The Becoming God

Sunday, September 03, 2023

What Is Rejected Will Leave

The departure/elimination of the rejected is a principle I read about in Dr. Joseph Murphy's writings, probably in The Power of the Subconscious Mind. That what you reject - that what God rejects - will leave/be eliminated is a scary thought, my friend. Murphy was talking about people complaining about their wages, their bosses, and maybe about their spouses. Don't do it, Murphy warns. Complaint and criticism are rejection, and what is rejected will leave; i.e., it will become separated from you--eliminated. You become separated from your low wages, your deplorable boss, and your unappreciated spouse BY GETTING FIRED. Vic Alexander in his translations from the ancient Aramaic uses term obliviation: "Obliviation refers to the act or process of causing someone or something to be forgotten, erased, or eliminated from memory, typically through magical or supernatural means."

What is scary about it is that this is an eternal principle, a characteristic in the nature of God that always is. Everything that rejects Him, doesn't want to obey Him, doesn't appreciate Him, GETS FIRED. That can become a very literal experience. "I don't believe in a literal hell," you say. I don't either. But I do believe that THIS experience is states of consciousness I IMAGINE. What is "real" to me is being imagined into "real" existence by God. I can imagine people believing that they are in the state of a literal hell. Knowing that you are only imagining experiencing hell won't make you any happier there.

So don't complain. Instead, imagine things well, happy--all that Philippians 4:8 stuff. Engage in the war of self-controlled happy-thought. Imagine the experience of good and light in spite of all evil and darkness. That this is necessary is kind of weird to me: to get myself acceptable to God in the first place I had to relinquish all self-control of myself. I saw that my sin against Him was I was directing "my" life, that I did everything I wanted with it. But He led me to realize that this is GOD'S life, and my self-lordship was rebellion against Him. So to get acceptable to Him I had to cast all control of myself out of myself and surrendered fully to Him. Now the battle is to control my thoughts to God's thoughts, to that what I believe is His will. Everything else is "fornication." I do not want to be what He rejects.

Note that the temptation to sin, to imagine other than what He would want, is adultery. Just the word fornication suggests that imagining is generative. We are to imagine--assume as existing, if you would--Paradise. Paradise is Him. Paradise is Him in us, and us in Him. What a battle it is to consistently imagine THAT in light of our daily dose of THIS. Life is the constant appeasing of the hunger we wake up with, and it is likely the wrong one. "I haven't even had coffee yet, and You want me to war?" Well, that is the world we are in--the visible AND the invisible. The physical is a lot easier to hold onto, but it is the spiritual that matters. Fight to imagine it, to assume it real. Be there. Be it. And thank God for self-control.


Edit: Remember Lot's wife. Our ignorance has us looking back on all the "good" things we are leaving. It makes us pine for the "leeks of Egypt"--things we don't, can't, and shouldn't have. Instead of that, we SHOULD be praying for--assuming--what good things God desires for all of us--all that Lord's Prayer stuff.

Per Vic:

"Our heavenly Father,
hallowed is your name.
Your Kingdom is come.
Your will is done,
As in heaven so also on earth.
Give us the bread for our daily need.
And leave us serene,
just as we also allowed others serenity.
And do not pass us through trial,
except separate us from the evil one.
For yours is the Kingdom,
the Power and the Glory
To the end of the universe,
of all the universes." Amen!


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