What Does Your Theology Tell You To Do?
This question has popped into my mind a number of times today: What does your theology tell you to do? Is that what you are doing? Why not? Nothing is more important than God. Maybe you ought to be DOING what your theology tells you to do.
Come to think of it, what we do is the expression of our real theology. We may believe God is moral and that we have to follow the law and conform to his character, but if we lie and thieve and lust, we are fitting these into our PRACTICAL theology: God accepts/will overlook/forgives this crap. What we practice is our real theology.
But few of us are stupid enough to actually believe that miscreant behavior is acceptable as the norm. Our fantasy theology knows that God is moral and righteous and fair. He has integrity and fidelity to that integrity -- that's the stuff he was talking about when he said, "I do not change." This does not necessarily work to our advantage, because our expressed deficiency must then be judged as the crap it is and our life restored to the torment and affliction of these futile terrestrial spheres until our genuine, expressed theology does conform to his nature. The three days have to be complete before we get to ascend, and three days can be a long, long time.
In Acts 24: 25, Governor Felix heard from Paul about righteousness, self-control and the Judgment to come. He trembled and am-scrayed* out of there with a "Later, dude." It is better to get serious about what is real. I mean real real, on the God-scale of things being real and consequential. We don't get a pass until our fantasy theology is our practical theology. Might as well consider how to be right and act right and how to take it all to heart, to conform to the Image who has become us.
* Pig Latin for 'scrammed'.
My theology tells me to see what is not yet present as if it were.
To think things into their existence, tells me that giving is the greatest, surest form of receiving and it is usually the beginning of the manifestation. That the concrete thing you do is not to be seen as good or bad, the state in which you do those things are negative or positive.
My theology tells me to just feel as I AM, and to know that I AM.
By the way, Thank you for your service.
Bruno, at 4:12 PM
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