suddenly the ground we stand on is holy ground: “I came by becoming you.” The I AM is immediately present, advaita (Sanskrit: sans division). The mirror becomes as threatening as the clouds and lightenings and peels of thunder about the throne of the Most High in Heaven—it is right here—not an inch away: the Great I AM is . . .

. . . Me. The Becoming God transcended from glory higher than any light to the contraction and opaqueness of rock. I am the rock, as are you. We are the southern end, if you would, of God’s transcendence. Sans division. When he says, “Come unto me” and “I will come unto you,” it is not distance but clarity, amperage. He pots up the power.

Where? In the head-ball and in the bowels. We call it mind, thought, consciousness, feelings and emotions, but it is all imagination—the visual/verbal effect of life manifesting power that is conscious AS US. God became us at the point of imagination, and is becoming through us via imagination because the imagination is him—the Becoming God.


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