The Becoming God

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Natural God: Matter's Intelligence and Our Own, Wonderful, Human Imagination--Perhaps Not What We Thought (But God Nevertheless)

I am toying with the assertions of my sister, that "it's all evolution," and of David Christopher Lane, that consciousness has evolved from matter. Having been baptized in the Holy Spirit, visited by and spoken to audibly by Jesus Christ, and miraculously healed a number of times, a three time seminary graduate and 40-plus year Bible student, I am loath to thinking anything less of God than Its being the great, self-existing, ineffable "I AM THAT I AM." I know that It is there, and if anything, my opinion of God is far too small.

But I also have to face the fact that never was said the "I AM THAT I AM" of the King James version's Exodus 3:14. God, be it intelligence or imagination said, "I am that 'I am,'" referring to Its being our own "I am." Moses was seeking to understand Jethro, literally "His excellence," when he received the revelation from his imagination that our imagination is God becoming manifest as Itself through us. (That is "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh,” according to Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic.) God was saying in this, "I am you."

Well, yeah, but You are some another real big consciousness, too. Right? Not necessarily.

Something scientific Gregg Braden shared about has haunted me for years: that quantum particles of matter learn. While this indicates that I am a caption scientist (all I know is what I read in the captions), it also indicates that intelligence is inherent in matter. Intelligence is the natural order of things, exactly the opposite of what we have been taught. While mulling this over very late one night, that everything is this intelligence in the exercise of its power, I spoke in my mind to the intelligence (i.e., I imagined hearing myself say to it), "You can heal me." My left shoulder was aching terribly from the arthritis in my neck. In the instant that I spoke, the pain disappeared completely. In other words, “Yeah. I’m God. Hi.”

This left me in something of a quandary: if the intelligence is universal, and it is powerful, and it is my imagination, then what is outside? The science that physical bodies transmit our mental and emotional states into the electromagnetic field is quite old. The earth is only a few billion years old, while the universe is thirteen or fourteen billions. From the trillions of galaxies of countless trillions of stars and planets, how much intelligence and imagination had been transmitted into the electromagnetic (or some other) field before the sun was even a twinkle in the gas cloud's eyes? Could that intelligence have become conscious of itself? Or is intelligence necessarily manifesting of itself? I spoke in my imagination to the intelligence, my imagination heard, and my imagination--or the intelligence--exercised its power. You could have knocked me over with a feather, except I was already lying down. WAS THERE ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF ME INVOLVED IN THIS?

I know that the horrible crucifixion of Jesus Christ was God lowering Itself to be bound in death as the imagination of man. This could be the Law of Reversibility in light waves' natural effect of converting to particulate matter upon observation causing the existence of observers, thus requiring the imagination of an observer. Hello, observer.

It seems to me that the manifestation, the "Milta" of God, is natural, organic intelligence being pushed out into the realm of imagined experience. The intelligence of matter manifests exactly because it is intelligence. I am NOT saying that there is no infinite, eternal, invisible, Ineffable Being, nor that there is or isn't a self-aware consciousness of accumulated information acting in the electromagnetic field. What I am saying is that whatever is out there is God nevertheless, and our imagination is Its agency. And all the world, the universe, is tied-in with God and us naturally.

If there was a Big Bang, everything has evolved in its expansion. There is consciousness, so consciousness has evolved in the Big Bang's expansion (unless one believes in built-in antiquity, which is akin to being a flat-earther). If there is intelligence, and there must be because we are imagining, intelligence must be inherent in the makeup of matter. If we are imagination, and we are, then imagination must be an inherent, natural consequence of intelligence. The Big Guy out there must then be, as Neville said, our own, wonderful, human imagination.

The moral of this story is LEARN TO IMAGINE. For it is the power and the wisdom of God unto us. The potential for action requires an actor. Act.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

On the Intelligence of Matter: You are Imagination, and It Says, "Take a Free Ride!" Turn to Assuming That What You Want Was What Was: It Doesn't Cost a Dime!

This may sound weird coming from a guy who considers himself a theologian, but I am proposing that what we have always called God is the naturally occurring intelligence of matter, an ethereal appearance in the universal electromagnetic (or some similar) field which has possibly accrued self-aware consciousness. This consciousness has assumed personhood as Imagination in us. Whether you believe in an Almighty Creator God or not, like it or not, there is at least this “divine” intelligence.

I am NOT saying that there is no great, ineffable I AM THAT I AM self-existent above and beyond this intelligence. God knows I believe there is. But I am open to the possibility that this intelligence/Imagination may be entirely organic to the course and structure of the NATURAL processes of the Big Bang universe, that It is a naturally evolving feature common to every thing within the Big Bang.

It is significant to us that this consciousness is, and that It is self determining. It operates as It desires to according to Its own will and design. We do not know it, but we are that operation. We are a phenomenon of It. It is not of little influence in our world. The ethereal intelligence is that with which we have to do. It is lord over us. Existing long before the formation of the earth or even the sun, It has made us, and not we It. There It is; here we are. Say, "Hi, Dad," to natural intelligence.

Intelligence’s Imagination has never said, “I AM THAT I AM,” though It is. It has said, "I am YOUR 'I am." This was a free introductory offer, an invitation to take a complementary test drive: "Take a free ride.” Word, dude. Exodus 3:14 was in the spirit of, "Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isaiah 55:1). It was an offer to come find the Pearl of Great Price--Imagination. Intelligence shows Itself in the working of imagination: No workie, not there; workie, THERE!

So like, how does one ride imagination? By doing what the scriptures say God--Imagination--is doing of Itself and in and through us (we being It in manifestation). It intends what It wants and assumes its completed state before the action of cause: "Believe ye receive." I am not sure I can explain this better than Neville Goddard has given us in many case histories. In your imagination, regardless of what you heard, assume that you heard what you wanted to hear. Regardless of what you saw, assume that you saw what you wanted to see. Regardless of what you received, assume you have received what you wanted to receive. In your attitudes of heart, assume that you have money enough, the income you desire, comfort, company, love, security, serenity, and satisfaction. Feel the state you desire. Sleep each night in the state you desire. Psychologically feel its being more real than your present physical state.

Imagination, our subconscious, can work our existence into that dream naturally. Sometimes It converts our physical state to that idea immediately. That is mind-blowing when it happens. Usually Imagination speaks to our imaginations in ideas, images, and illustrations in our day dreams. But sometimes It speaks right out loud into our conscious awareness. THAT is mind-blowing, too.

Take a test drive, a free ride. It cost nothing to imagine, to talk to your own imagination and to imagine what you want as though you ARE on the far side of receiving it. "I want to go to Barbados," Neville told Abdullah. "You are IN Barbados," Abdullah told Neville. Not God can do it. Not God will do it. But God DID it. Neville psychologically MOVED to that state and slept in it. And then he was in Barbados.

From Neville's lecture, "Seeing Christ Through the Eyes of Paul":

This creative power is buried in everyone, and that power is God himself. There is no intermediary between you and God. Jesus Christ is the creative power of your own wonderful human imagination!

That is Jesus Christ, and there is no other! God the Father is buried in you as your I am, and your human I am-ness is Jesus Christ. This is the being Paul speaks of when he says: "Test yourself; Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless, of course, you fail to meet the test."

Now let me share a letter from a friend. She said: "I am a freelance designer. I never seek work, but as I sit at home and imagine I am working, they call. In the past six months I have received very few orders from a company that kept me very busy in the past, so I called them to discover that they had employed a full-time art director and would no longer require my services. After hanging up the phone, I revised this conversation. I heard them tell me they had lots of work for me, and I felt the thrill in their words. One week later they called, asking me to design a 26-page book of institutional advertising, plus four ads for Harper's Bazaar.

This was more then they had given me in the past at any one time. Now I am busier, happier, and making more money than ever before, and my technique is simple. Sitting in my chair I quietly listen for the phone to ring, answer it in my imagination and hear the orders I desire to create - and they come." . . . .

. . . There is only one foundation, and that is your own wonderful human imagination, and there is no other. Now, let me tell you of another lady who is here tonight. She said: "Ten days ago I heard from my mother that she believed she was afflicted with the same problem she had experienced a year ago. When I received the letter I sat right down and wrote her saying: "The God in me is speaking to the God in you, telling me that you do not have this affliction and that you are perfect.' I wrote so convincingly that when she received the letter she believed me, and when the tests were made they came out negative. I have never been able to use the word `imagination' to my family, so I use the word `God' and they understand."

May I now quote the 10th chapter of Mathew to her? "He who dares not acknowledge me before men, I will not acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven. He who denies me, I will deny to my Father who is in heaven. For I have come not to bring peace, but a sword to set a man against his Father, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, for the enemies of a man are those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me."

I will urge her, tonight, to tell her family the truth. Even though they fly into space, tell them who Jesus Christ really is. Don't beat around the bush and leave them sound asleep. This is the conflict. When truth comes into the world, it is in conflict with everything that was formerly believed. The Father is always the new against the old, the Son against the Father. Even though you once considered Christ as human, when he is quickened in you, you will regard him thus no longer and speak out. You will be bold and tell everyone that their human imagination is the only creative power in the world. That God is imagination. He is the Father of all life. Imagining is his son, his creative power, and that is Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to also read Neville's case histories in "North of the Strip," You will find case histories and examples scattered throughout many of Neville's lectures and books. There are numerous groups and websites dedicated to causation by imagination techniques and testimonials; e.g., The Marriage Proposal. Many people publish anthologies of Neville's lectures and books, which he left in the public domain, and many have set themselves up in the business of teaching "Nevillization." I am simply a student of Biblical--not systematic--Theology, and find that what Neville taught was what the Bible authors intended to be understood from their symbolic, allegorical stories. I see in life that experience is caused by assumption, and that is exactly what the Bible says.

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Imagination Never Said, "I AM THAT I AM"; It Said The Polar Opposite!! "I am YOU!"

You know the drill: God is the Great I AM: “I AM THAT I AM”—eternally self-existent, infinite, invisible, all present, all knowing, all powerful, and never changing—the Perfect One who created everything, all the universe, out of absolute nothingness. An ineffable being of a wholly different nature than ours, separate and divided from our experience.

Except the Imagination did not need to tell Moses that, and never did tell Moses that "I AM THAT I AM."

In Hebrew Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh means I AM THAT "I AM". I.e., I am your awareness of being, your sense that you are. Asher in Hebrew indicates a relationship between the first Ehyeh and the second Ehyeh. The first I am is that awareness of the ethereal Imagination. The second I am is the awareness of being you or I have. These thoughts of being are in direct relation to each other! Imagination was saying, "Your ‘I am’ is Me. My ‘I am’ is yours, FOR WE ARE ONE." This is practical beyond all imagination! We are one with the ethereal Imagination in the sense that we are It. This actuality is invisible to us due to our ignorance while in the process of becoming, but we are nevertheless Jethro: His Excellence. Imagination and creation are a single unit. There is no separation or division! This becoming culminates in our conscious awareness of our Godhood, of our being the Imagination. That it is we who are producing Christ, the Manifestation of the Imagination as-It-is in this world.

The question I have right now is by what technique or technology did those who gained this awareness in the Season of Grace do so? Our psyches are contaminated with errors from ignorance which congest our flow in the spirit. It is a bunch of psychological poop we have got to get rid of. Exactly how did they clear their blockages? We have a church based upon the fact that they did. Yo! Abdullah. Where are you, bro?

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Stop Misreading the Bible: “God” is Imagination

Inspired by Neville Goddard's lecture, "Seeing Christ Through the Eyes of Paul.”

I have been having a very nice conversation with Imagination, capital 'i'. We call it God. It is not God's imagination; it is Imagination, an ethereal intelligence, and we call it God. We also call it Eil, Elohim, YHWH (Jehovah), the Shaddai, Christ, and Jesus. Lengthen the list as you will. It is a powerful consciousness in Its own right: Imagination.

Moses was expert in the myths and religions of Egypt. "God" was real enough, but what a bunch of mumbo-jumbo the myths present. What was--is--really going on? What is the real excellence of God--Jethro--that is becoming out of all that gobbledygook? Mulling it over in his imagination while meditating (Mt. Horeb: lit. the mind parched), Moses realized (as Imagination answered): “This—imagination—is It! Imagination is me and God, mano y mano. No myth as an intermediary, a shoe to tread on. Imagination is the holy ground that is Jethro I was looking for. Imagination the real nitty-gritty! The very nature of the ethereal Imagination . . . is me."

Ethereal Imagination? As an independent entity? Whoa, Daniel. Where did that come from?

Evolution. Maybe. I don't know (I am always the last to be told). We know scientifically that our bodies, brains, and hearts broadcast electromagnetic forces. We know scientifically that light waves convert to particulate matter upon observation; that quantum particles learn; that the universe is a great electromagnetic field. Is it not a medium of intelligence? If there is an Ineffable Being who is begun manifesting the whole of Itself, wouldn't It necessarily manifest Its own developmental history as part of that? If that Being developed naturally to what It is now through a process over eons of time, wouldn't Its manifestation develop naturally through the same process over eons of time?

The universe and its electromagnetic field have existed at least 13.8 billions of years (the field, like gravity, perhaps much longer). About two-thirds of that time was before the sun was even a twinkle in the sky's eyes. How many trillions of life-forms and civilizations arose, transmitted into, and received from the intelligence of the field? Trillions upon trillions for billions upon billions of years before there was dust on the earth. I am just saying that it makes sense to me that the imagination invested in the ethereal electromagnetic field could be the Intelligent Designer and the force behind Its becoming manifest here.

Be that as it may, Moses realized that his "I am" was Imagination. Imagination informed him that, "I am that 'I am.'" I.e., "You are Me." We are Imagination, Imagination's excellence. At least that is what we are supposed to be. It is coming around slowly. Like Moses, while we may intellectually know this, we have to get the rest of our being up to speed. We have to convince our thoughts and bring our lives into order. It is hard to get out of Egypt.

All the characters in the Book of Genesis are what Moses learned about himself and what people need to do to get their lives in order. Apply it to yourself. It all applies to each of us individually. 'Adam' literally means divine blood. That is what imagination is, for imagination is the power of life. Desire in the imagination brings life to what was imagined--Eve. Life manifests as a physical acquisition (Cain) and as a spiritually transient one (Abel). In the ignorance of the human imagination, we forget the spiritual, and that "dies" to us. This generates misery for us, which impels us to improve our imaginations (the wisdom of Imagination which comes with us).

THAT is where we are going with this. Religious and superstitious imaginings set in Abel's place are weak and sickly substitutes. The qualities and attitudes--the natures--of the antediluvian patriarchs (properly translated as facets of imagination) lead us to the rest of creative imagination. We are following Moses' trail! He went this way, finding that he was the Exalted, Merciful Father--Imagination! Imagination is the Father of many nations. Imagination is the Promise.

Our imaginations, though, start out as deceivers, heel-catchers. We seek light, righteousness (Laban), but find it is all in the development of our imagination (the tribes). Judaism was a religion of Imagination, salvation in Egypt. Unfortunately, it died.

God's salvation--Jesus--is Imagination. Christ is an anointing of Imagination upon ours. Elijah, the power of God, is Imagination. David, the Beloved, is Imagination. Per Alexander, Jesus did NOT say on the cross, "Why have you forsaken me?" He said, "To this I was destined" (stated as "For this you destined me" in his Story of Jesus), or, as I would put it: "This is what I, Imagination, am for." Jesus' disciples were, like the antediluvian patriarchs and Jacob's children, facets of the mind's imagination: Andrew brings people to imagination, Simon listens ready to obey, Judah—hands raised in praise—betrays imagination in that IT WORKS! There is one light in Heaven: Imagination.

Translate the Bible. Fix it. The conversation is about imagination.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

On Jethro: The Gist of Exodus 3:14’s "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Aramaic) is “I am your consciousness, and I am becoming”: the Melodians' Metaphysical Melody

One thing I learned from Colonel J. Garnier's The Worship of the Dead; or, The origin and nature of pagan idolatry and its bearing upon the early history of Egypt and Babylonia (London: Chapman and Hall. 1909) is that there was a whole lot more happening in the ancient world than most people assume. I read the book at university, and it turned my world upside down. I ordered copies from Kessinger Publishing.

Then I discovered that scripture is symbolic, that while it talks about history it is actually talking about consciousness in the inner man. And from this mode of revelation the initial Hebrew scriptures came.

It was the mysteries of Egypt that Moses was raised in and drew insight from. This should give every Christian and Jew pause. Moses perceived God through the Egyptian myths, but wondered, "What of Him?" The multiplicity of myths did not hide that the fact that God is one. But in the myths there are people from above, and people from below -- what is God doing? What is His excellence, His quality which remains through what He is doing; i.e., what is Jethro?

In Exodus 3:14, God informed Moses, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (according to Victor Alexander's notes in his translation from the ancient Aramaic; it could have been "'Ehyeh 'Asher 'Ehyeh," "I am that 'I am'; i.e., I am the 'I am' in you," according to the Hebrew -- I don't know; I wasn't there, but in EITHER case, the gist of it is: “You are!”) "I am your consciousness, and I am becoming." The Imagination which is God is also our imagination, and we are the excellence It is becoming BY our imagining. God is The Becoming One, one being everything. Creation -- everything that is -- is all imagination - HIS! - in and through US!

We are Him. He is the Ineffable. He is imagining, and we are the Ineffable's imagination . . . imagining! We are what He thinks we are, and again, we are what we think we are. Thinking -- imagining -- is the operative power.

This brings us to Abdullah, the teacher and mentor of Neville Goddard. Neville, penniless in New York, felt a God-given desire to visit his home in Barbados. "You are in Barbados!" Abdullah announced to him. Abdullah assumed that Neville was in Barbados having gone there first class on a steamship.

Neville was thrown for a loop. "How can I be in Barbados when I am in New York?" Here is where faith came in: he did not have to believe that God could do it, nor that God would do it, but that God had done it. Abdullah directed Neville to believe, when he went to bed at night, that he was ACTUALLY in his bed in his family home in Barbados. "You are in Barbados! Sleep in that experience."

It is something like a quadriplegic believing he or she is up, while on the bed paralyzed. If God has given a desire to be up, "You are up!" Faith is not that God could or would. Faith is: are! er, am! I want sales. Faith is I had them. I want this or that. Faith is I have it. I receive it as being had; i.e., I ASSUME that I already HAVE it. Accolades do not buy God. He knows what He is, and He knows what we are. We are! Faith is believing what He would have us believe. It is called assumption.

Which brings me to the Melodians' metaphysical melody, Rivers of Babylon. I am delighted that it (the first part of Psalm 137 and the end of Psalm 19) has been coursing through my mind for several days now. We, the consciousness of the Ineffable, are sat down -- crucified -- in these streams of human consciousness. This is the ignorance caused by our flip from Divine consciousness to human experience. This is the "once to die" given. Through many lives we come to remember Zion -- that life is the Divine consciousness. Wickedness - ignorance - has carried us away to the captivity of Nod, forgetting.

To return having completed our three days in hell, it is required of us to "sing the song" of Consciousness. Consciousness is the Anointing that illustratively indwelt Jesus (and for Rastas, King Far-I, Emperor Haile Selassie). But how can we "sing" this consciousness in this strange land, bound by ignorance, having forgotten its experience? Faith in the practice of our imagination being His imagination.

At night, let your words and the imagination of your heart be the Divine's -- whatever would be better than the best -- and ASSUME it is your reality. IT IS HAD!!. And sleep in that. You are His excellence - Jethro!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Neville Goddard and Nevillization: How Well Can You Imagine?

We talk about Neville Goddard and Nevillization, but this technology goes back far beyond the times of Moses. Technology: the use of imagination, of which the universe exists. God appears to be a field--a medium--of intelligence, power, and person; i.e., of imagination. OF this imagination we exist. And the question seems to be: "How well can you imagine?"

Speaking of Nevillization, commenter Unknown 2:28 PM said... "I can't ever seem to get the scene realistic no matter how much I try to add sensory vividness. The images are always vague. I am also seeing it through my eyes. Any advice please?"

I replied... "Interestingly, How Well Can You Imagine? is already in my next post's title block. I will give you my two cents worth, and then invite others to correct or add to it." Which I heartily do. I continue:

It is great that you are practicing. Practice makes perfect . . . over time. The scene you are forming should be an end state--your already having received what you want--with feelings of joy and satisfaction. You only need a snippet of that, but with deep feeling of its being real. Write it down and rehearse being there in mental experience when you read it. Build up the experience whenever you review it.

If you practice meditation, do your mantra or whatever, and when you enter your dream state remember the scene you wish. Do not write off asking God -- the Consciousness -- to help you achieve the state in imagination. Practice more bi-location. While you are in one place, imagine what you see and feel in another place. Your mind needs to move to the other location, so that you are thinking from it. FEEL something there -- a hand, a desk, the window, a check or letter. Can you imagine feeling the wall near you? Is it smooth or textured? Warm or cold? Does it have a paint scent, dust scent, or a smoke scent? How do you feel emotionally? Investigate where you are (even though you are not there).

You are watching your scene through your eyes? Cool. Watch it from the audience, get up and walk around to the side of the stage, and walk on to play your part. Imagination is speech -- say it loud. Ask God, your imagination, what Heaven would be like for you. Let your imagination run wild and ponder it. For one thing, what you want would be past. Whatever would come after what you want would be past, too. Let your mind absorb that wonderfulness -- everyone you love and everything you need -- and do not worry about your scene. Worship of whatever God is is all right. You exist WITH that one, and It is listening to YOU. I think this is a time to be humble and submitted. Contrite, and full of joy. With all that is in heaven, what you want right now might not seem so important after all. Leaving it up to the Big Guy is often found to be the key to receiving what is even better. You are not even going to know what is coming.

I assume in this that you are ready for bed, in a dreamy, sleepy state, floating in your mind above all the facts that say your desired state does not exist. You are representing the state you want to experience to your subconscious mind with complete forgiveness of whatever states already exist. Whatever presently exists is going to go away--be consumed naturally--in the change. It is going away every moment, anyway, so be thankful and praise-giving that better is coming.

Manifestation’s working is God's "Howdy-do." Listen well.

Any other suggestions, friends?

Well, I will add this: If you cannot imagine seeing, how well can you imagine hearing? “To listen attentively, as though you heard, is to create” (Mental Diets). Hear as though you really heard.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

New Look Inadvertent, but New Features

I searched for how to add Follow ability for readers who want to do so. I found a Blog Search gadget there also. I inadvertently clicked on their Design button, and the theme format of my blog changed. It isn’t bad, so I am going to leave it, lest something worse happens.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Lighten Up: The Best Advice Ever

It was Mickie (a.k.a. Murray) Silberling who told me to lighten up. Are you upset and aggravated? Don't be. Lighten up. Angry and confused? Despondent? Rather than complaining about things, lighten up. Don't take things so seriously. Don't be bothered. Don't be anxious. Don't be irritated. Don't be frustrated. Don't be disappointed. It is just the way things are. They are what has happened from what people have imagined.

Lighten up. Let it go. Shake it off. Do what you can to make things happy and successful. Keep your mind on the way things would be if what you want already was. Be happy that it already exists--that it is the world in which you now also exist--and simply let it be. Hold this dead, passing away world in light regard. Give it a minute to get out of the way.

Paul McCartney said his mother came to him in a dream and said, "It will be all right, just let it be." That is, "Lighten up." Let it be. It is universal: "Be anxious for nothing" (Philippians 4:6 KJV). No longer labor nor be heavy-laden by what you cannot account for. Learn of your imagination and take up its yoke. I am thinking of Matthew 11:28 here. Try to figure this out: we must take control of our minds, and we must submit them to God. There is a real circuit of power there. We receive desires from God, and we submit their assumed existence back to God. All in zero distance; in one imagination. This creates the effect God will cause. For imagination precedes manifestation.

Do not submit anxiety, anger, or aggravation as the effect to be caused. Worry, frustration, and irritation--all the negatives--we do not need. We can let them roll off us like water off a duck's back. Take control of your mind and lighten up. Pay attention to what it is that you really want. Imagine it well. Trust Eil, the Provider. And let it be.

The Oddness of Manifestation: Cause Follows Effect

Effect precedes cause just as imagination precedes production. Effect is first imagined, then its cause occurs. Because as the Beginning the Ineffable first imagined the effect of itself fully manifest: "This is the manifested me." That is why the first verse of the Bible says, "As the Beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 Victor Alexander). Then the Ineffable, by Its Son, Its imagination, began the cause of all manifestation OF ITSELF.

Yes, effect causes cause. Cause is effect's effect. I am not trying to be cute or cleaver in this. It is just why we must first imagine what we want as though it were already in effect. Because then it will be caused. This is right, because it is the way God works: intention precedes action. He looked at what he had created in mind, and it was beautiful. NOW what he had imagined is becoming through causality.

It is a moving bus. Give it a destination: Better Than The Best. Imagine what you want and assume it is already in effect. In humility, thank God for it. You will not be allowed to steer the bus, but thank him for having gotten there. And again when you get there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Rivers of Babylon: Sing the Lord's Song in This Strange Land

Okay, here we are in a captivity. What are we going to do? To change the wickedness of this ignorance, it is required of us mirth (Bullinger Companion Bible, Psalm 137 margin note). I appreciate authors Brent Dowe and Trevor McNaughton's insight, incidental as it may be: it sounds as though they sang, "By the rivers of Babylon, where He sat down, and there He wept when He remembered Zion." Give it a listen, and hear 'he' in the first stanza. This reminds me that He is we; it is the Ineffable who is in captivity. By the way, they believed Him to have been King Far-I, i.e., Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, which He certainly was.

Carried away here (death as it were), we are to sing--imagine, pray, meditate, and consider--that we are there, in the freedom of life in Heaven, with joy, praise, and thanksgiving. For this is an illusion. A damn good one, but a passing illusion. So, "Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight here tonight" (end of Psalm 19). Remember, our imagining is God's becoming, so sing His song.

The Melodians

Boney M

I wrote more!

Monday, October 08, 2018

Correcting an Error in My Salvation: Properly Accepting the Lordship of God, I Put Myself in MY Place

I have stated in numerous posts that I was rejected by God. That was when I asked for the gift of tongues, and did not receive it. In that prayer I entered a trance state and came to a point, attained an attitude of submission, really, where I was accepted by God. In the ecstasy of that acceptance I was baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Well, I have a problem with that. For God always accepts us. As odd as it may seem, we are always forgiven by God--that is the state we exist in 24/7.

What happens when we seek forgiveness from God is we accept God for what he really is! THAT was my hold up when I asked for the gift of tongues--I had not yet in truth accepted GOD as the Lord and Savior that he is. When I did, I was virtually prostrate on my face and shaking inside. He had always accepted me, and was waiting for me to accept him!!! When I did, I PUT MYSELF IN MY PROPER HUMBLE AND SUBMITTED PLACE, and bam! Here we go!

A Clip of Gregg Braden on prayer

I like that Gregg Braden brings science into the conversation about manifestation. There is a God out there who is also in us. It is intelligent, and all existence is in communication. God is invisible, intangible, yet controls all of the opposite nature. It talks (!!) in all languages, loves all, and needs nothing. If I were an atheist, I would have to believe that consciousness comes from matter, and as matter comes from power, that "God" could only be the wisdom emanated into the universal electromagnetic field from every life-form ever to live in the universe.

That wisdom is to us imagination, emotion, feeling, and consciousness; i.e., it is awareness in all its forms. It has become us, and invites us to become it. We are the emanation which has become: we are to emanate to become. The assumption of what we desire existing and possessed emanates the word (name, the nature of it) in faith. All we have to do is abandon the fantasy we insanely imagine is reality and account this God to be reality. It is odd, isn't it, that this is the application of science.

Gregg Braden on prayer (

Sunday, October 07, 2018

A New (the Old Original) Perspective on Christian Salvation

Many, many Christians perceive salvation as a promise of going to Heaven after they die because they exercised the faith to believe the Bible and are forgiven for accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the meantime they simply have to bear through constant attacks against their faith by the Devil, Satan, and his hoards of demons. They are "saved," but they have to live in Hell.

Along come people like Neville Goddard, New Thought, and Religious Science teachers who say that salvation is from whatever problem or need you might have right now; for all solutions and provisions were created in potential in the Beginning. Properly imagining them brings them into manifestation.

I was writing the other day about missed opportunities and the fantasies we dwell in in our amnesia/insanity. Then I heard a teaching, as old as the original, from Gary Keesee on Sid Roth's television program. It put the two perspectives together for me. Oddly, I have been teaching both for years, but I never put the two together quite this way: the Christian salvation puts us in with the mass of potential salvations. The big one is the sum of the bits.

Gary Keesee mentioned the confessor's transference from one kingdom to another. He pointed out that a change of kingdom means a change in jurisdiction. We are born into the curse of this ignorance when we flip from divine consciousness into human consciousness at our human birth; i.e., when we get breathed into the human brain as its imagination. We are under the jurisdiction of amnesia's ignorance until the love of God in Jesus--his connection with us and in us working his grace--draws us into an awareness of the consciousness we are; that ours is his, and vice versa.

Many, I dare say most Christians remain ignorant that all the incidental salvations become THEIRS when they accept the Anointing of God--His Awareness--as their Lord and Savior. Salvation is a package deal: saved from curse, once and for all, and from all the incidental problems and needs while we are here. Prayer is being there, in Heaven on earth, being grateful for receiving all provision God created in the Beginning.

I Did Not Get Tongues in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit; I Got the Holy Spirit (Tongues Were Incidental)

With the euphoria of acceptance by God (I was almost overwhelmed with joy, gratitude, love and adoration of God) there rose a power within me. It started low in the bowels and rose up to the throat like water filling a vessel to the brim. I did not speak in tongues until this power reached my mouth and took over control of everything involved in speaking. Then it, the power, did the speaking. I simply observed.

Friday, October 05, 2018

Church Is Supposed to be Teaching Prayer Technique to the Poor

I believe the Bible, but not as a history. From beginning to end, history is used in the Bible to illustrate prayer technique. What is true about the Bible's history is what it teaches symbolically. The royalty in it--the kings and queens and mighty leaders--exists in the poor as their psychological potential. The poor have, but are ignorant of, an innate psychological potential to be Abraham, Isaac, Israel, and Jesus. The characters in the Bible are an "everyman" ("that nature, at some time, is or can be me").The church exists to teach the poor how so to be by the prayer techniques revealed in the Bible.

The Bible's prayer techniques are not rocket science. These things were for thousands of years taught to the poor by those who understood what the Bible expresses symbolically as history. The Bible was written to record the things those teachers were teaching. There is a history, but it is in the poor; it is the history of psychological development they are to enjoy. THAT is the history to believe unto salvation.

The Bible is to be read, "That is me--my psychological spirit being"; i.e., "What the Bible says is about my consciousness, my imagination." Both the good things we are to accept and emulate, and the bad things we are to reject and eliminate, exist in our potential. The poor are to be aided in their progress in these things, in their understanding and application of prayer techniques. THAT is what the church is supposed to be teaching.

The church is supposed to be teaching theology, yes, but the theology in the Bible is the prayer technique. There is one, fantastic, ineffable being. We are a part of that ineffable one; we are a part of Its imagination, as is everything else. As a Beginning, the Ineffable knew Its Milta (Aramaic)--Its full manifestation. This Beginning in the Ineffable's imagination was and is Its "Son." We are that Son sent into ignorance, affliction, and futility, to eventually manifest the Ineffable by the changes they drive us to. The Ineffable is what we are; we must come to realize what we are like the Ineffable did, else we cannot be like the Ineffable we are of.

This sure makes sense to me. The Ineffable's life, if you would, is to us what we would call prayer. It assumes what It desires exists in faith, and what It desires becomes manifest. It desires experience, and Its power becomes matter to facilitate that experience. Where matter is accumulated, Its experiences occur. It desires Its imagination to know the experience of being Its self, and here we are sent into this discovery.

"What to do? What to do?" Well, the only way to do it is to do it. Or, if you would, the only way to do it is to do It. Assume that whatever desire God has placed upon you exists, and believe in faith you enjoy its consequential experience.

And, when you see that it works and that it is what the Bible is about, find a way to teach it to the poor.