The Becoming God

Saturday, October 05, 2019

For Your Theological Benefit: John 1:1 from the Ancient Aramaic per Victor Alexander: God is the Embodiment of the Manifestation

You could have knocked me over with a feather. Eyes going blink blink blink; mind just about apoplexed. Everyone knows the King James Version of John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Perhaps that reading was so entrenched in my mind that when I read Alexander’s translation of the ancient Aramaic, I auto-corrected it. Wrongly. I had long contemplated the meaning and implications of the Milta, the Aramaic version of the Greek Logos. The Milta, I always thought, is the Manifestation of God, i.e., Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God. WHEN HAD THEY CHANGED THE VERSE? I wondered. Now it was backwards! I read it again:

"In the beginning [of creation] there was the Milta; And that Milta was with Allaha; and Allaha was [the embodiment of] that Milta." (Allaha is the Aramaic word we translate 'God,' a Germanic concept which never existed in either Hebrew or Aramaic. Milta, Aramaic, is the essential connotation for a person or thing. There is no true English equivalent for this concept, notes Alexander.)

Blink. Blink (mind still frying). Yeah, there it is. Who changed this verse? Obviously, it was supposed to say, "and that Milta was the embodiment of Allaha." For God is embodied by the Christ, right? Like he (God) is embodied by us. Maybe Vic made a mistake. Or maybe he or I misunderstand what the word 'embodiment' means. But no, the ancient Aramaic John 1:1 is saying that God is the embodiment of the Manifestation. What a subtle twist from what I have always thought! "And the Word was God" means that the Word, the Manifestation, is in a superior position over God, because the Manifestation is the one godding! I.e., God comes from the Manifestation! It is what the Manifestation does. Is your mind frying yet?

Instead of the Ineffable --> God --> Manifestation,
we have the Ineffable --> Manifestation --> God.

Oh. Wait. Suddenly, that sounds right. The Ineffable's consciousness and imagination is Its Manifestation, and God is what that imagination DOES. ‘God’ is a verb, and imagination is its operant power:

2. This was in the beginning with God.
3. Everything was within his power* (in his hand),
[otherwise] nothing would ever exist* ("And without his hand, not one [thing that] became would have become").
4. Through him [there] was Life* (Lives)
and Life became the spark* (light) of humanity
5. And that [ensuing] fire* (light) lights the darkness
and darkness does not overshadow it.

This is a reset idea! We are bits of that imagination, of the Ineffable's mind. God is from us. It is what we do. Allaha is the Ineffable's ACTIVITY. We are the Ineffable's imagination DOING it. This is what the code YHWH means. The world is our manifestation. We god it out of ourselves, as it is what we are doing unconsciously. We were doing it unaware as the Ineffable's imagination--the BIG DOING, before being sent here as bits to become conscious and aware.

When Christ said, "behold I am with you all the days, until the end of the universe, amen" (Matthew 28:20), he wasn't kidding time-wise. We are the manifestation he is: we inner-mans continue! We are of God, because God is of us. For the Ineffable's imagination is all of us godding.

14. And the Manifestation became flesh and made his dwelling amongst (literal: in) us, and we saw His glory, glory as [that] uniquely [of the nature] of the Creator, full of grace and blessing.

The Manifestation is IN us.

16. And because of his abundant [grace] (abundance) we have all been fulfilled (satisfied), blessing upon blessing (grace upon grace).
17. The Law came to us by the hand of Moses. [But] the truth and grace was through Jesus Christ.
18. No human [being] ever saw God, except for the only born God, He who existed in the bosom of his Father, [Who] proclaimed* Him.

PS: The ancient beginning of Genesis, verse 1, can be read: "As the Beginning, the Son (of the Ineffable) created (imagined) God, the Heavens, and the Earth."


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