We are a Defective God Here to Get a Fix
In like manner, we are God, the imagining consciousnesses of the One, of the Ineffable. We are of the e'had: God, the Heavens and the Earth. As "children" of the Ineffable, we cannot know the things the Ineffable knows and cannot do the things the Ineffable can do simply because we are ignorant of them--we have not had experience with them yet. We have not learned how to do the action.
Comparatively, we are "defective" ineffables: we simply cannot imagine like the Ineffable does because we don't know how to. It has a lot more experience in this stuff than we do.
Welcome to the School of Experience for the Improvement of Imagining. This is a development program designed to generate the likeness of the Ineffable in us. We are learning the wisdom and knowledge and the power of the Most High God, the Imaginer. We are being trained to be like Dad.
Although a repair shop might be a quicker and more direct fix to our shortcomings, we need this education to conform us to our Father by the experiences we have in it. There is learning involved. The education we are getting is "How to Imagine like the Ineffable," so let's put our thinking caps on and figure out how to learn how to imagine just like Him of Whom we are. How does the Ineffable imagine to causation?
It has been appointed for us to die of what we were as God's consciousness until we accomplish this destiny of becoming the Ineffable's imagining in the freedom AND in the integrity of his nature. Then comes the judgment: graduation to actually being Him.
Why the Church does not teach meditation I do happen to know. Hey, guys, we have gone the wrong way! Anyone for turning around and doing what the Bible actually says and teaching prayer and meditation for the equipping of the saints to BE YHWH? We will have to learn how to meditate and imagine ourselves, and we will have to learn how to teach spiritual abilities to others.
I consider myself to be becoming something of an "old school" Gnostic, because they were teaching this stuff hundreds of years before the spiritually ignorant, dualistic-thinking, Western literal-historicalists started Modern Christianity. What knowledge saves us? That we are God? No, but the knowledge of how to imagine like the Ineffable, AS the Ineffable--Faith, Hope, and Love in action.
Compared to the Most High, we are "defective" in that we do not have the knowledge, the wisdom and capabilities of our Father. Yet. We come up short of the abilities of the One we are continuances OF, but those are what we are here to learn. THE DIVINE HAS A VESTED INTEREST IN OUR SUCCESS. "IT" is motivated to help us. Let's work hand-in-hand with Him to get it accomplished.
Do you imagine? What do you imagine? What images?
Garnet, at 2:53 AM
Sorry if I have changed some of the text; I have been working out some typos and truncated ideas in this post. I realize that we are SUPPOSED to be learning how to imagine in a way we do not know as yet, but are here to learn. That is what the Bible is instructions to. The "images" are those things which ought to be, corrections we desire to what already is (which we need to forgive so that it can go away). Properly imagined, what we desire can become manifest. But it needs to be on the noble side. Are you familiar with Neville Goddard's lectures and writings? Especially The Pruning Shears of Revision. I am trying to expand on his ideas.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:18 AM
No, I am not familiar with Neville Goddard, but I think your reply has helped me to understand a bit. For instance, in the Lord's Prayer it states, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." We have to imagine/understand how our perfect God reigns in His perfect environment (heaven) in order to imagine a Godly, perfect and obedient Earth.
Garnet, at 6:06 AM
Good connection. I wrote you a wonderful response here and it dropped out for some reason when I published it. Let me try a post to address your other issue.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:47 PM
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