The Becoming God

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Straighten out your "Perspective for Power in Prayer"

This is about Power in Prayer (following Neville Goddard's 
description and logic of metaphysics). You will have power in 
prayer if you straighten out your perspective of reality. Consider,
If God is one, then God is all, and all (including you and I are 
God. There is no separation between God and man, though we are 
individualities of his spirit. This is 'echad in Hebrew: "many 
unifying in one" (Deuteronomy 6: 4). It is also advaita in Sanskrit: 
"not divided" (the cores of religions are similar concepts; it's the 
superstitions the ignorance of their priests and ministers cook up 
that divides.)

"Omnipresent omniscience is omnipotent." Omniscience is God's 
consciousness. We call it the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit. It is 
what became your consciousness. It is dynamic; it is power itself.  
God's omniscience is omnipresent -- it is in our bodies and in our 
minds. It is the power of our life and it is the residence of our 
mind and thought. Our minds are not separate from God's mind. He 
is not "watching from a distance" -- our eyes and ears and feelings 
are his.

God's omniscience is omnipotent. It is all powerful. It has created 
all things. All things exist in it. It can bring forth all things 
it desires. It has become us, and we are to use it. What we 
believe is our use of God's omnipotence, which will bring forth. 
"Believe ye receive, and ye shall have." 
It may take some gestation time, for things grow from seed to mature 
fruit over time, but hold the destined "end" of the seed planted 
in your mind, and you will harvest. 
"It is perfect prophecy: If you plant wheat, you can bet that what 
will sprout will be wheat!" -- T. L. Osborn. 
Have this perspective, "My thinking is Power; What I believe is 
planted," and watch what you plant, for it is going to come up!


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