The Becoming God

Friday, October 13, 2023

Listening To God: When Things Go Wrong, He's Saying "You Have Got The Wrong God. Can't You Hear Me Knocking?"

God has shown me one of the greatest Gospel songs of all time: "Can't You Hear Me Knocking?" by Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones. I am concerned for all the stress and heartbreak and suffering in China and everywhere else. Toxins, pollution, fraud, theft, corruption, evil government, floods, drought, kidnapping, bankruptcy, organ harvesting, joblessness, persecution--the list goes on and on. Many people are devastated, at wits' end, desperate, and there is no relief. Then I saw it's God talking: "You've got the wrong God." Things go well when you've got the right God. Things going bad is His saying, "You've got the wrong God." When you see in life that God makes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on both the good and the wicked, but things go well for the believers who do well and evil for the ones who do certain evil, it's like, "Hey, there's a god, a real god--the real God--that discriminates between good and evil and who has the power--real power--to make things go good or bad depending upon whether He is your god or something else is your god. Something else has been my god; I'm going to make this God my God."

Good or bad, it is God talking. Listen. Can't you hear Him knocking?

PS: The Suffering Servant took all "things going wrong" upon Himself. For so He was destined from before that the world was. The Aramaic, according to Alexander, says that on the cross Jesus said, "Unto this You destined Me."


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