The Becoming God

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Mechanic and Mark’s Gospel: It’s a Therapeutae Theology Thing

Having as a Christian Pentecostal learned at least a little bit of the Jewish mystical-esoteric interpretation of the Bible and something of its ancient sources, I have to consider the possibility that the Christian Lindtner Theory is correct, that the author of the Book of Mark was an Indian Buddhist missionary to the Palestine area who interpreted and translated Sanskrit Buddhist texts in light of the Gospel According to Moses, and that his 'Jesus' was modeled upon the person of Gautama--Buddha.

Of course, anyone who has believed on Jesus, who has been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit is going to believe the Gospel just as it is written: Another Gospel? No thank you. It does not occur to that person that Moses' Gospel was said on this level, with Buddha as an example, so that the Jews could understand it. It worked really great late in the Season of Grace (from the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem to the destruction of the second) and the Anointing appeared among the believing Jews. That was because regardless of the model, the mechanism works. The mechanism working is evidence of the reality believed upon BEHIND the model.

Unfortunately, the model--whichever model is used--causes confusion because people associate it with the evidence bearing mechanics. By 'mechanics' I mean such as the mechanics of physics: the mechanics of the forces of nature; the apple falls because of the mechanics of gravity. Newton supposedly read between the lines and saw gravity behind the falling. Mark came to see God behind Buddha, and that we are bright, shiny apples.

Most people do not know that God has been working on our consciousness for many ages, that Christ was known about from at least the time of Moses. Gautama certainly knew about the Christ nature as the principle of God's manifestation, and the ancient Gnostics understood this knowledge. Few Westerners know that Emperor Ashoka of India set up institutions to evangelize the world for Buddhism, nor that Greek Egyptian mystics and philosophers had an enclave near Alexandria, Egypt, which had healers among them called Therapeutae, "Sons of the Elder" in the Indian Pali language. No one knows who the Elder was: Ashoka, Gautama, or the Noah of Biblical fame, the original Buddha.

I consider the original 1st century Christianity to be refined Buddhist Judaism. Mark came initially preaching Buddhism, but found Buddha in 600 BC to be but an expression of the mechanism Moses wrote about still 600 years earlier. "Oh," he thinks, "It is not Buddha but the mechanism, the Source of the mechanism, doing these things. The question is: Are there such mechanics as causative imagining, prayer, and manifestation, in reality? Because if there are . . .

I am not trying to corrupt your Christian or Jewish faith. I am trying to correct it, to enlarge it to include the wider view of what was happening two and three thousand years ago. Mark learned much in the years of his trip from India, through Persia, Syria, and Israel, down to the enclave at Alexandria. Probably, he was there as a Therapeut with the Jewish and Gnostic mystics, and he learned the deep meanings of the Jewish Scriptures from them. Why didn't the Jews understand them? he might have asked himself. Moses was talking about imagination and the goodness of God, and they were talking about political parties and war. But some had withdrawn to make their paths smooth for God.

That many were getting right in the Season of Grace was perfect for Mark's reconciliation of Gautama's teaching with the Gospel of Moses, a refined Buddhism. So from Egypt came God's Son, the PRINCIPLE of His manifestation talking to the numb CONSCIOUSNESS that is supposed to be doing it: "Wake up!" What do you do with a sleeping limb? You shake it and tell it to wake up, maybe rub it until it comes back to life. Why should Mark's illustration be any different?

"If man would only look upon the world as a world of appearance, behind which the reality of imagining lay, he would find the truth" (Neville, "Feel After Him). And the truth Mark found was a hungry God, a God hungry for the manifestation of Its love.

Excuse me while I ramble :
A troubling thing for western minds is the Buddhist doctrine that there is no God, only ourselves, which is really weird in that they've got Buddha as an invisible spirit answering prayers on this side of Nirvana. May I propose that Gautama meant that there is no OTHER God but the Ineffable who is manifesting in, as, and through us and everything else. This world experience is the facilitation of manifestation, and the inner man's experience is the real deal of God's manifestation.

The point of the Therapeutae and Moses was that we are God and the Law is ours. We are the Spirit, but we are asleep as Adam in our dream (he never was wakened in the story, you know). The disciples are our sleeping minds. We need to get on with the progression to a wakeful state by the PRACTICE of humility and imagination.

While Mark may have presented Buddha as Jesus Christ, he knew there was no man who had become God or a god -- there is only the Ineffable and Its nature. Those who wake up and believe become as He, because they are Him. So what to do? Wake up, believe, and imagine lovingly within the Golden rule. I wonder if we oughtn't have imagination practice clubs or something like that.

Some of the many books which have informed my view :

Garnier, J. 1909. The Worship of the Dead, or the Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia. London: Chapman and Hall (but please buy a reprint by Kessinger Publishing on Amazon).

Massey, Gerald. 1907. Ancient Egypt: the Light of the World. London: T. Fisher Unwin.

David A. Cooper. 1997. God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism. New York: Riverhead Books.

Thompson, Thomas L. 1999. The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel. New York: Basic Books.

Freke, Timothy, and Gandy, Peter. 1999. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God? New York; Three Rivers Press.

Freke, Timothy, and Gandy, Peter. 2001. Jesus and the Lost Goddess: the Secret Teachings of the Original Christians. New York; Three Rivers Press.

Douglas-Klotz, Neil. 1999. The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.

Rehnborg, C. F. 1955. Jesus and the New Age of Faith. Buena Park, CA: C. F. Rehnborg Literary Foundation.

Of course, everything by Neville Goddard, all of which can be found for free on the World Wide Web.

Exodus and Genesis, especially, translated from the Ancient Aramaic by Victor N. Alexander (, ( Vic cannot translate if we do not buy his translations. I find jewels of insights in all his works, things that put me right on my knees. Even if he disagrees with my theology, he has THE translation that supports mine! In my opinion, purchasing the books is worth every penny. I noticed that searching on Bing brought up all his New Testament translations and audio work. Please check him out.

Monday, November 27, 2017

On Neville Goddard's Technique

Abdullah taught Neville a technique of faith.

Faith is a special form of expectation: not coming, but came. Because of ASSUMPTION that the Ineffable HAS PROVIDED every good thing; therefore the desired state EXISTS. This is just early THANKS.

BASICALLY, it is prayer: to transport/teleport ones self in imagination into another state of consciousness, to experience that state as true and to BELIEVE that state is true unto sleep.

That state's virgin mother is the imagination's desire experienced and believed. We are the Father.

Honor your father and your mother.

Overlooked in Gregg Braden's video on How to Pray Effectively is his friend's saying/recognizing, "All of my ancestors, all of my ancestors," and honoring the four directions. Check out 4:10 to 4:30. This expression is eliminated in a subsequent clip.

My take on “All of my ancestors”: this is the universe’s field of consciousness, the Ineffable, Its Imagination, and the eternal Principle behind it: the manifestation of good and better, more of the Ineffable.

Have the right state of mind: the Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes. Have consideration, love; do everything in love and kindness, and let love emanate from your heart.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ineffable Improvement is Ours to "Shine"

There is nothing but the Ineffable, the incomprehensible Most High. The Imagination of the Ineffable, which is manifest as both God and man, is not an entity independent of the Ineffable which the Ineffable just happens to use; it is the Ineffable. Nothing is next to the Source. There is no “other.” Only the Ineffable actually exists; our part is also Him. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not a second parties; they are the Ineffable. There is nothing no way, shape, or form but the Ineffable. And It is good.

Did I say there is nothing but the Ineffable? There is nothing but the Ineffable, the ineffable Source of all things, all of which are ultimately Its consciousness). I probably should stop here and let you think about it. I hope you will. But I want to remind you the opportunity this life is: to be It -- to manifest this PRINCIPLE.

I have been blowing this opportunity like I did school. You may have read my story about encountering God in the baptism with the Holy Spirit. I wondered of the purpose God had for giving me life in the first place, and said, "You are Glorious God; I am a mud-man." It now occurs to me that being the Ineffable's mud-man means I am CHRIST! Christ is the PRINCIPLE that the Ineffable manifests Itself in goodness. And that manifestation is us.  That is why the Ineffable replied, "Remember this, and it is all right." Whatever I do as Christ--remembering this principle that the Ineffable's manifestation is toward improvement--is "all right." I was simply accepted; being Christ, there was no need for forgiveness or punishment. I am manifesting the Ineffable's goodness as I am: I am the Ineffable's beacon. And so are you.

Below is what I was working on that inspired me to write the note above. I wanted to respond to friends whom I found to be members of the True Jesus Church. Of course, all Christian churches (and a lot of cults) believe themselves to be the true Church of Jesus, but are they the church of the True Jesus? THAT is the question:

Forty-plus years of study and consideration DISPROVING the errors I am taught and have thought--a constant refining of vision--has brought me to a very different Jesus than the two-thousand year ago virgin-born human the church worships. The true Jesus is a feature in you and I.

I share a perspective with Neville Goddard and a great mass of others who greatly, deeply, and truly love, believe in, trust, and appreciate Jesus Christ, but believe that he has never been uniquely born apart from us, from everything. Believing HIM is salvation; the story about him, not so much. We totally buy into the "I AM THAT I AM" eternal self-existence of the unfathomable Source of all, the “Ineffable,” but not as being separate from ourselves. The one that God is includes us. This is Advaita Vedanta: doing right because there is no division between God and Man.

The Ineffable's Imagination is the part of It that ACTS. Creation is the Ineffable's action of imagining, Its motion TOWARD MANIFESTING ITSELF. Jesus Christ is the principle behind that action, its basic nature: that the Imagination of the Ineffable uniquely manifests the Ineffable, which is Good. The Imagination itself is the Manifestation of the Ineffable, and the Imagination is the Ineffable. So manifestation is a duplication process, and Jesus Christ is the principle behind that process. "He" is a quality of the Ineffable which is an overriding, guiding influence upon Its manifestation. Make no mistake about it: the hand (influence) of Jesus is the Ineffable, the Almighty Most High Itself. Jesus is not a secondary actor. As Gerald Massey put it, a principle can no more become a human than time can step out of a grandfather clock. But the principle of the process is that we are He, the Ineffable Itself, in the act of manifesting good in order to become Itself manifest. IT IS A RUNNING EVENT. The Ineffable is the becoming God, and so are we. There is no "other." There is no separation, no division between us. We are GP0–Ground Point Zero--of Its transition. KaBoom.

The True Jesus Christ is the principle that the Ineffable manifests. That, in my opinion, is what the name YHWH true means.

"I have come that they may have life (lit. lives) everlasting,*
and that they should have even more than this" (John 10: 10 Alexander).

The Principle pours it on. "Worthy is the Lamb."

You and I are never going to hear any better news than this: the Ineffable Itself is inside as us, and the true Jesus, the nature of the Almighty Most High, PROPELS AND COMPELS US to manifest Him. Jesus Christ, the Ineffable’s loving action to manifest Itself, draws us to become as He. No one is more eager for it than He. We imagine - pray - and it becomes--whatever we desire that is better. Jesus so doing is a sign to us that there is something there; Jesus is a lighthouse beacon. We realize (if we are not doltish LOA advocates) that there is in truth a powerful, loving God actively reaching out to us. The True Jesus indicates the great I AM THAT I AM we truly are! We respond to that love by becoming it.

The true Jesus Christ is YHWH, the action of the Ineffable—Its imagination. That is the power of creation, the power to become Manifest.

From before the beginning Imagination, the action of the Ineffable--Its Son, Jesus Christ--has endeavored to become the Ineffable’s own full and complete manifestation. It created and became us--individual consciousnesses acting in concert--to manifest Its love.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Do Not Blow The Opportunity: Shine the Ineffable

Are we blowing opportunity? Because no one ever sat me down and explained that school was an opportunity, I blew it. Unenlightened, uninformed, uninspired, and undirected, I did not apply myself to take advantage of it. What might have been? Are we blowing it again?

This is just such an opportunity: to be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the PRINCIPLE -- Note: PRINCIPLE -- that the ineffable Most High improves. Every day, in every way, It gets better. That the ineffable Source changes at all is absolute heresy in the church, but it is the Gospel: constant change is the only thing that doesn't change. And the controlling PRINCIPLE of this change is Love: everything (in one way or another in the overall) for good, improvement, better, for the Ineffable is heading for the full and mature manifestation of Itself.

There is no Jesus Christ apart from the Ineffable manifesting Itself positively. “He” is the PRINCIPLE that the Ineffable's own existence manifests as goodness — YHWH, "Jehovah” — the Ineffable in covenant with us. This principle was Jethro, "His abundance," to Moses; and is Jesus, "I have come that they might have lives, and that they should have even more than this" (Alexander) to us. Jethro is constant improvement from chaos to order, from less to more, from illness to health. This is the Pattern Man Neville spoke of — the PRINCIPLE which has come to us: the Ineffable constantly manifests better. We are to present -- to manifest -- this principle by everything we think, say, and do.

Friday, November 10, 2017

There is no Past

I have suggested before that we heal the future by correcting the past. In all reality there is no past. 'Past' is a term used relative to our mental perspective.  We are constantly loading our future, creating a new future from what is now. 'Now' proceeds into the future, said Neville, to confront us there. Our future is loaded now with what we have believed, our reactions to what then was our present. I.e., our "past" is always with us as our present.

Sorry about the confusing tenses of our language.  We refer to the 'past,' but the past is a facet of the present which has loaded our present and future states and events unless we change it. It is simply a continuing effect--our present is already loaded with what is going to be.

There is no future, either.

That is what Moses' technique is about: "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Exodus 3:14 Alexander): "Imagining (Ashur) changes (ahiyeh - my coming) the future (hiyeh - its coming)" INTO JETHRO (His blessings, which is what Moses was wondering about). I.e., "Imagination is how I become his blessings" (ahiyeh = how I become = imagination) (my interpretation). Maybe I should be using 'imagining' instead of 'imagination.' Nothing is fixed, determined, except God's overall intention.

This isn't rocket science, folks. This is simple theology. Moses wondered about the good life three and a half thousand years ago, and the answer is still the same: imagine it. The promise of God still stands: bless and do not curse, for God is one. It is all one big whole, and the God we are is the Master of the Universe!

The Master of the Universe! Who will delay His coming? Man (!), who does not imagine Him as one.

Doing bad or being indifferent to another is immature, evil. Doing good and blessing all is mature, God-like, right. The idea is that everyone would be thinking everything good for everyone. Not for everyone else, for there is no 'else' in God.

Okay, so how do I load the future with the things I desire?

What good can you think of? How far can you extend it? Expand your vision and feelings of wellness, and find some element of that feeling which indicates the whole. As you are drifting off to sleep at night, forgive and abandon this world and enter that specific experience in that world. Simply assume that your consciousness is your real, physical world. Keep experiencing that experience in that world in your mind until you fall asleep in it.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Following is Brad Jensen's review of R. H. Jarret's book It Works. Thank you, Larry, for the suggestion.

A person could do worse than to read several of the customer reviews for It Works at The book, a pamphlet really, is not longer than this review. Two bucks for the Kindle ed., 89 cents for the mp3, or search for it online.          

(original review: I had to correct some format-changed punctuation below)  

(audio and additional comments by Brad Jensen.)

"It Works: The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True!"

How to put It Works to work for YOU! By Brad Jensen on April 29, 2006:

The powerful idea presented so simply and well in It Works will change your life. I know this because it has changed mine. The fantastic results that I have created using this idea have motivated me to investigate these principles for 25 years.

I want you to be rich with things that make you happy. I'm going to give you ideas and images you can use to help you be more successful with the list technique presented in It Works.

What I have Done With It Works

My annual income is now 35 times greater than it was the day I first read this little book. I have gained houses, cars, boats, businesses, friends, a family, and numerous creative and prospering ideas using the principles set forth in this book.

In the last 25 years I have spent thousands of hours teaching these ideas to other people. I've seen many people use the ideas in this book to create something new in their life, and I have seen others who are not so successful with it. I want you to be one of the successful ones.

How to Succeed with your List

First, let's take a little test. Take a sheet of paper (or your word processor) and without looking at the book write down the 'Three Positive Rules of Accomplishment' that are the key to this technique.

Then go back and compare them to the text. How did you do?

Did you miss a few? I did when I first tried this test myself.

If you read this book and it never goes farther than words and ideas in your mind, then you have lost the advantage of it.

The key to success with this method it to DO IT, not just think about it. Don't think that by reading it, even many times, that you will know it. That would be like thinking that you know how to ride a bicycle just by reading about it. In order to master the bicycle, you have to get on it and ride, learning to keep your balance as you move forward. That is exactly the way you learn the principles of conscious creation taught by It Works.

When I first started using the technique in this book, I wrote my first list, and started getting great results. Then after a month or so, I stopped writing and reviewing the list, and tried to 'do it in my head'. I didn't get the same results.

I went back to using the list, and the great results started happening again. Then I got what I wanted and let things slide, and the cycle repeated.

Meanwhile I started studying the ideas and teaching them to others. In the process I learned some interesting things I am sharing with you.

What I learned is that each of us has a spark from the Creator which is our own personal creator, like a genie from a magic lamp. The problem with this genie is that he responds to every thought in my mind as if it were a command. If I think of something with desire, he starts creating that for me. If I start to worry or fear, he starts to erase that creation.

Wherever I put my attention, the genie starts multiplying that attention into a real experience in my life. All of this creation takes place in a part of my mind called the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the part of my mind that holds the tremendous creative power that I can learn to tap into and use. However, it has a special way of working that I must understand if I want to use my subconscious mind power effectively.

If my attention wanders all over the place, my subconscious becomes full of half-created thought-forms and my life is chaotic or boring. That's because the genie is busy trying to do a million different things at once, many of which contradict each other. His efforts always follow in the track of my attention, and until I get my attention going in a constant direction, I don't get the results I would like.

The plan given in It Works helps me to control my attention, and put that genie to work with enough time and focus to produce real and complete results. It will work the same way for you.

My conscious mind sets the agenda, but I often get distracted by the half-formed and malformed effects of previous wishes and desires. Many of those desires are unconscious, created with incomplete understanding or fear or worry. The genie does what I tell him, but he listens to my daydreams and worries and treats them as commands.

This creative power responds to what I believe. I have come to realize that what I believe is not necessarily the same as what I think. It's easy to know what I believe - it is what I act on. It is what I do. Even while I am unable to admit to myself what I really believe, my subconscious mind is working to make circumstances, opportunities, and events in my life to experience those beliefs.

How do I change what I believe, so that I can get what I want? There is a simple way to do this. It has been discovered and rediscovered by teachers and writers throughout the ages.

Here it is:

I can imagine what I want, I can pretend that it is so, and I can repeat this over and over.

The creative genie of my subconscious mind responds to imagination, focused attention, and repetition. That's what the book It Works is all about.

How to Get Faster and Better Results

Here are things that will help you create more successfully when you use the technique presented in It Works. These are things that I have discovered in the last 25 years of using It Works. Each of these is a suggestion based on actual experiences with using the list. Use the ideas that sound good to you.

The most important thing is to do exactly what it says. Follow the plan exactly: Create a list, include what you really desire in order of its importance to you, read the list three times a day, think of the items on the list as often as you can, and don't tell anyone what you are doing.

For faster demonstration of results, you can rewrite the list each day, even if it hasn't changed. Reorder the items on the list according to their importance to you. Doing this makes the ideas new again, and will lead to more rapid success. It's also important to do something physical with your ideas, as soon as possible. Writing them out is a way to give them entry into the outer world of manifestation. It creates a toehold for their growth into physical reality.

If you have a tape recorder, you can read the list out loud in a firm voice and tape it. Then play the tape over and over again (perhaps in your car as you commute to and from work). This needs to be done and played in private. That's easy nowadays since you can get an inexpensive tape player with headphones.

I found a little digital recorder that records into it's own computer memory, and then plays it back over and over again through headphones. You can also do this with the Sound Recorder program that is built into most personal computers.

Put real amounts, specific items, and specific dates in your list. Some people worry that this is 'outlining' and delays manifestation. But what good is it to get Coke when you want Pepsi, or Pepsi when you want Coke? You don't plant strawberries and expect to harvest watermelons. The most important thing is not a particular item on your list, but developing your power of conscious creation.

Do you have trouble remembering the items on your list? If so, it may be that they are not really that important to you. Try memorizing the items on your list.

Are you having trouble finding ten things to put on your list? Are you unsure which things should really be on the list? Here's an easy way to build your list: ask yourself - What do I think about all day? That is what should be on your list. You may have to start by listing your worries, and then turn each of them into a positive desire. For example, what do I worry about? What would need to happen for me to not worry about this any more?

If you have trouble finding things that you want, try thinking of it in another way. What would you like to see happen?

How will you know it is working?

When you receive an idea about something that is on your list, act on it in a positive way. Sometimes the thing you want requires a few intermediate steps. Be ready to go through several doorways as they open before you, to reach your goal. If you want a car, perhaps you will find yourself creating a new set of tires first, or a garage to keep the car in.

Realize that many of the things you want will find you. You will be tempted to say, 'but I didn't do anything, it just happened.' Your inner mind genie will use the simplest and most efficient way to create the results you imagine. It doesn't care who gets the credit. After a while you won't either!

Remember that your genie is working nonstop, according to the program that you set for him. If you say, This can't be working', he will do his best to make that seem true - even while he continues his nonstop creation of the other things you ask for.

How will you know it is working? For most people it is not one thing, or two things, but the fact that one thing after another manifests in their lives. The first thing you get from your list seems to be a coincidence, the second is luck, the third is serendipity, and the forth is a miracle. Finally after many creations, when your friends start wondering what the heck is going on, you will realize that there is a simple and rational law in operation, and that you know how to use it.

Get excited and enthusiastic about the good things coming into your life. If this doesn't seem natural to you, go ahead and use your power of pretend to "fake it until you make it." Appreciation is the oil of the engine of creation. Enthusiasm and excitement are manifestations of your appreciation, and confirmation of your positive expectation.

The attitudes that will delay your success or confuse your creation are jealousy, envy, resentment, reservations, uncertainty, and indecisiveness. Put all of those to the side. The more you recognize your own creative ability, the less you will care about those things that these attitudes have been attached to. You just won't have time for those ways of thinking any more.

There is no such thing as a negative thought - every thought has a positive result in reproducing itself. Every thing you think about grows in your mind and becomes part of your physical life. That's why it is so important to control what you are thinking. The key to controlling your mind is replacing the thoughts that create what you don't want, with the thoughts that create what you do want. You do not resist the old thoughts, you replace them by putting your attention somewhere else. Using your list is your key to accomplishing this. Use this physical tool to reinforce the thoughts that you want.

Think of your subconscious mind as being like a sailboat in the middle of the ocean. The sailboat is blown everywhere, back and forth, by the wind, which is the power of thought. It needs a keel and a rudder to be able to set a course and make way to a certain destination. Your list is the keel and the rudder of your subconscious sailboat.

Thought follows a certain structure in your mind. The idea comes first, then the belief, then the attitude, and then the behavior. Your strongest foundation, the anchor of your thinking, begins with your behavior. Change your behavior, then change the attitude that changing the behavior reveals, then change the belief that inspires the attitude. Grab hold of an idea that is bigger and more inclusive than the small ideas that have kept you poor and unhappy.

When you are tempted to tell everyone what you are doing to make the changes in your life, send them a copy of this book instead. After you have received 40 things you have asked for, you can start talking about the process you are using. Keep a list of everything you get until you receive 40 things you have asked for.

Many people find this book and use it to get one important thing, and then abandon this method. How did this book come into your life? Your genie brought it to you, or brought you to it, in response to your conscious or unconscious desire to create a specific experience, or to understand creation itself. Take advantage of this experience, and make this intelligent, conscious creation a way of life, not a one-time experience.

"Hey Peter, get back in the boat!" - the other 11 apostles

Trying to control other people and make decisions for them is a misuse of them, and of your own creative power. The most important thing you can make is a decision. Trying to take that opportunity for creation away from others is based on fear, not love. Fear in your mind will generally create things you do not want. Let people learn their lessons. God loves them, too.

I learned something wonderful long ago, that will give you freedom. I can't prove anything to you about anything important or meaningful. However, I can tell you how you can experiment and prove these things to yourself. If I walked on water, you would be looking for the rocks. If you walk on water, you will know that there are no rocks. Using this list will show you how to walk on the water of your life. You will have to learn to politely ignore your friends as they yell: "Hey Peter, get back in the boat!"

The Toyota Principle

The subconscious mind creation process goes on all the time. You don't have to be good to make it work. You don't have to chant, exercise, or repeat magic words. You are rich now with the results of what you have been thinking about. Your life is always full of something. If you want to be rich with something else, change what you are thinking about.

As you develop your ability to consciously direct your creation process, as you build your confidence and increase your will power, your results will come more quickly and be more satisfying. Don't delay this process by calling the results coincidence. Wait until you have received at least 40 items on your list (by receiving something and replacing the list item with a new item) before you judge the results as coincidence or creation.

You are already a success at creating what you are thinking about - everyone is. The biggest enemy of conscious control is self-importance - which may manifest in disguise as self-deprecation, worry about what others think of you, or the desire to have others approve of you. Don't let your ego distract your from taking control of your mind and your life.

Everything in your life is there because you have asked for it through either desire or fear. Nothing comes to you by itself. I call this the Toyota Principle because there used to be a commercial advertisement on television for a certain car company with the catchphrase: "You asked for it; you got it! Toyota!" When you have used your list for a while, you will begin to see this is true, and then vast realms of possibility will open in your life.

It's a friendly universe

If you are of a certain religious orientation, you might be concerned about this creative process and think it is a possible affront to God. I don't think it is. Think of the New Testament phrase, "Pray without ceasing." I have decided that this is a description of what we all do all the time. We pray nonstop without knowing it. Practice of the method of conscious creation will show you what prayer is, how it works, and that it is always functioning. I am firmly convinced that learning how my mind works, and how to use it more effectively to help myself and others, is what God wants me to do. How about you?

You don't have to believe in God to use the list. However, don't be surprised if using the list shows you that there is order and structure to the universe, including your mind as a part of that universe. Your world is a lot closer to you and more responsive to you, than you may have considered it to be. It's a friendly universe.

Be careful about including other people on your list. If you want joy and happiness with Jane or Bill, is the joy and happiness more important, or the relationship with Jane or Bill? Maybe the best way to be happy with Jane is let her go find Bill, and let Suzy come find you. As long as you are focused on what someone can give to you, you aren't yet completely experiencing love.

It may be tempting to think your success is dependent on the channel it happens to come through - your job, your family, a particular relationship or thing you possess. Time and experience will show you that this is not so. In the meantime, place your sense of appreciation and thankfulness on the Creator within you, who has made you in his image as a creator. When the river of your life changes its channel, you had better be ready to go with the flow.

How fast will it work?

Faster than you will expect. I put the number one item on my list last week and it manifested in two days - and I thought it would be six months or maybe never. Fortunately, while writing and then rereading that list item, I suspended my disbelief. Even before your pen finishes the sentence, the act of creation has begun. Of course there is no magic in the pen or paper - the magic is in making the decision a physical thing instead of just a mental idea. No matter how long you use this method, there will be times when you are just utterly amazed at what "happens" to you. (It isn't "happening"; you are creating it.) How fast can it happen? Don't blink twice - you'll miss it.

Everything you think will try to prove itself - including your skepticism. If you are afraid of what others will think of you, or of what you will think of yourself, then you may be fooling yourself while thinking you are being completely rational. The world is plastic to the molding power of your thoughts - even while you think this is untrue, or don't have a thought about it at all. Everything lives and moves and has its being in a sea of self-modifying thought. You can prove this to yourself, and put it to effective use, with the simple experiment of work with the list for a few weeks or months.

It doesn't take much time or effort. You have nothing to lose. No one will even know you are doing it. They will just think that you have suddenly become incredibly lucky, intelligent, charming, and good looking. It helps to smile a lot.

Creating complete mind pictures is very helpful. That is another book in itself. Feeling joy and enthusiasm about your mental creation is very helpful. It will start to happen naturally as you use this process over and over, because . . . It Works!

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Acquiescence is Imagination

"EVERYTHING WAS FIRST IMAGINED," we are repeatedly told.

"Well, I certainly didn't imagine THAT (horrible thing that happened)!" we protest.

No, but we acquiesce.  We accept the natural order: childhood cancer, the horrors of war, "fate," rape, not having enough. Acquiescence to what might happen is our acceptance of others' imagination.

Joshua was in an important battle, and the natural order of things was that the sun would set and everyone would return to camp to regroup. The sun itself is important in illustration; it is symbolic of God's order over the whole earth. We are talking top order here.

The Word was in Joshua's mouth. Do I acquiesce to the natural order? Hell no. "Sun, stand still!" And the sun stood still in the sky until the battle was over.

YOU do not have to be the one imagining for things to happen to you. You need only imagine ACQUIESCENCE to them, cooperating as it were with the natural order.

JOHN Osteen had a wonderful book out many years ago called There is a Miracle in Your Mouth. What YOU want, SAY it! It does not matter what it is; if it is not what you imagine, you do not have to acquiesce to it. Speak your mind. What do YOU imagine?

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

How Did Gautama Desire to Become Buddha?

The story goes that Gautama and his friends sought enlightenment.  What indicated to them that there was enlightenment to be had, and the techniques by which to attain it? The previous Buddha. They all knew about him. J. Garnier (The Worship of the Dead) concludes that the first Buddha was Noah. And Noah is God in us. Buddha is man's awareness that he is/we are God. God has become us, and thus we are him in this ignorance. This in mental application and practical expression is Christianity per Mark, the Indian Buddhist missionary who learned Judaism better than the Jews. Christianity, in my opinion, is rightly - ought to be - reformed Jewish Buddhism. This is why Mark presents Buddha as Jesus, the Jewish YHWH.

It is not that there is no God, but that there is no God other than the one who has become us. Center yourself in awareness of this fact, for this is salvation.