The Becoming God

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Day Starts With Going To Sleep

Chronically sleep deprived, it occurs to me that my day starts with my going to sleep. Sleeping is not not doing anything. The body and mind prepare for the coming work. Got to have preparation time to have success during the day.

I am not selling pillows. Could it be that night correlates to our time having gone to sleep in the amnesia and the work that is done there — however many centuries and lifetimes — to prepare us to start waking up and the work we do “for God” and “in Christ” when we have awakened?

We do not wake and then sleep,
We sleep and then wake.
The Eternal slept,
And is now waking.

Monday, July 30, 2018

What It Is All About Is What God Is Doing


I am heartened to be in contact with fellow seekers - ones who have not closed their minds to the enormous, infinite possibilities of this thing called LIFE. I don't think you'll hold it against me for being a preacher (LOL), for while I try to walk the Christian path, I share the view that organised religion has really screwed up things. Hence my seeking and our meeting. Let's stay in touch.

From Barbados

Dear Barbados,

Certainly. I consider myself first of all a theologian, but I couldn’t find that heading in the help wanted classifieds. I was spoiled for church doctrines of separation and division early on by Jesus speaking to me. Quite incongruent. His having spoken also made it hard to understand there not having been the historical character Jesus as Neville taught. I think God (YHWH; again, an ACTION) has straightened that out adequately for me: Jesus Christ is what he is making of us by his anointing. He made by his anointing Jesus Christ of the seekers at the end of the Season of Grace, also. THAT was what Mark was talking about — Jesus Christ is what we are supposed to become from what we already are in potential. God is making like the best cake you could ever imagine: Himself.

Dan Steele

Remember What This Is All About

Mr. Steele,

Yes, the subject is a bit difficult to describe but I anticipate you will understand if I describe myself as a seeker who lives in Barbados (where Neville was born) and I trying to follow up his teachings. When I was a boy, my father had a couple of his books. I could not understand them. Within the last year I have found “Your Faith Is Your Fortune” and “Seedtime and Harvest” among my books and I long to be in contact with people who are carrying on his teachings because I want to know of their own experiences. I am also very interested in Neville’s perception of the Bible as a psychological drama. That’s for openers. I would certainly like to receive your blogs. I look forward to hearing from you. Every Blessing.

From Barbados

Thank you for reading my blog and pleased to meet you. I also describe myself as a seeker and write what I learn AFTER I am sure what I have learned is right. That does not mean I am as deep and perceiving as Neville, but I am pretty sure I am not flat out wrong. I wrote a lot to myself for about thirty years but never taught because I knew something wasn’t kosher in Christianity. The stink was division: God as a separate being. I chanced upon Resurrection at a used bookstore and it corrected me. That is what we are trying to do to the whole world: to correct it.

There are over eight hundred posts in my blog. You might be well served by reading God is a Verb by Rabbi David A. Cooper. There is a lot of reading possible, but it mostly only confuses us. God straightens it out to the simple: He is becoming — that is what everything IS.

About Cooper. We call God a being. It is an action. Its action is all we can detect of . . . (?). We haven’t a clue as to What or Who is godding over us, but we can determine that “God” is Its action. “I believe in God” = “I believe in goverance, direction, and control by . . . (?).” The really, really wild thing is that there is NO separation or division between It and us, us and It. Our mind, body, and the world/universe are It also.

Dan Steele

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Brain as Bio-hardware and the Original Mind

Phaul asked me to explain a statement I made:

"Our consciousness and awareness of being is OUTSIDE of our human form and is channeled THROUGH the brain. The nervous system and all the synapse clicking away in the brain is a relay between the experience of the body and the imagination which is, indeed, God.”

What I meant by this was not that the mind is outside of the body, but that it only temporarily joins the physicality it permeates within from without. Physical bodies are arrangements which come and go, and the connection is real despite the mind being eternal and the body illusionary.

I want to introduce you to Lu Chiu-yuan and Yang Chien of twelfth century China. You may know that Abdullah told Neville Goddard that they had been philosophers together in ancient China. I am NOT saying that these two were Abdullah and Neville, nor that they originated the idea of the Original Mind. Indeed, they would argue that Original Mind was what Confucius and his predecessors were teaching, but, well, listen to Yang on page 581 of A History of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 2. I suggest you scroll back to page 573, or even 565, for context (sorry, I keep rereading the book over and over; it has long been one of my favorites). I placed the translator’s comments in brackets:

“The process of change [yi, the same word as that used in the title of the Book of Changes] is the self and none other. It is not right to regard it simply as a book and not as the self. Nor is it right to regard it as the transformation of the cosmos and not of the self. The cosmos (lit., “Heaven and Earth”) is my own cosmos, and its transformation is my own transformation; they are in no way external (to the self). Selfishness sunders it (the self) from (the cosmos), and results in diminution of the self. . . . The constituents of the self are something more than mere blood, breath, and physical form. My nature is limpid and pure, and not a mere physical thing. It is penetrating and limitless, and not a mere physical quantity. Heaven is a symbol that lies within my own nature; earth is a shape that lies within my own nature. That is why it is said, ‘In Heaven there are the (different) symbols completed, and on Earth there are the (different) symbols formed’ [Book of Changes, Appen. III, p. 348]. All are equally produced by me. Undifferentiably intertwined, they are neither internal nor external (to the self); all permeate one another, without distinction or difference. By observation of a single line (in the hexagrams of the Book of Changes), the meaning (of the self) becomes brilliantly apparent. . . .

“From the fact that we are capable of experiencing the true mind through its feeling of distress when a child is about to fall into a well, (it is evident that) its marvelous quality of ‘no thinking, no planning’ [an allusion to the Book of Changes appen. III, p. 389] is originally possessed by everyone, and that its essence of pure realness and utter clarity, and its substance of illimitable broadness, are originally possessed by everyone. In times of ordinary eating and drinking this mind constantly manifests itself, as it also does in times of hurry and uncertainty; the only thing is that men themselves are not conscious of it.

“This mind is fundamentally one and not dual; it is never sundered and then afterward renewed. Never is there a time when it is at first not like this, and then again like this, or at first like this, and then again not like this. Day and night it remains one; from antiquity until today it has remained one. It is neither stronger in youth nor weaker in old age. . . . By according with this original mind of mine in my movements, I can fly, remain hidden, be circumspect, or cautious [an allusion to the symbolism of certain lines in the first hexagram of the Book of Changes, pp. 57-58]. . . . Whether I accept office or retire from it, remain in it for long or speedily withdraw, I can in every case accord with what is proper.” &etc.

It’s a good thing I have the book, so that I can share this page with you. I would agree with Lu Chiu-yuan on page 575, that such consciousness of mind was what Confucius and Mencius and their ancient predecessors were teaching. Engaging the Original Mind is how I understand the Great Learning. Again, I am NOT saying that Neville was Yang or any of these characters in a previous life, but I would not have been surprised to have read Yang's discourse in one of Neville’s lectures.

Ref. Genesis 2:7, When God (we) breathe/send our spirit into humanity, they do not become separate from me.

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Promise: Bible Stories Are God’s Vocabulary

I meant to explain to Courtney that God speaks in illustrations. Neville Goddard was very, very well versed in all the Bible stories and trained in their esoteric meanings. He had become well practiced in the exercise of the Law for causation and in mystical experiences. In his receiving the Promise (59 years ago today, btw), he recognized things in the sense that they spoke to him. He was in his skull, he could stand in its cavity, there was a stone to roll away at its base, he came out as being born, the old passed away, there were three witnesses, the Christ child, the Promise of being his father - God.

What Neville went through was a conversation. God explained, using illustrative vocabulary from the Bible, what he is doing. This was much like the communication process explained by Mark Vickler. God can speak audibly, but usually we hear him (if we are listening) through visual thoughts and the things that are happening in our lives. Those things are signs as much as the Promise was to Neville. See Gregg Braden’s video on the Seven Essene Mirrors. Our lives are our God conversation “seen by every man.”

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Same Promise as Given to Neville? Maybe. That Which Is Promised? No.

Hi, Dan! I'm enjoying your blog. I'm an avid fan of Neville Goddard, and I've been practicing imagining to create reality for three years. I'm eagerly awaiting The Promise, as Neville teaches it. I was wondering...have you experienced The Promise?




Thank you for reading, and I hope you find something useful in my blog. And thank you for the interesting and actually challenging question. My short answer would be, “Yes, maybe, and no.”

Challenging because there was something special about Abraham and Neville: they had gone out. They were what 'hebrew' is all about, already religious ascetics when God gave them the SIGNS of the Promise. They were already TOWARD God. I only had a taste of that towardness when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. It didn't take me long to sin again. Another opportunity lost.

When you asked, I checked again quickly Neville's meaning of the Promise in his lectures "God's Promise to Man"; "The Promise Explained,"; "The Promise Fulfilled"; and chapter 15 of The Law and the Promise, The Promise: Four Mystical Experiences (I think this was his best exposition). I should mention it is also covered in the lecture "God's Law and His Promise."

We know about the Promise as a promise because of Neville. 99.999% of people think that Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were historical people of flesh and blood like us. They were not, and neither are we, which is kind of the point.

Moses promulgated the Promise as a major tenet of his teaching in Genesis. Genesis is what he learned from God in Exodus. Here is yet another of my dozen or so translations of Exodus 3:14, "I am what it is all about" (Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh in the Aramaic, per Alexander). The giving of the Promise in Genesis entails the Exalted Father, Abram, becoming the Merciful Father of many children, Abraham, with the promise that Sarah, Abraham's desire, would become young again and bear Isaac. The story goes on with Jacob and Esau unto Joseph in Egypt, and, weirdly, unto the Exodus which began Moses.

We all get the story of the Promise, some get the signs of the Promise, we all can get the Earnest of the Promise in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but very few receive that-which-is-promised: restoration unto Godhood. Memory returns when God raises up a son for us, and then becomes his Father (2 Sam. 7:12-14). For Him to be the Father of our son, we have to become Him. If you want to be the Father, you have to have the son. The son is David, the Christ, our anointed works. (Not the works themselves, but our living out the anointing which is God.) Quite a challenge. And a promise.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Unveiled Light of YHWH: It is the “Day” of the Day of the LORD

Why does it not strike everyone that the day in the Day of YHWH refers to light, as in daylight? And God said, “Let there be light,” and light became . . . the first DAY. Not a day as in twenty-four hours, but day as in the light of day. Shining. Brightness. Makes it so that you can see.

The Day of YHWH is the brightness of HIM WITH WHOM WE HAVE TO DO. Seeing that day, the beauty expected of us, makes us feel terribly disappointed in ourselves. Apocalyptic language takes this to its extreme—war, gloom, fear, remorse. This day may appear at any time to a—let me repeat—a person. It is not a day of time as in calendar; it is day—light—for VISION, the glorious magnificence we are from and are supposed to be.

If you are waiting for some twenty-four hour period to arrive, you are missing the whole point.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Non-God God

I have heard that all our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and feelings are broadcast in the electromagnetic field. I have heard that light is actually power in the electromagnetic field which becomes particle upon observation. I have heard that these particles can learn and retain knowledge, exerting their power. And I have heard that the universe existed for ten billions of years before the earth was even a twinkle in the sun's eye. Lastly, I have heard that it is all evolution; that consciousness evolved from matter . . . or in the electromagnetic field.

What if that which we are referring to as God is actually natural artifacts of the properties of the electromagnetic field? It STILL is conscious; it STILL is all powerful; it STILL is eternal, invisible, light, life, and love; and it STILL deserves and apparently demands properness in our respect and honor toward it, for these things has it received in its fifteen billions of years prior to us.

Does the accumulated intelligence in the electromagnetic field, being all consciousness and our imagination, call upon us to interact with it, to take its yoke upon ourselves, and to learn of it? Or is it just a type?

Just thinking.

On The Isaiah Forty Wars: "Shall Be" As A Tenseless Modal

Does “shall be” mean the future? I ask the question because Robert Young (Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible) insisted that the ancient Hebrew had no future tense. As I understand it, the Old Testament prophets wrote exclusively in the past and present tenses. That is how I mentally read the Bible, even though it is translated with future tense ‘wills’ and ‘shalls’ throughout. The translators have moved everything which now IS into the future. I do not like that. I move it back into my present.

A couple of weeks ago I was reminded of modals (that's what I get for going through old class notes). I had never heard of modals before my TESOL grammar class at university. In English, modals are tenseless “helping” verbs used to express ability, possibility, permission, obligation, or advice. Modals may also express POTENTIAL, DESIRE, OFFER, AND PREFERENCE. They suggest mood: mood regarding a condition which does not presently exist but which could possibly exist. You’d never know I once studied grammar, would you?

Can/could/be able to exist
May/might exist
Must/have to exist
Shall/should exist
Will/would exist

Modals are important. They provide distance to make our speech more gentle and polite, considerate, and less direct: “Could you, if you wouldn’t mind?” They keep us from being abrupt and offensive. Modals are used to refer to something in the future, but address our mood about it right now. E.g., “May I leave now?” I.e., right now I want to leave, but I haven’t left yet. Being somewhere else is a potential state I want to actualize.

In some languages regular verbs and/or adverbs fill the same function as modal auxiliaries. It has been suggested that in ancient Hebrew modals were expressed through word order. This I can neither confirm nor deny, but see the references below. The function of modals may be either social interaction, "You may leave the room"; or logical probability, "It may rain tomorrow" (examples from Celce-Murcia, Freeman. 1983. The Grammar Book: an ESL-EFL Teacher's Course. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House Publishers).

Again, modals deal with things like social interaction, possibility, preference, and things which can exist but do not yet exist.

The auxiliary verbs 'shall' and 'will,' however, are also used to indicate the future tense, things we have to wait for. Do you see the problem? Modals are tenselessly talking about present potentials, and future tense talks about later conditions. What do we do when translators translate potentials in the future tense from a language WHICH DID NOT HAVE A FUTURE TENSE?

When I looked at my class notes on modals, I immediately thought of John the Baptist in the Book of Luke 3:4-6, "As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias (Isaiah) the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God" (KJV, parentheses mine).

That's a lot of shalls. Alexander also uses shall, my Stone Tanach uses wills, and while Young translated the New Testament Greek futures with shall, he translated the ancient Hebrew of Isaiah 40:3-5 with presents and pasts--no futures!

How are we to read and understand what Isaiah was saying? This is super-hypercritical, so I have been mulling over Isaiah 36-39 and God's (!) segue into chapter 40, which John the Baptist quoted. If you recall, Hezekiah was one of the three good kings of Judea and Jerusalem (along with David and Josiah). He was healed by God and granted 15 more years of life, and the shadow the sun cast on his stairway had regressed ten steps as a sign confirming this. These were significant miracles. The king of Babylon heard of them and sent congratulations to Hezekiah. Hezekiah showed Babylon’s emissaries everything he had, and was told by Isaiah that everything he had, up to and including the children he hadn't yet had, was to be taken away to Babylon (Isaiah 39). And he is totally cool with it! "This is a beautiful oracle of Maryah (YHWH in this case) that you spoke; there shall be peace and prosperity in my day" (Isaiah 39:8 Alexander, parentheses mine).

A beautiful oracle? No sackcloth and ashes, no national repentance, no wailing remember my good works as in Hezekiah’s conflict with the king of Assyria in chapters 36 and 37? No. It seems that Hezekiah was perfectly okay with Judea’s submission to Babylon, with his sons becoming eunuchs in its king’s courts. And here is the thing: I think he was, for God had given all the world to the King of Babylon. Hezekiah heard and was glad. He was not one to rebel against or to resist God's will. THIS IS THE OFFERING OF ISAAC ALL OVER AGAIN - in potential. Judea ultimately had a hard time submitting to Babylon, for few had the same mindset as Hezekiah. The last thing anyone wants to do is to submit to God’s (or anyone else’s) will instead of their own.

I think we still have that problem. God responded to Hezekiah's acceptance of the situation with a plea, "Help my people. Help my people" (Isaiah 40:1 Alexander). This plea and the rest of the Book of Isaiah is so disconsonant with all that has gone before (chapters 1-39) that many scholars (and the Jews themselves) believe that Isaiah 40 and following was a completely separate work written by different author, "Deutero-Isaiah." Deutero-Isaiah supposedly wrote at the end of the exile Isaiah had just announced. I, on the other hand, think Isaiah had simply seen the whole period and purpose of the Season of Grace and the Jew’s destiny in it, and explained it all to his king, Hezekiah. No one else seems to see it, hence the Isaiah 40 wars. Even Bullinger in the Companion Bible suggests that chapter 40 is the beginning of a new prophecy, thus making the same mistake he notes the revisers made in separating Isaiah 35 from chapter 34 (see Appendix 82 of the Companion Bible). It isn't a new prophecy. It is the natural continuance of Isaiah's point of view.

I am not able to parse the Hebrew in 40:1-5, but I believe it is both possible and probable that God’s imperative plea is not a call for help FOR his people but a call for help FROM his people: "Help, my people. Help, my people. Please, help ME!" I am betting that God wanted participation and support in Hezekiah’s acceptance of God’s will.

Which is why I believe Isaiah 40:1-5 may be a MODAL request to presently view the DESIRED condition as already existing. If so, God is telling us HOW to pray! I think that is what we see. The "people" of God are our thoughts. If we are to submit to the will of God and to go along in his nature, our thoughts have to get on board with his program. Significant is Victor Alexander's note on Isaiah 40:2, "Speak from the heart* of Jerusalem." The literal Aramaic expression is, "Fill by her he out." "Fill" is to complete. "Her," of course, is Jerusalem, our minds. "He" is Hezekiah's intent. Read it, "Complete Hezekiah's intention by your thoughts. . . . "

How shall we imagine? The picture we are to have in our minds shall be that which is desired as though it already exists. For the mind bears the power of the Kingdom, God's consciousness which "must be being restored“ (Fenton). In the amnesia which followed our flip into humanhood, we lost sight of our Kingdom. For this amnesia we have received double our share of all the sins/variances from God's nature and character. Things for us are pretty uneven. But the Voice says, "In the wilderness (the mind in meditation) open up the way for Maryah (YHWH), and build a path in the valley" (Alexander, parentheses mine). This opening and building is mental activity—things for us to DO for God. These are imaginal acts, not things to wait for.

"All the gorges shall be filled." I.e., this is how to think of the gorges: as filled. "Shall be" is not a reference to a future time! It is how we are supposed to think of things right NOW. Think of them as being the way they are supposed to be. Therefore, the gorges in our mental opinion shall be already in the state of having been filled. Receive them as BEING that way. And all the mountains and highlands shall be (in our minds) made low, and the rugged terrain shall be (pictured as being) smoothed over, and the inaccessible country shall be (in our imagination and faith) already made into a plain. "Thus the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see him, for it shall be the mouth of Maryah (YHWH) that speaks" (Isaiah 40:1-5 Alexander). When it works, you have found God to be your own wonderful human imagination. For we all are one.

"It shall be the mouth of Maryah that speaks." The mouth of Maryah, of YHWH, is our imagination! Remember, this is God pleading for your practice.


Biblical Hebrew, according to Robert Young in Young's Literal Translation of the Bible, DID NOT HAVE A FUTURE TENSE. This should not surprise us, for modern English does not have inflicted future tense verbs, either! We use auxiliary verbs to indicate future tense.


Style of the Sacred Writers, and of this Translation:

In sum, the Hebrew had It would appear that the Hebrew writers, when narrating or describing events which might be either "past" or "future" (such as the case of Moses in reference to the "Creation" or the "Deluge", on the one hand, and to the "Coming of the Messiah" or the "Calamities which were to befall Israel", on the other), uniformly wrote as if they were alive at the time of the occurrence of the events mentioned, and as "eye-witnesses" of what they are narrating.

The Hebrew writers often express the "certainty of a thing taking place" by putting it in the "past" tense, though the actual fulfillment may not take place for ages. This is easily understood and appreciated when the language is used by God, as when He says, in Gen. xv. 18, "Unto thy seed "I have given" this land;" and in xvii. 4, "I, lo, My covenant "is" with thee, and "thou hast become" a father of a multitude of nations."


THE HEBREW has only two tenses, which, for want of better terms, may be called "Past" and "Present".

The "past" is either perfect or imperfect, e.g., 'I "lived" in this house five years,' or 'I "have lived" in this house five years;' this distinction may and can only be known by the context, which must in all cases be viewed from the writer's standing-point.
In "every" other instance of its occurrence, it points out either--
1) "A gentle imperative", e.g., "Lo, I have sent unto thee Naaman my servant, and thou "hast" recovered him from his leprosy;" see also Zech. 1.3 &c; or 
2) "A fixed determination" that a certain thing shall be done, e.g., "Nay, my lord, hear me, the field "I have given" to thee, and the cave that is in it; to thee "I have given" it; before the eyes of the sons of my people "I have given" it to thee; bury thy dead;" and in the answer, "Only--if thou wouldst hear me--"I have given" the money of the field."

It would be endlessly good for you to read Young's Preface, at least his SUMMARY OF THE NEW VIEW OF THE HEBREW VERB near its end.

Young translates Isaiah 40:1-5, as he does the whole Old Testament, in the past and present tenses without future-indicating auxiliary verbs:

"Comfort ye, comfort ye, My people, saith your God. Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and call to her, that her warfare hath been completed, that accepted hath been her punishment, that she hath received from the hand of Jehovah double for all her sins. A voice is crying -- in a wilderness -- Prepare ye the way of Jehovah, make straight in a desert a highway to our God. Every valley is raised up, and every mountain and hill become low, and the crooked place hath become a plain, and the entangled places a valley. And revealed hath been the honour of Jehovah, and seen [it] have all flesh together, for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken."

Wow. "And seen [it] have all flesh together." THAT is faith. Yet my Stone Tanach is replete with FUTURE auxiliaries, much like this from Victor Alexander's translation from the anient Aramaic:

Isaiah 40:
1. "Help my people, help my people," said your Allaha (God). "Speak from the heart* of Jerusalem and call her, for she was filled with power and she had her fill of sin; indeed,* she received from the hand of the Lord double [her share] of all the sins." The voice that called in the wilderness, "Open* up the way for the Lord, and build a path in the valley* for our God." All the gorges shall be filled and all the mountains and highlands shall be made low,* and the rugged terrain shall be smoothed* over and the inaccessible country shall be made into a plain.* Thus the glory of Maryah (the Lord) shall be revealed* and all flesh shall see him, for it shall be the mouth of Maryah (the Lord) that speaks."

*40:2.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Fill by her he out."
*40:2.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "And."
*40:3.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Turn," or "change."
*40:3.2 Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "Crevices."
*40:4.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Gentle."
*40:4.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And the particles shall be used as filler."
*40:4.3 Lit. Ar. id.: "Difficult."
*40:4.4 NB! Prophesying about the coming of Eashoa (Jesus) to the World.
*40:5 NB! John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness honors and glorifies the Lord. Others, such as the Apostles of Eashoa, shall follow.

Is there modal word order used in the original Hebrew? THAT is the question. Would to God we all spoke Hebrew and/or Aramaic.

Fascinating stuff.


See Celce-Murcia, noted above

The History of Modality and Mood
Johan Van Der Auwera and Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar, in
The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood,
edited by Jan Nuyts and Johan Van Der Auwera

Mood/Modality in Biblical Hebrew Verb Theory
John A. Cook, Eisenbrauns.

Monday, July 16, 2018

My Two Year Old Granddaughter Is Visiting For A Few Weeks

So I am fully occupied for most of July, 2018. I’ll see if I can get anything posted.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Difference Between Consciousness and Awareness of Being

Hi Dan,

Is there a difference between Consciousness and Awareness of being?
If yes, what are they?
Or are they interchangeable descriptions?

I have read NEVILLE say over and over again that "we have to be conscious of what we want to be or have"...




You raise interesting questions. I suspect you are working out the solution to this question just as I am. Everything is consciousness. It doesn’t have a choice. The power that becomes matter at observation is consciousness, but is it aware of being? We dream, and we may be aware of being, BUT IS THE DREAM AWARE? I posit that consciousness is the Imagination of the Ineffable, and vice versa. All I can say is that the Ineffable has consciousness, and that consciousness imagines. I very much appreciate Neville’s vision in the lecture "Unless I Go Away." In the vision, the sunflowers with human faces convey expression of the Ineffable’s will. I liken the sunflowers to units of imagination. They all work individually in concert, but are anchored to their response and reaction roles. Is there awareness in them of their individuality and/or of their godhood? I think those are the freedoms Neville realized he had and they did not. Neville was aware of his individual being and his I AM-ness. He was a dream aware of being a dream in the Ineffable’s consciousness/imagination. Well, certainly that is consciousness, but it is a certain kind of consciousness.

Aware of being an individual imagination of the Ineffable's consciousness and connected to everything in every way, we have to choose what we imagine. Wisdom in selection of what we imagine and our skill in doing so come with education and practice. Maybe here is where we should genuinely ask, ”What would Jesus do?”

More in your next letter.

Dan Steele

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Phaul Takes to Blogging

Answering Phaul has been very fruitful for me. Phaul, in turn, has taken to blogging himself. He has written a pretty sharp piece on the concept of the Divine Now (see his posts at Please read him slowly, as his sentences contain much more than is first apparent, and it takes some wrestling with what he means to grasp the depth of his thought.

A little requested feedback to Phaul here:
Some observations:
I agree that in the final analysis time does not exist, only experience does (Phaul segues nicely into practice to change experience). I personally like the word 'intelligence' for the cause of all present phenomena. As demonstrated (in my opinion) by the double-slit tests, existence is the power of intelligence alone until converted from intelligence into particulate matter by consciousness in observation. Our experience is the power of the Divine Intelligence.

There is no past because nothing is there. What was in the past has all moved into the present where it is in constant motion. The future is only where it is all going, and that is subject to direction by the Big Guy. His intelligence is power to become whatever It thinks/imagines It is. We are all that stuff--the Big Guy, Its intelligence, power, consciousness--sent into these states to become the source of experience. That is a really tall order: to have the height and the humility of God.

God help us.

Phaul has the right idea: practice, learn, and seek the Promise. Yes, the Promise is coming eventually to everyone. No one will be left out. But waiting for it is, literally, hell.

Neville Goddard's The Pearl of Great Price Text

Please allow me to introduce MAX HARRICK SHENK, WRITER

Through Mr. Shenk I found a unified version of Mr. Twenty-Twenty and Victoria’s transcription of Neville Goddard's “The Pearl of Great Price”.

Please visit Mr. Shenk's site and support his work. Be sure to read his blog and consider buying his books. See the link to there.

Meme - Neville - Pearl

Tonight’s subject is the Pearl of Great Price.

This is taken from the 13th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, 45th and 46th verses.

It’s all about the Kingdom of Heaven.

And first of all, let us say that the Kingdom of Heaven is simply that state into which man rises, where everything is completely subject to his imaginative power. He is destined to be an heir, one with his Father, who is God, where everything is put under his power.

Now here is the quote from this 13th of Matthew:

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

It is my hope that I can bring you to that pearl tonight. You may not value it to the point where you’re willing to sell all that you have to buy it.

But I will tell you of this pearl. Very few are willing to sell all and buy the pearl.

But let me now quote from another passage of the Gospels. The 11th chapter of the Book of Luke, the 21st through the 23rd:

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. But when one stronger than he assails him and overcomes him, he takes from him the armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoil.

The very next line, as though it’s an afterthought, throws all the light in the world upon that statement:

He who is not with me is against me.

There is no benevolent neutrality. None whatsoever.

He who is not with me is my enemy. He is against me.

So we find the one who is completely in control of this Kingdom of Heaven.

And I tell you that being is called, in scripture, Christ.

But Christ is defined as “the power and the wisdom of God.”

In the first chapter of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians:

Christ is the power and the wisdom of God.

Don’t look for a man! A man is only the instrument through which this power and this wisdom is exercised.

But Christ himself is the power and the wisdom of God. You and I are the instruments through which this power and this wisdom is exercised.

So Paul makes the statement:

From now on we’ll regard no one from the human point of view. Even though we once regarded Christ from this human point of view, we regard him so no longer.

(If you’re taking notes, that’s his 2nd letter to the Corinthians, the 5th chapter, the 16th verse. From now on we regard no one from the human point of view. Even though we once regarded Christ from the human point of view, we regard him thus no longer.)

And then he, the author of that statement, defines Christ for us:

Christ is the power and the wisdom of God.

Now we are told:

By him all things were made, and without him was not anything made that was made.

But nothing.

And so we invite you now to test Christ in you.

Again, from the letters of Paul, the 13th chapter, the 5th verse… in fact, read it through to the 7th verse, but I’ll quote you the 5th:

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are holding to the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in thee? Unless of course you fail to meet the test. I hope you will discover that we have not failed.

And then he gives us a warning– for now he’s speaking only of power… power and wisdom personified in the form of one called Christ Jesus.

And now he warns us:

I hope and I pray to God that you do not use it in the wrong way.

Even if you think– he’s implying now that I have not used it to the full of my knowledge, I’d rather that you hear and feel that I have made a mistake or I have failed than that you use it evilly, implying– stating quite openly– you can misuse power.

Everyone in the world is using this only power, but they don’t know it. So he’s trying to bring us to the knowledge of this power and the wise use of it. It’s called– as we first quoted it– it’s called “The Pearl of Great Price.”

So great is this pearl, so valuable, it takes everything that you own to buy it.

Now you don’t go and liquidate your stocks and bonds… you don’t sell your homes; you don’t sell anything in the world of Caesar.

But it takes everything that you now believe in other than it to pay for it.

You believe in astrology? You’ve got to sell it.

You believe in numerology, in teacup leaves, in numerology and all these things? No matter what you believe in as a power to control you, you’ve got to sell it.

It takes the belief– all these beliefs– and you’ve got to sell them. No one will buy them from you! But you give them up as value-less! Therefore, there’s no price attached, no value whatsoever. But you can’t hold on to one thing you now believe in as a power that controls your life and still hope to buy the pearl of great price.

Everything you now believe in, whether it be even the drugs that you take, even the things–the diets, if you’re a vegetarian and you think that’s the way to God… if you’re a meat eater and you think that’s the way to God… if you’re a nonsmoker, nondrinker, and that’s the way to God… or if you are a smoker and a drinker and that’s the way to God. There is no way to God but Christ.

I AM the way.

There is no other way.

Way to what?

To everything in this world, but especially to the Father.

No one comes unto the Father but by me.

And here he defines it, that he is the only way in the world to everything in this world that you and I seek. And it takes everything that we own– as to beliefs that we think are powers to guide our life– to pay for that pearl of great price.

If you think for one moment you can hold on to one little thing in the event this doesn’t work, you can’t buy the pearl. And so when I buy the pearl, I go all out and live by it. And there is no other being in this world… just the pearl, and I live by it.

And this pearl is your own wonderful human Imagination. That’s Christ.

Now I see her in the audience tonight. Last Friday night, this sweet lady told me this story.

She went into the baker to buy the usual things that we buy when we go to a bakery. And the lady who waited on her didn’t look well.

And she, without asking the reasons for her present appearance, in her own mind’s eye, when she got home, she talked to her as though she stood before her physically.

She didn’t sit down… she didn’t relax… didn’t go into a trance… just brought her before her mind’s eye and heard her say that she felt so well, and she complimented her on the way she looked. She looked so well. And this was a communion between two souls… how she looked so well.

And she believed in the reality of her imaginal act.

One week later, she goes back into the same bakery, and here is this lady, same lady but radiant. So radiant it prompted a response from this one, and she said, “But you look so well. What has happened?”

“Well,” she said, “this past week I inherited some money. I paid all of my bills. I paid everything that I owed in this world, and so I have no debts, and I have money.”

Now this lady is totally unaware of the gift she received from the lady who is present here tonight. Totally unaware of it.

Now listen to these words, and try to put any other interpretation upon them in the world, and then tell me if you can.

This is from the 25th chapter of the Book of Matthew:

In as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me.

You don’t need the consent of any being in this world to hear good news for them.

You don’t have to say, “Do you want me to hear it? Do you want praise?”

If you ask them in advance, “Should I hear good news for you?” you are only asking in the event that it works, they’ll praise you or in some way give you something.

You don’t ask anyone for their permission to hear good news.

For “in as much as you have heard it, as you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me. And when you did not do it, you did not do it unto me.”

And so every moment of time, there’s the opportunity to do it unto Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus being your own wonderful human Imagination. And to see man in need and not act in your own wonderful imagination, like she did, is to keep the wounds open, and to bear more and more stripes upon the body of Christ Jesus, for the only Christ Jesus is in you, as your only wonderful human imagination.

Christ in you is the hope of glory. Come test yourself and see.

What a wonderful invitation. Test yourself. How would I test myself? Well, this is how you test yourself. I tell you that if you imagine, as this lady did, that someone stands before you in bodily form, though they cannot be seen with your mortal eye, but actually you imagine they are standing before you, and you carry on a conversation with them from the premise of your fulfilled desire for them, and then you feel them as you would feel them were they now solidly present, and you believe in the reality of that imaginal act, it’s done.

And how it happens, you need not be concerned. It has its own manner of externalizing itself within their world. All you need do is do it. As told us in the first chapter of the Book of James, when He said, “Receive with meekness the implanted word.” And the Word is called Christ Jesus, the power and the wisdom of God.

But be ye doers of the word, and not merely hearers, deceiving yourselves.

So when he tells me to be the doer of the word, the world thinks it means to go out and make some physical effort.


James is not telling me substitute works for faith. Works are the evidence as to whether the faith that I profess is alive or dead.

Is it alive? If it’s alive, I will act upon it.

If it’s not alive… well, then, I won’t act upon it. I haven’t yet bought the pearl of great price.

When I buy the pearl of great price, there is no other pearl like it. I sell all in this world to buy it. I sell all beliefs in powers other than my own wonderful human imagination. And everyone, because he has imagination and everyone can imagine and everyone can believe in the reality of his imaginal act, is free. It sets a man free.

For we are told:

If you believe my word and abide in my word, then you know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Well, how does he define the truth? He said, “I AM the truth.” He said, “If you know my word, you know the truth” and “I am the truth.”

If you abide in this, then you’ll be set free.

You mean that if I simply imagine that I am the man that I would love to be, that’s all that I need do? Just try it. Imagine that you are already the man that you would like to be, the woman you’d like to be, your friends are and total strangers are as you would like them to be. Just imagine it. Try it.

Test yourself and see.

As you test yourself and it happens… well, then, can you turn back to the belief in any power outside of Christ Jesus?

It’s finding who He is, and I tell you Christ Jesus is your own wonderful human imagination. Christ in you must resurrect. And so you start to exercise Him, believing in Him. Believe in the law of Christ Jesus and be saved.

And so I begin to believe in him, put all my trust in Him. It doesn’t matter where I start in life. Behind the eight ball? Makes no difference. I start believing in Him and only in Christ Jesus. Then I take off from there, giving my entire life to Him, just as though there were no others, just Christ Jesus, and I have found Him. He’s my own wonderful human Imagination.

When I believe in Him to that extent, things happen.

Now she tells me, the same lady– that’s why I named this tonight, “The Pearl of Great Price” –she had a dream. And here is all mud– nothing but mud, whirling mud. And as it whirled and whirled and whirled before her mind’s eye in her dream, she noticed a small, perfectly beautiful, perfect pearl. And she picked it up and held this perfect pearl– wasn’t big but it was a perfect pearl– in her hand. And then she woke.

Now, this pearl she found in the series of experiences that she conducted. For a boy came east, came from the east to the west, with instructions that if he couldn’t find a job in the immediate present, he had to return to the east. And so she simply, on a Friday night, saw him– not physically but in her mind’s eye, as though he stood before her physically– and congratulated him on the job, just as though it were a true physical contact.

On Monday, the boy got the job and therefore did not have to return to the east coast.

Now, here is a young lady– I call her a young lady… she can’t be more than her early twenties. If I looked at her through my eyes, all things being relative… she has three little babies, but I wouldn’t think she’s more than her early twenties. I’d be surprised if she’s past beyond the middle twenties, looking at her– born in Italy, of a Catholic family, Catholic faith, brought to this meeting of ours by her mother-in-law, and adopted this concept of Christ Jesus. Her family despairs because they think, unless you have their concept of Christ Jesus, there is no entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven as they understand it. But I tell her she is well into it. She’s exercising the only Christ Jesus in the world.

He calls upon us to test him every moment of time. But you can’t buy him unless you pay the price, and the price, it takes everything that you have to buy it.

Listen to the words:

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, finding one pearl of great value, went and sold everything that he had and bought it.

Everything, not a few things.

The average person would say, “Well, after all, I know that’s all well and good, but Sanka [decaf coffee] does keep me in a state of sleep when normal coffee keeps me awake. And I know that an extra martini does so and so to me, and I’ll take none. Or maybe, I should take vodka because it’s good for my breath and not the martini.” And a thousand things in the world people have concerning what they should do.

Every belief in a power outside of Christ Jesus, you give up, and you give it up and hold onto him and only to him. Then you’ve bought the pearl.

And then you exercise it, the greatest value in the world, and that’s Christ Jesus.

So here, she has tonight– I think she has– the pearl of great price.

I hope you, tonight, will accept it.

You know, not everyone who finds Christ Jesus sought him, you know.

They’re brought to him by one who found him.

In the gospel, Philip found him, and then he brought his friend Nathaniel. Nathaniel wasn’t seeking him. Nathaniel was waiting for things to happen, for he knew the scripture backwards. For when Nathaniel heard that the Messiah had appeared, he said, “What? Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”

And Jesus said of him, “An Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.”

He knew his scripture.

Peter wasn’t seeking him. His brother Andrew found him. Andrew went and called his brother Peter and said, “We have found him of whom Moses and the law spoke and all the prophets spoke.” So they were not looking for him, but they found him because someone found him and was so interested in what they found they wanted to share him with those that they loved. For if he is all that we claim that he is, we can’t keep him to ourselves; we have to share it.

And so maybe this night a total stranger may be here who is really not overly eager to change their concept of Christ Jesus. They aren’t seeking another concept of him at all. And maybe you will be interested enough to test what I’m talking about and see if this is not Christ Jesus, for listen to it,

By him all things are made and without him there was not anything made that was made.

Well now, here, a lady brought into being something that she had imagined without devising the means by which it would happen. She simply imagined it.

Didn’t she make it? She certainly made it, without the consent of the one for whom she made it.

Well, if she made it and all things are made by him, she didn’t say to herself, “Well, how can I make it? I only imagined it.” Therefore, he must be Imagination. And this being in action must be imagining. And there it is. So she found him.

She tried it again and it worked. And someone tried it a third time, a twelfth time, a hundredth time, and it works.

But if I say this to someone in the world and they won’t even try it… well, you know, in science, to demand proof before you are willing to make the experiment is nonsense. It’s only through the experiment and its working out in performance that proof can be received by us. So to demand proof before I make the experiment is stupid.

So, I say to the world, if there is evidence for a thing, then what the world thinks about it or even wishes for it, it is nothing to the point. Makes no difference whatsoever what the world thinks about this if I can prove it in performance.

So I say to you, take a friend who is now unemployed and bring him before your mind’s eye, as the lady did, and see him now gainfully employed. He need not be physically present; in fact, he’s not physically present, but you treat him as though he were and put your mental hands upon him and give him the solidity that would be there were it true.

Then carry on a mental conversation with him from the premise that it is true, and let him tell you that he’s gainfully employed and that he loves what he is doing, there are such opportunities, such growth in what he is doing. And do nothing outside of that, for listen to the words of Paul concerning Christ:

Christ is the power and the wisdom of God.

It’s not only power, blind power, it’s wisdom, the wisdom of God.

If it’s the wisdom of God, it knows how to navigate the whole vast world and move it to bring this one into a gainfully-employed state. All you need to do is believe in Christ Jesus, and that is the pearl of great price.

No power in the world can stop it. All it needs is acceptance on the part of us.

So here:

When there is a strong man, and he’s fully armed, and he guards his own palace, his goods are in peace, but when one stronger than he assails him and overcomes him, he takes from him the armor in which he believed, and then disposes of the spoil, divides the spoil.

Now that wonderful statement:

He who is not with me is against me. He who does not gather with me scatters.

It’s so irrelevant to that scene that preceded it, and it throws all the light in the world upon that statement. Some power in the world comes into man’s mind; it’s Christ Jesus. And you don’t need a social standing, a financial background, intellectual background, any of these backgrounds to feel secure in the world.

You’ve found him.

And this is the one who can overcome all the powers of the world. And if you are not with him, then you are against him. You wouldn’t think that. In this world today, we have countries that are called neutralist countries: “benevolent neutralists.”

Not in scripture. You’re either with me or against me, and either you’re with me or you’re my enemy. Can you imagine that? I’m either for him or I am his enemy.

Can’t be neutral. I either believe in it, or I don’t believe in it.

And of the nine hundred million Christians in the world, how many really believe in the true Christ?

They believe in lighting a candle. They believe in genuflection… all the other things in the world, and I wouldn’t criticize any of them. Leave them, until they find the true Christ.

When they find the true Christ, then it doesn’t really matter whether you eat meat or don’t eat meat, whether you drink or don’t drink, whether you smoke or don’t smoke… whether you do any of these things. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the true Christ. For you do not give power to anything outside of Christ, and Christ is your own wonderful human Imagination. That’s Christ.

So when you go before anyone, don’t even take thought as to what you’re going to say. Just imagine the end, and having pronounced his judgment based upon the end you have predetermined.

Do that.

Live this way in the world, trusting one hundred percent in the pearl of great price.

May I tell you, it will not fail you.

But you can’t modify it. You can’t hold back one little reserve thing. I’m speaking from experience.

Not knowing that it was my own Imagination that predicted accurately, through the medium of the cards and the medium of the stars, I held back a little reserve note in my mind’s eye when I found Christ.

I would still have in my mind’s eye my old horoscope, and I could quickly arrange its progression and I would know the day and justify failure.

For the rule of my second house in conflict with the rule of my sixth? Can’t get the job. There’s no money to it. So it’s all there; it’s all in my mind’s eye. I had to completely give it up and so tear up my horoscope in my mind’s eye it doesn’t exist. I had to completely destroy it as a power that guided me.

But I held it because I successfully foretold events for unnumbered people in New York City. I had almost the entire Metropolitan crowd. The entire Metropolitan Opera… they came to me. And I so believed in what I did that I predicted with conviction. It worked. And they were so sold on it.

And then I had to have an experience one day to show me it was only my own intense belief in these little symbols that made them work.

I came into my friend’s home, and I taught her how to read charts… how to set them up. Her name was Carpenter– Norma Carpenter– and I taught her. And then, having retired from a teaching profession in Scranton, Pennsylvania, she had a small pension from the railroad where her husband worked, plus a small pension from her former job, so she eked out a living. But now she could augment it in a nice way by telling and reading charts, and I taught her how to do it.

When I came to her place one day– she lived in a hotel– Norma was in tears.

I said, “What’s wrong, Norma?”

“Well,” she said, “a man called me up– he was recommended by a friend of mine– and he was very eager to see me right away. He had this fantastic deal on. So over the phone, before he arrived, he gave me his birthday, his hour, everything about it, and so I erected the chart. When he came, I told him, I’m so convinced of this good fortune falling his way today that I can close the book on it. He said to me, ‘Mrs. Carpenter, if you’re telling me the truth, I will give you a hundred dollars.'”

And she said so confidently, “Well, give it to me now, because it has to work today.”

And she gave me all the reasons– which I knew: I taught them to her– how it had to work today because of this transitive moon over these certain aspects of the chart.

He said, “No, if it works, you will get it today, but I’ll not give it to you now.”

I said, “What’s wrong with that?”

“Well,” she said, “I made up this chart from a bound volume of Ephemerides. I was sitting at the open window, it’s hot, and so I turned away– I was diverted– and when I went back, I didn’t realize the wind had blown over the pages, and I erected the chart of a man who was born ten years before this man. This man wasn’t even born. I progressed my chart from this horoscope, made up ten years before the birth of this man.”

I said, “Norma, did you believe it when you spoke to him?”

She said, “Certainly I did.”

I said, “Forget it. Just completely forget it. It’s done.”

I was in her room, her suite of rooms, that night, around eight, when a Western Union boy came upstairs and delivered a check, a Western Union check for one hundred dollars.

And the chart was drawn on a man who wasn’t born! He was born ten years after this chart of a man.

But Norma cannot sell that because she feels they all believed in me.

She cannot buy the pearl of great price because she feels her only security is to get her little, small check from the railroad in Pennsylvania and a small check from the schoolhouse in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and eke it out with this.

So she cannot give up and buy the pearl.

You’ve got to give up every belief in this world in a power outside of Christ to buy Christ. There is nothing but Jesus Christ. You either believe in him or you don’t believe in him.

And any reservation for a rainy day… it’ll rain.

So you hold back the belief in stars? Well, I’m confessing, having done it so successfully over the years, that I still carried in my mental furniture my chart. And so, you see, you could always justify failure. And as Blake said, “Self-justification is the voice of hell.”

I didn’t know it. In hell everyone is justifying himself. No matter what he does, if it’s a failure, he justifies it. He gives you all the reasons in the world. But hell is not a place outside of earth; it’s right here.

So we are in the hell justifying failure.

We say, “I couldn’t do it because look at my Venus.” And then as soon as Venus gets beyond the point where it interferes with me: “But I still have Mercury.” And so there I go. And when in spite of Venus and Mercury something happens: “Oh, why didn’t I see this? Well, there it was all along!”

A man goes back, and reflects and then again justifies.


He went and sold all that he had and bought it.

All that he had… not a few things. You can’t just buy it with a few of the things that you will dispose of. Yet you can use it, use it wisely and successfully, but you don’t really possess him, that pearl, unless you buy him. And you can only buy him when you’ve sold everything that you have. Well, then buy him.

And so that it’s all out or nothing, so he who is not with me is against me. And I know it’s the difficult thing, but is it worthwhile having when you consider, by having Christ Jesus you are rising into a world of an entirely new order, where everything is subject to your imaginative power? You’re not here at all. You’re moving from the world of death into the world of life when you find him and make him one with you.

So you take it. And then let me tonight, in a quick summary– it will take me no more than one minute to do it, two minutes at the most– you take this pattern, it’s going to happen to you.

Crucifixion is over, for all of us. You aren’t going to be crucified.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me, and the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

That is Galatians, 2nd chapter, 20th verse.

The 6th of Romans:

If we have been united with Christ in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.

Listen to the tenses: “If we have been united with Christ in a death like his” –that’s past. Change of tense: “We shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” That’s to be.

Now we are told there are those who are misleading the people by teaching that the resurrection is over and past. The resurrection is not. It’s to be. It is taking place one after the other. So believe me: crucifixion came first. That’s over.

The second stage in the unfolding drama is resurrection. Second stage: when man awakes in a grave to find that he was all along dead, or he wouldn’t awake in a grave… you don’t put anyone in a tomb unless he’s dead. So you awake in the tomb of your skull to find that it wasn’t what you thought it was; it was a tomb. And then, at that very moment that you discover, in the act of resurrecting, it now is converted from a tomb into a womb. And then comes the birth.

So it’s crucifixion, resurrection, birth from above. These are the three stages.

Then comes the fourth stage. The fourth stage is when the title of titles is conferred upon the one who is born from above. For conferred upon the risen Christ in the experience of man is the divine title “Father.”

And no one can utter the word “Father” but the Son.

So the Son, God’s only begotten Son, calls you “Father,” and then the title is conferred upon you and you are Father. One with God because he is God’s Son and he calls you “Father” and you know it.

And then comes the next stage, the final stage, when the temple, and its wonderful curtain that separated man from God, is torn from top to bottom. So that now you have direct access to the being that you were and are, the being that is God. No intermediary between yourself and God.

Go straight to the being that you really are, which being is God.

So these are the five perfect stages. And all the others told about him will happen in their own wonderful way, regardless of the order in which they happen. But this series, as I just gave it to you, this is the sequence.

We’re all already crucified and all will be eventually individually resurrected. And then after the resurrection will come a spiritual birth, where he is born into an entirely different sphere. And then on him is conferred, in that sphere, the divine title of Father. And it takes God’s only Son to confer the title, for the Son comes and calls you Adonai– my Lord, my Father– in fulfillment of scripture, in fulfillment of the 89th Psalm. And then comes the final one when the curtain of the temple is torn from top to bottom, and everything is split– all the rocks are split, and all the earth quakes– and then you rise, as you’re told you must rise, in this form that cannot be described. It’s called in the scripture the Elohim– a celestial being– and the closest they can come to describing the Elohim is a fiery serpent. That’s exactly what you are and feel and see when you rise. Human, yes… but for all the identity of personality, a radical discontinuity of form.

Then you rise and the whole world quakes. It’s all within you. The whole drama takes place in the individual. You do not rise from the body; you rise in the body. You do not awaken from the body; you awaken in the body. And the whole thing takes place within the individual.

But tonight, you believe me. And if you didn’t know this was the pearl of great price, and I brought it to you this night, I hope you’ll buy it. But like all the great things of scripture, you can’t buy wine, buy milk, without money, without price. The only price you pay for it. Not dollars and cents; you give up your belief in powers outside of Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus is your own wonderful human Imagination.

Now are there any questions, please?

(Question inaudible, but dealing with the Hebrew alphabet and the Hebrew letters that constitute Jesus’s name)

Did I say that? No, my dear. No, no, no. (The Hebrew letter) Shin is made like you would a big W, and there is three points– there are three prongs. It’s like Neptune’s staff. You know that three prongs of Neptune? You make it that way. The symbol of a Shin is a tooth that consumes, that devours, and it’s also called a flame, a fire, a fire consumes. Well, a Shin is in the name of Jesus.

The first three letters of Jesus are the first three in the name of Jehovah, which is Yod He Vau. Then you put a Shin, and then you put an ayin. Because Jehovah: everything is. Nothing passes away. But to be a Savior one would have to be able to change. If you could not be changed from what you are, you could not be saved.

So the Savior, when Jehovah comes as Savior, a Shin is in his name. That he could transform the lady: she took the Shin and used it in her power when she saw a depressed lady. Could have been her feet were hurting, she didn’t know what was wrong. Could be standing on her feet all day long. But didn’t ask her what was wrong; she just saw a lady in need of help, and in her mind’s eye, she just saw her radiant and saw her happy. One week later, she could confess in that interval she got some money, a gift out of the nowhere; she inherited it and paid off all bills. If she didn’t have the Shin in her name, then that woman forever would be as she is. But a Savior must have the Shin. So, it’s really a big W.

(inaudible followup question)

Well, no, that would not be significant in that sense. No, no. They’re thinking of the trinity, but this is all churchianity. When you see that of the Christ, this is all churchianity, for it’s not in the Bible.

But our churches through the ages have developed the most fantastic traditions, which they keep alive. They will die to protect their position. But that’s not scripture.

But a Shin is in the name of Jesus, as it is in the name of Yeshua, which is Joshua, which is the same thing as Jesus. Because the last one, Ayin, in the name is an eye, is that… the sixteenth letter of the alphabet, which has the value of eye and the numerical value of a seventy. So he sends seventy into the world to really do this work. Not seventy people, that’s eye, to see it seventy times seven. To see it so clearly that you see it and not a power in this world could move you from it.

I saw it, I am still seeing it, I will continue to see it until that which I have seen, and I am seeing and will continue to see, is externalized.

No wavering. I believe in the reality of the imaginal act, and the day will come you will see it as something objective to your mortal eye. It will be so vivid in your mind’s eye that you will objectify it.

But the Shin is a flame. It’s a tooth that consumes and consumes. And could I not consume in my own mind’s eye unlovely things I see in another, I couldn’t help them.

But my ability to completely forget all that I saw them to be and put in its place what I want them to be allows me to save them, to be a savior. And Jesus is Savior. And Jesus Christ is the one who actually has lifted up within himself the power and the wisdom of God, which is Christ.

And the day is coming that everyone will move into this world completely subject to our imaginative power. All of us will recognize each other, although the bodies will be trans– in fact, you can’t describe the bodies. You can’t. Completely above the organization of sex. There’s no need for sex as we understand sex, for we create without bodies of this nature.

Yet we have a body. As Paul said, “But the body you sow or, what you sow is not the body which will be, but God gives it a body as he has chosen.”

And so the body will be as different from this as the butterfly is from the caterpillar. Something attuned to an entirely different realm and yet luminous.

I’ve seen it. I became one with it.

Someone said to me, “Neville, how can you dare say that infinite power, infinite wisdom, can be conceived as personal?”

Yet in the 8th chapter of Romans, are we not told:

The whole creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.

God is this power, this infinite creative power, and yet he has sons. And are we not personal? If he’s waiting eagerly for a revealing of his sons, then is he not a person? But I don’t have to rationalize it; I’ve seen him, and God is a person.

And the infinite power, how could you personify it and call it a person?

I have seen it, and it is man.

Infinite power is man. Infinite wisdom is man. I’ve seen them. Stood in the presence of infinite love, and infinite love isn’t some intangible little thing… it’s man, and it’s infinite love.

Stood in the presence of infinite power, almightiness, and he talked to me, ordered me, commanded me, and sent me on my way. It was man. So they will say to me, they’ve asked me, “How are you speaking of God? We speak of the exalted God. How can he be this exalted God?”

They couldn’t see him as personal. Well, I tell you that he is.

And then one said to me, “Well, tell me, was your Christ once a man?”

What can you say to that when you have heard me this night?

But to say “was”? He is the heavenly man. I saw the power. It’s man. And Christ is the power and wisdom of God, and I saw infinite power and infinite wisdom as man. So Christ is the heavenly man. As we are told in the 15th of 1st Corinthians, “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, so shall we bear the image of the man of heaven.”

Good night.
