The Becoming God

Thursday, April 28, 2016

How to Really Pray: Reflections on the Teaching of Neville Goddard

Prayer works because it is imagining. The world was created by, is sustained by, and operates by the principle of imagination. God had no other way to create the world than to imagine it. He had no other way to make it real than to imagine it existing. God has no other way to sustain, direct, or change the world than by imagining it existing in these states.

All the universe is one big imagining of God's, and he is up to it. Ultimately (and this does not deny the physical reality of matter), imagining is all that we are, including our physical existence. We are first of all him. We are the imagining of God the Father; or, if you would, we are God the Father imagining us. We, inside as experience, are his movement state to state.

Prayer works because by imagining we can change what God is imagining. As his imagining goes, so goes the universe. How do we change what God is imagining? By imagining! By imagining properly. We have got to imagine "more better," and with faith. That is what repentance is, a radical and real change of how we imagine toward the better.

We have to imagine as though we have received what we desired -- it already existing. "I remember when I wanted, but now I have all I desired." Neville said that repentance was a responsibility of man and a gift of God. We repent and imagine better. Then God gives us the gift of repentance, his own! He thinks as we do -- we two come into agreement (because we are one) -- and what we desire becomes!

We please God by faith. Faith believes that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him. Revering him, believing that he is morally upright, we obey his laws of righteousness. "Reverence of YHWH is the beginning of knowledge . . . (It is) the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1: 7 and 9: 10). We demonstrate faith by moral choice, by following the royal Law of love, and by eschewing temporal inheritance because of the exceeding greatness of him.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, that "City" that is the Power and the Wisdom of His Life within us. This other stuff is nice, it tempers the affliction, but it isn't worth squat.


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