The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Greatest Secret in the World

The greatest secret in the universe is no secret at all: it is advaita. 'Advaita' is Sanskrit for no, or without, division. The “secret” is that there is no real separation between, well, anything. While any two things may seem be separate and not one, they are not actually two. The "field" of existence of all things discernible and things beyond discernment is one integrated whole.

The patchwork of ideas that is the Bible is understood by advaita. Scripture is not biographies of people or history, it is theology, and the conclusion of theology is that God is everything. "It" is not any distance from us but comes “closer” by our increased understanding and awareness of It. This is what the Bible plainly says, but we misread it.

Moses did not believe in a Hindu God, but he arrived at the same conclusion: I BECOME. YHWH is advaita. Each letter of YHWH represents a value in the nature of God. It doesn't matter in which order the values are arranged, it is always the same God that is pictured. Pictured, because God speaks to us in illustrations, and YHWH is a portrait of God.

YHWH is Adam and Eve. Yod (Y) and Adam are the divine life-force of the Source of all, the Ineffable. Hey (H) and the rib, or phallus, are the nature of the divine life-force to increase, the driving force to expand. Vav (W) and Eve are the desire for effective existence. The second hey (H) is us. We are copies of the first, recipients of the divine life-force's nature to increase. We all together -- yod, hey, vav and us -- are YHWH, God. "The Lord our God is one," and we are in it! THAT's what Moses was talking about.


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