The Becoming God

Sunday, February 22, 2015

How to Stop Terrorism III: Demonstrate to the Clerics That Their Theology--Their Interpretation of the Qur'an--is All Wrong

I have nothing against Islam. I have nothing against Muhammad--peace be upon him--and I have nothing against the Qur'an. Although I was raised in the Methodist Church, became a Pentecostal and have gone to Christian seminaries, etc., etc., I feel no more affinity to Christians than I do to Jews, Muslims or Hindus. This is because virtually all of them interpret the scriptures through a DUALISTIC worldview; and the world, the universe, the whole of reality . . . is not dualistic.

It was over a long period and through much wrestling with meanings and ideas that I came to realize that the whole of existence--the universe and all dimensions in it, through it and beyond it, including the Ineffable Most High God--are one being. EVERYTHING is non-dual.

Non-duality is the Gospel of Moses. It is the testimony of Jesus Christ, the spirit of prophecy IN us as noted by James, Mark, John, and Paul in the New Testament. Non-duality is the message of the Upanishads and the Vedas and is the goal of Yoga. All these demonstrated the non-duality of reality through symbolic language and illustrations. The Heavens are mind and spirit and the Earth is all physically manifesting phenomena . . . and altogether they are the "God" the Ineffable is imagining. Our imagining is His imagining, and His imagining is creation's becoming. What becomes is him.

Symbolic language and illustrations. If Muhammad is a prophet, his message of the non-duality of the universe is posed in figures of this speech. But it is difficult to understand because to become into this dimension, we had to FORGET that we are the powerful intelligence of the Ineffable, the Source of Life. We became completely IGNORANT of the oneness of the universe with the Ineffable.

In this ignorance we approach the revelation of the scriptures, and we cannot recognize the oneness because we have not heard of it. It is beyond our wildest dreams. How could we believe in such a wild idea unless someone tells us of it? Well, it is what the scriptures tell us, but we cannot hear them. It is what preachers and priests and clerics are SUPPOSED to be telling us, but they, also in the amnesia and holding to a dualistic worldview, cannot imagine it either.

Sincere, devout and earnest, preachers, priest and mullahs/imams and what have you read the scriptures knowing that they are true, but misunderstanding that truth. Thinking that "truth" means literal and historical, they miss that the scriptures are talking about God AND us AS one. Yes, they are literal and historical in that they apply TO US.

Muslims are no exception to the Gospel. Their clerics, unfortunately in their misreading and misunderstanding of Muhammad's message (peace be upon him), think that people should be forced to accept their error. Of course, they do not think it is error, but that is because no one has told them of the oneness that is meant by the scriptures. The oneness is the Revelation.

Whosoever would like to stop terrorism needs to strategically communicate the oneness of God--which INCLUDES us--to those who would be terrorists: "Hey, you've got God all wrong. He is the whole of everything--no division, no separation. The 'people' in the Bible (etc.) are ALLEGORIES, symbols, natures and states of being IN the one. They are allusions to what is going on in us PSYCHOLOGICALLY, in our spirit and consciousness. Their 'names' refer to OUR natures, eternal states we PASS through as we become aware of our being God."

The scriptures are success manuals for this divine development program. In them we find what we are and what we need to do. Love, uplift, protect and teach . . . in the constant perception of the oneness of all. THAT is Islam, and Judaism, and Christianity, and Hinduism. Terrorism--not so much.


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