The Becoming God

Friday, November 10, 2023

Wrong Way Dannigan: Neville Goddard's Realization--God Speaking To Us From Without Is Our Human Imagination--OUR God--Whispering To Us From The Depths Of Our Souls Within

(Wrong Way Dannigan is a takeoff on Wrong Way Corrigan, who famously "accidentally" flew east from New York to Ireland instead of west to California in a bailing-wire-held-together leaking crate of an aircraft in 1938. We get a bit of data/input and, misinterpreting it, wrongly conclude and head off in the wrong direction. Welcome to the Western Church, Corrigan.)

 It was a beautiful Sunday morning, late April or early May, in Honolulu, Hawaii. In the House of Praise I was having a vision. Yes, it was my imagination, wherein in response to a question by the pastor (what has Jesus done for you?), I saw/imagined Jesus scourged for my sins. Carrying the cross, He went into shock. I wanted so much to trade places with Him. I heard, "If you died for your sins, you would only be dead, for the wages of sin--your sins--is death." I could only accept and appreciate what sinless Jesus was doing. His back ripped up like hamburger, they laid Him on the cross and stretched out His right arm to nail it to the cross. The Jesus in my imagination looked down His arm directly at me, and said, "Come unto Me." I did not hear the words in my imagination; I heard them in the nervous system of my brain! I heard the words as a physically audible voice coming from without, though not through either ear. The "withoutness" of the voice was my mistake.

I assumed that the real, historical Jesus was seated in power as God in heaven, far, far away, and, divinely monitoring what was going on in my brain, He had transcendently caused His words to manifest in my physical brain rather than in my imagination. I figured that as God He had the power to do that by remote control. That was all it took to set me off on the wrong direction for forty-plus years of seeking God. For I had been nonplussed by what Jesus said to me: "Come unto Me." "How do I do that?" I wondered. "He is in heaven. That is like a kazillion miles away, and is spirit. How can I get there? There is no rope or road. I can learn of Him, I can pray to Him, but how can I go to Him?"

Listening to mp3s while crossing the southwestern desert last week, I heard Neville Goddard say, speaking of Moses' experience in Exodus 3, "He heard as coming from without what really was whispered from the depths of his soul" (Is Causation Imaginal? 23:45-50). Neville said the same of Eddie's experience on the hill with a rattler (25:00 and 38:40), and of The Great Commandment, Deuteronomy 6:4 (39:15). Our individual imaginations in us are our individual portions of God. They are all One, and we shall love our 'I AM', our God, with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind. Oh. Jesus--God--hadn't spoken from a distant heaven, but from inside me. Just go THERE, for there He IS.

When Neville was in boot camp in 1942, God spoke to him. Neville asks, "Where was that voice? It was within me. That very voice I heard as coming from without was whispering from within me" (Imagination Plus Faith, 17:26).

I encourage everyone to get Mitch Horowitz' Neville Goddard's Final Lectures and to LISTEN TO NEVILLE'S AUDIOS of those lectures while you read along. These were Neville's 1972 lectures, and while I count over 640 "editings" (variances from what Neville said, which someone insists were not errors on his part), that we each are both Jesus and Christ is Neville's main theme in them.

Think of all the withouts in the Bible that must really have been withins!! I understand that the "man" Adam is the Divine's life-blood, the Ineffable's Consciousness. He (we) sensed God walking in the Garden and hid. God wasn't without!! Satan is our ignorance, and the lie of Satan is that God is separate, divided from and other than us. But actually we are not to pray to a god without, but to God Who is WITHIN us and IS our imagination.

"Come unto Me," says my imagination. That is reachable. That I can do.

PS: I am a big fan of the individual books of Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic. They are an Eastern Church perspective very different from the world of error that exists in Western Bibles.


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