The Becoming God

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Illusion of Immensity

Every point in the universe is zero distance from the Source, the ineffable Most High God, because everything exists by being imagined by It. I recall an ancient Chinese philosopher saying to the effect: "The ten-thousand things are contained in an inch" (Fung Yulan, 1952. A History  of Chinese Philosophy; Translated by Derk Bodde. Princeton: Princeton University Press). I am sorry I cannot find the exact quote right now.

The idea of the thousand things does not refer to items, but to concepts. All the tools and utensils in the universe = one "thing." All the animals, one thing. Ten thousand things, everything. All the universe is in one inch of the Source. And of course 'inch' is an estimate of meaning by the translator. I believe it would be 'yi fen' in Chinese: one mark, point, or jot. The smallest denominator. Everything exists in one point. Thus when I think of the Ineffable Source, I get scared and feel a little faint. That It can know and manage the whole history of all dimensions of the universes at once is mentally overwhelming. It is a Person, not a impersonal, non-judging force or vibration. Impersonal, non-judging forces do not love with so much passion and design for person.

From, found while I was looking for my quote:

"Another skill is wuwei, often inadequately translated as “no action” or “non-action.” It does not mean not doing anything, although it certainly has the connotation of quiescence. It means “the absence of any course of action that interferes with the particular focus (de) of those things contained within one’s field of influence.” Instead of imposing one’s will on circumstances, instead of interfering, one acts like water, which flows to the lowest place and ultimately prevails. Wuwei is found throughout the Tao Te Ching. Here are some examples:
[T]he sage goes about doing nothing, teaching no-talking.
The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease,
Creating, yet not possessing,
Working yet not taking credit.
Work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts forever.
(Chapter 2)

Tao abides in non-action,
Yet nothing is left undone.
If kings and lords observed this,
The ten thousand things would develop naturally.
If they still desired to act,
They would return to the simplicity of formless substance.
Without form there is no desire.
Without desire, there is tranquility.
And in this way all things would be at peace.
(Chapter 37)

Returning is the motion of the Tao.
Yielding is the way of the Tao.
The ten thousand things are born of being.
Being is born of not being.
(Chapter 40)

The natural order is a manifestation of the nature of God. There is unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness in action. Yet there is a goal being achieved. By a shepherd. A Personal shepherd Who was Not-being, but now It is in us.

The Consciousness of LOA's Causation: the Divine Orchestrator

I hate the lie of the so-called Law of Attraction. I watched a video named "F**K the Law of Attraction" (, which I thought would be right up my alley (there is a text address also:, but it turned out to advocate for the LOA.

Ms. Swan, who in the video proves to be a keen observer, spins in her own predilections. Note to Ms. Swan: 2+2=4. She says, "F**k the Law of Attraction," because it does not work, then notes that it does not work because life is not just reflecting our desires but the higher self's desires. The higher self's reflection is under the control of the "Divine Orchestrator" -- her words -- who is working something better for us than we can know.

Duh. May I introduce you to Jesus Christ, not the religious guy who supposedly lived two thousand years ago but the power of God and the wisdom of God who is a discriminating PERSON within us. I am not denying that themes in our lives have certain discernible vibrations (we used to call them 'airs'), but their manifestation is not from attraction but from CAUSATION. What LOA advocates call attraction is the exercise of God's volition.

Ms. Swan had the revelation that when she discerned the will of the higher self and decided to go with its desire with gratitude, everything that had been going wrong started to go right. What she discovered, I would say, was not another vibration but God, the other '2' in making 4. "When it works, you have found Him, God, and he is your own, wonderful, HUMAN imagination" -- Neville Goddard.

IF YOU WANT THINGS TO GO RIGHT, BRING GOD INTO IT. That is what made Adam's rib into Eve; it is what Jairus did in bringing Jesus to his dead daughter (who was also the old woman with an issue healed); it is what Abraham did that restored elderly Sarah to youthful vitality to bear 'Laughter'. It is what Moses discovered: the method of prayer that causes 'jethro,' God's overflowing abundance/blessings, in our lives -- BRING GOD INTO IT. Think of him, think of everything you know about him, praise him, love him. "WORTHY IS THE LAMB."

There is no "attraction"; there is a Man already risen from this death in the mind of the Source, and He does.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hey, Wait a Minute. If "Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh" in Exodus 3: 14 is About the Nature of Jesus Christ in Us, Then Moses was . . .

Yes, a Christian. Christianity is what authentic Judaism is supposed to be, and the original Judaism is what Christianity is supposed to be. Almost nobody is getting it right. Christianity is not just a sect that came out of Judaism, Judaism is a sect that came out of the original Christianity. There ain't nothing but God, and the original Christianity was recognition of the fact that the power of God and the wisdom of God is in us and is what gives life to the universe. Also, that we are in an optimal place to know and use this power and wisdom as God, whom we are (as is everything else, but we get to know and use it for jethro).

Moses, he was a real prayer warrior, was he not? It comes to mind just now that as Jacob (Moses' inner man) was returning from Levin (see, he observed that he had first crossed the Jordan River with nothing but his staff (power), but now he had become two camps. HE had become two camps. The man for whom and by whom the universe was created wrestled with him, and Jacob held him by his creative power AND WOULD NOT LET GO. Again, the word 'name' in Hebrew means NATURE. Nobody cares nobody's name (sorry, grammar teachers); the Bible is about NATURES. "Tell me your nature!" "Why do you ask about my nature?" And he blessed him there.

"Tell me your nature!" "Why do you ask about my nature?" "Tell me your nature!" "Why do you ask about my nature?" "Tell me your nature!" "Why do you ask about my nature?" Why, why, why? You just did it, dummy. My "nature" is what you just DID! Why do you need me to explain it to you? Do what you just did, and you've got it. Jesus Christ, what do you want, an instruction manual?

Okay, said Moses, I'll write you one.

Ashur Does Not Mean Imagination

On 6/22/16, I posted an article about Exodus 3:14's famous I AM THAT I AM (Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh in ancient Aramaic) really meaning something else ( Posts since then, and hopefully this one, clarify what it does mean.

Ashur does not mean imagination, ahiyeh does not mean intention, and hiyeh does not mean belief. But then again, Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh is not the name of God, either.

It was Moses' "Abraham" who was the friend of God. The Abraham in Moses was called from the Chaldees in Babylonia and then from the Haran of Assyria (these were concepts, not places he lived). Ashur was Abraham's creator God. The pictograph of Ashur depicts the Son of God, Ashur, rising to work from the midst of the solar disc -- God. It is heat and light from the sun that gives life on the earth, and Ashur is the heat and light of God who gives life on the earth. This is simplistic, but you see the parallel. We are in the rays of Glory emanating from Ashur/God.

Ancient Aramaic was also ancient Hebrew. The modern languages came from the same ancient Assyrian core language as its speakers were separated by time and space over hundreds of years. Back when Moses' Abraham was God's friend, ancient Aramaic was the scribal language for what became our scriptures. They kept it as their scribal language while colloquial Hebrew developed.

The Aramaic word ashur does not mean imagination, but that is what it IS. Likewise, ahiyeh does not mean intention, but that is what it IS, and hiyeh does not mean belief, but, I believe, that is what it IS. This reflects the nature of Jesus Christ as he is in us now. Moses wasn't asking his name, and Christ was not telling his name. He was telling how his nature in man produces jethro, God's abounding grace toward man: "You intend, imagine, and believe." It is in our THOUGHTS, ATTITUDES, AND EMOTIONS -- Israel (God rules man) as opposed to Egypt (ignorance rules man -- no offense meant to modern Egyptians).

In the ancient Aramaic text it is still Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh. I capitalize following Victor Alexander ( only because he capitalized this way, and I don't know any better. 'Ehyeh 'Aser 'Ehyeh served the Hebrew speakers better, and for a number of reasons they went with that (you've been robbed -- just an opinion).

Monday, June 27, 2016

When Was Jesus: What Jesus to Present?

I read most of Victor Alexander's synopsis of his Movie, The Story of Jesus ( It is the story of the Jesus supposedly born two-thousand years ago to the virgin Mary, but from the perspective of the ancient Aramaic scriptures. This is good, better than the traditional Western Christian view, but still leaves me sad. Victor had spoken of a Jesus who appears in this modern world -- what would he say and do? I had an inquiring mind.

That that is what we should say and do is kind of lost. Victor has a different Jesus than I do. He sees the very traditional timeline with Jesus prophesied in the future and an advent two thousand years ago, Jesus being crucified at the end of that supposed lifetime and risen in our justification.

Like Victor, I see Jesus Christ as the Manifestation, the Life-giving, Living Branch of God. But I see as his "crucifixion" his transcendence into this dimension to make it alive AT OR BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE. This is a markedly different guy.

Moses is to me the germ of the Gospel resident in man. You might say he is the twelve disciples who are hunters for God in man's psyche. They are sensitive to his evidence in man's life: they are reaching for him as he is reaching for them. Moses saw jethro. "Hey, whassat?" he might have said to himself when a Godly thought bore fruit. Much like the sun overflows its surface and gives life to the earth, God is abounding toward us. Good things in mind become good things in experience. How does that happen?

The answer is Jesus Christ: Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh (Exodus 3: 14). Christ who "crucified" himself from the overthrow of the world as life in it is the nature of God bringing his overflow into our experience as jethro. This is his (God's) manifestation.

This is the same Jesus who came and went and is coming again, except he happens in every individual born of woman. That is the Jesus I would like to see portrayed in film, the "I am here" Jesus we all discover when we are enlightened and converted -- the one who is knocking on the door of our STUPIDITY: "Hey, hi. Yeah, what are you about to do?"

"Uh, I was about to . . . you know, you're giving me doubts. Like maybe I shouldn't do it. Because you 're not supposed to be real."

"But you have had your doubts."

"Yeah. Like I have always believed that you really are here, like watching us, helping us, maybe even protecting us."

"I am."

"But you are in my brain. You're not some guy in heaven working by remote control or something. You are real and here, and not real. Not in that way, you know?"

"Sorry, the explanation got confused. I am supposed to be like this in the explanation, but guys can't read too well. They thought the explanation of my spirit was a report of physical history."

"You said you was gonna stop contending."

"But I need to tell you that when I said, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," intention, imagination, belief to get jethro, I was talking about me. These three are not a separate God out there somewhere; they are my nature in you."

"Oh. Okay. You know, I wish Alexander was presenting you instead of the history guy."

"Yeah, Me too."

Friday, June 24, 2016

Watch Your Intention, Your Imagination, and Your Belief: Keep It Pure, Clear, Single

Indecision, considering alternatives, fearing interruptions, doubting possibility are dissolution. They are logs in your eye that interfere with manifestation. You say you want this, but your mind entertains another.

Pining for an old affection, mulling over past failures, anxiety about what could happen nullifies your intent with this present reality. You don't want no stinking reality from here; you want the reality there, where you are in imagination now. STOP IMAGINING THIS STUFF. Let it go. Abandon your baggage.

"But that is who I am." Exactly. If you do not want to continue being that, GO AWAY. Chuck it.

At my baptism in the Holy Spirit I had control of my life. And God wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. I cast that control out of myself, all of it, to be submitted to God. That was what God had sent me into meditation school to learn how to do (though I didn't know it; he's not upfront about that stuff). When I had learnt it, he brought me out. And when I had cast all control of myself out of myself and was wholly submitted unto him, he accepted me.

No, Ignorance does not die or go away. We just have to overcome it. Identify it and abandon it, and let your eye be single and clear.

The Great I AM THAT I AM and How to Pray: If Doctrines Could Talk

"Hey, hey, hey! Whoa, Dan. What on earth do you think you are doing, man? One minute I'm the name of God Almighty and the next I'm a how-to on prayer. You're ripping me apart, dude."

Not really. It is just a correction.

"Correction my hiney. Do you know how often Exodus 3: 14's I AM THAT I AM is quoted in establishing that God is the eternal, uncreated Creator who created everything out of nothing? Without the revelation of his name, the whole idea flounders."

I am all too aware of it. The trouble is, it wasn't there in the original. Moses never thought it. It wasn't his question. He didn't give a rat's hiney, pardon the expression, about God's name, as if God had one. Here is God's name: ( . . . ). It isn't that you are not allowed to pronounce it; it's that you can't -- there isn't one. The doctrine that God is is safe: it is assumed throughout the scriptures.

"But what God? I've gone from the revelation of the Most High's name to just being an instruction manual."

Moses was giving us the nature of God as it pertains to practical prayer, and it became misunderstood as the revelation of God. Well, in a way it still is. It just isn't as dramatic.

"I had people prostrating themselves on the floor!"

As we still ought to the Most High. ( . . . ) puts me on my face! But when the Jews wrote you in, they changed what God really is. The point of the original Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh was that we are one with God. The point of 'ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh is that we are NOT. Moses' non-dual reality became hidden and the error of dualism became doctrine de rigueur. That the great I AM THAT I AM is aloof, unapproachable, and wholly other is unreal; it is a lie. All is one. God didn't make everything out of nothing: he made everything out of No-thing -- himself(!) -- the imagination of his intelligence which is power to become what he imagines. THIS is the nature of God: that we should intend, imagine, and believe, for we are him. I am sure we will find other expressions and dimensions in wondering about the words Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh in Exodus 3: 14, but doctrine of God's name being I AM THAT I AM, you just don't belong there.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

My Misreading of Moses' Simple Lesson of Practical Neville

Like everyone else, I tend to interject my prejudices into my interpretation of scripture. Case in point: as a young Christian I learned Exodus 3:14 as the announcement of God's name, "I AM THAT I AM." It is a pretty impressive statement, and much thought has gone into its implications.

Not to deny the truth of the statement, I realize the fact that it just wasn't in Moses' thoughts when he wrote it. Still, when I read what he did write, I stick in the value of my impression -- this is the announcement of God's name, or in truth, nature. In this I am gaming the system: I am looking for some stirring revelation of God, while Moses is just writing about what he was interested in, jethro.

I put a strong interpretive bent in my rendering of Exodus 3: 14's Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh. The words do not mean intention, imagination, or belief, these are, I think, what Moses was talking about.

Ah, what Moses was talking about. You would never guess by reading the Bible. Yes, there really was a Moses, a ruler and general in central Egypt (as I recall from Faber), who led his people out of Egypt into Palestine and gave them laws. That was famous history. The Moses of the Bible is the germ of the Gospel in us. Israel is God-inspired thoughts and Egypt is amnesia-caused doubt and ignorance. The person(s) who wrote as Moses took in the message of the myths (Pharaoh's daughter) and, growing up, discerned Israel and Egypt as influences within himself.

Moses didn't kill an Egyptian man, his mind stymied a doubt, and IT WORKED. This blew Moses' mind, as it well ought ours. He didn't escape into the wilderness, he withdrew into meditation and contemplation, falling into God's trap. God is glad to teach us when we are willing to listen to him in our imagination, which is him. Moses' Israelite thought worked. It produced jethro -- God's blessing of abundance. Like a little chirping bird, the thought repeated in his mind: "It worked. Why? How? What was it that did? What did I do, and how can I do it again?"

God's name is nice, but Moses was interested in the mechanics of jethro, getting God's goodness. Funny, God didn't say anything about strapping a bunch of magnets around his head. He talked about ASSUMPTION, IMAGINATION and BELIEF, or if you would, FAITH. At least I think he did. It is practical Nevillism: know exactly what you want, assume that you are that, thinking from it, imagine it with all the tones of reality with all its concomitant emotions -- BE IT as you fall asleep -- and remain faithful to the idea that the past is dead and the new is alive.

There is a lot of practical advice on how to keep your head this way: keep a journal, read affirmations, create and frequently review a picture book of what you "have" coming, share with others, read my blog, etc.

Moses was also aware of the myth of Nineveh, Babylonia, and Midian. Over in Midian there was a district known as YHW. My own interpretation of this word is "God acts." Adding the 'H' of grace as a receiving hand or window, I get "God acts through me." Can I prove it? No. But it won't cost you anything to try it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

It Begins With Intention

God does not have a name; He has a nature. There is the universe, we can see that, at least parts of it. The universe is a reflection of His intention.

Here we are in the universe. We are at least part of it. And we see that God has intention. God's intention is what is going on. There is an end everything is headed to, an end which has been imagined. And it is beautiful. God was real pleased with it, but today is the Sabbath: He is resting until it becomes.

The power to create God's intended has been lifted from Adam and placed on us. He has faith in us. We just have to learn how to intend and imagine like He does, and learn how to rest like He does. Intend and sleep, imagine and rest, and on the morrow the end manifests.

"Hey, wait! That's too fast." No, every moment is the end. "Now" is the passage of the future into oblivion. It is a running end. Look, there it goes again! Every day has its own end. If what you wanted didn't end right today, try again tomorrow by intending as you go to sleep tonight. Imagine and believe in the evening, and on the morrow . . .

The nature of God is His intention to Himself become the manifest experience of His imagining. God will be all in all. He has plans for us, thoughts of good and not evil. Jethro (His abundance) is always coming forth. Hey, is anybody steering this thing? How about you and I?


Discovery of the Key to Jethro: Exodus 3:14 --"I AM Intention, Imagination, Belief"

The person(s) writing as Moses cared a lot about what is really going on. Every moment is new: the present passes into oblivion, creation is bringing forth still a new moment. Life is breaking forth -- just in front of us, the power of the invisible Source is jutting over Its brim in a torrent of manifestation. This is 'jethro,' "His abounding."

Moses was expert in the myths of Egypt, Nineveh, and Babylon which explained what is going on: warmth and life from the solar disc, people from above and people from below, eternal life, purpose, and death. What is it all about? Deep in meditation, God says, "Hi."

You have to understand, Moses did not care diddly-squat about God's name. Nobody did, nobody does. Theologians have had to come up with the most outlandish rationalizations as to why Moses asked God his name. He didn't. Moses asked what he really, really wanted to know, "What is your nature?" THAT we want to know. "What is 'you' that jethro keeps coming forth? What is all this? What is going on?" And God answered, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh."

No, that is not "I am that I am." For what it is, we go to Victor Alexander's translation of the ancient Aramaic (Chapter 3 provided below). Per Alexander's notes on Exodus 3: 14, Ahiyeh is "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes"; the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come."

Ashur is "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire," or, "the Light"; "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing"; "Above-the-Flames."

Hiyeh is "His Coming."

Ahiyeh and hiyeh are related forms of the same word. Again, they mean more than "the Coming." They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come."

Here is what is important: put the three words together and they spell the NATURE of God, the nature of what is going on, the real "natural order."

Ahiyeh is the never ceasing intent of the One who comes in his coming, IT IS THE SOURCE'S INTENT.

Ashur is the uncreated Creator above the flames, the Light that kindles the coming forth of everything from nothing. This "Beginning Spark" is imagination: IT IS THE SOURCE'S IMAGINING.

Hiyeh is . . .

Wait, what is hiyeh? The word means "His Coming." It is third person singular. And this is God's nature. I have previously posited that the third person is the Man, the Son of God who created and for whom the world was created, the Man that we all are becoming. But then again, it could be jethro. Every moment is the coming forth into manifestation the abundance of the Ineffable Most High God. God is not just the thing that comes forth, but the experience of it. His experience of the breaking forth present could be "his coming."

The Man's coming? Maybe. Jethro's coming? It fits the context. Still another possibility is Believing. It is related to Intent. Belief is the investment imagining needs for manifestation. Belief is the becoming of the Source into the reality of the dream, which will then manifest in the physical order.

So this is the underlying natural order, the what is going on in this world:
1) Intention, 2) Imagining, and 3) Belief -- "I intend, imagine, and believe. This is my nature forever."

I know that these words are NOT translation of  ahiyeh, ashur, or hiyeh. They are symbolic, and mine are interpretive of those symbols.

Inasmuch as the Ineffable's imagining has become us, what we imagine is Its imagining. Do we want to experience anything in particular? The way to get that experience is to define it, INTEND to have it, and then IMAGINE it as had. And BELIEVE it.

The rest of the Bible is commentary on this. My apologies to everyone who thought Exodus 3: 14 said, "I AM THAT I AM." The statement regarding God is still true; it just isn't in Exodus 3: 14.

Something else comes to mind about this order. It pertains to the dream state. In the dreams of the evening is the intent to become an experience and its imagining unto belief: "I see it, and it is beautiful!" In the morning comes manifestation. "Evening and morning, the first day."


Exodus 3

1. And Moses shepherded the herds of Jethro,* his king priest and he fetched him sheep for the altar, and he came to the mountain of God at Khooriv.
2. And there appeared to him the angel of the Lord through the waves of fire from inside the sun disc, and he saw that the sun disc itself did not burn up.
3. And Moses said, "Let me see, this must be indeed a great vision, that is why the disc is not burning up."
4. And the Lord saw that he was approaching to look closer, and so God called him from inside the disc, and He said, "Moses," and [Moses] said, "Behold, it is I."
5. And He said to him, "Do not come near, take off your sandals, because the land that you stand on is holy ground."
6. And He said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid himself from the faces* that he saw, because he was afraid to look at God.
7. And the Lord said, "I have indeed seen* the slavery of my people in Egypt, and I have heard the agonies of their enslavement, because I know what ails them.
8. "And I have come down to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians and to take them up from this land to an expansive and good land, to a land that flows with milk and honey, to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.
9. "And now, behold, the agony of the Children of Israel has reached me* and I can also see the persecution by which the Egyptians oppress them.
10. "Now come, I will send you to the Pharaoh, and take my people, the Children of Israel, out of Egypt."
11. And Moses said to God, "Who am I to go to the Pharaoh and bring out the Children of Israel out of Egypt?"
12. And God said to him, "I will be with you and this is the sign that I am sending you, when you conduct the exodus of the nation from Egypt, you shall work here before God on this mountain."
13. And Moses said to God, "Behold, as I go to the Children of Israel and say to them, 'the Lord God of your ancestors has sent me over to you," and they tell me, 'what is His name?' what shall I say to them?"
14. And God said to Moses, "Ahiyeh-Ashur-hiyeh,"* and He said, "this is what you will say to the Children of Israel, "Ahiyeh has sent me over to you."
15. And again God said to Moses, "This is what you shall tell the Children of Israel, that the Lord God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, sent me over to you -- this is His name to the end of the universe and this is how you shall commemorate me from this century to the end of all the centuries,
16. "Go and gather all the elders of the Children of Israel and say to them that the Lord God of your ancestors has revealed this to me, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so as to say this to you, that you shall memorialize this memorial, of all that He has done for you in Egypt.
17. "And you shall tell them that He brought you out of the enslavement of the Egyptians to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, to the land that flows with milk and honey.
18. "And I shall make them heed your voice, and you and the elders of the House of Israel shall enter into the presence of the king of Egypt and you shall say to him, 'The Lord God of the Hebrews has revealed this to us now that we must go and spend three days in the wilderness and make a sacrifice to our Lord God.'
19. "And I know the king of Egypt will not allow you to go, and it is not in his power to do so.*
20. "And I shall extend my hand and strike the Egyptians and I shall perform wonders among them and then I shall send you [all out.]
21. "And I shall give the nation to be perceived kindly in the eyes of the Egyptians, so that when you go, you do not go empty-handed.*
22. "The wife shall ask her neighbor, and the residents of her house for gold plates and silver plates and clothing, so that you may cloth your sons and your daughters, and the Egyptians shall allow it."

*3:6 Lit. Ar. idiom retained: "Visions" or manifestations.
*3:7 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Seeingly have seen."
*3:9 Lit. Ar. id.: "Entered upon me."
*3:14 Lit. Aramaic: (1) "Ahiyeh": "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes." (2) "Ashur": "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire" or "the Light." (3) "Hiyeh": "His Coming." (4) "Ahiyeh" and "hiyeh" are related forms of the same word. They mean more than "the Coming." They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come." (5) In the same way, "Ashur" signifies "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing." (6) Also, "Ashur" signifies: "Above-the-Flames."
*3:19 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "It was not in his clutching hand."
*3:21 Lit. Ar. id.: "Bare."

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Farewell to Contention: The Short-Changed Christian (and Jew, Muslim, Hindu, etc.)

I was composing an article on the short-changed Christian. As Christians we are taught to believe the kerygma, for faith in its Jesus Christ is our salvation:

"It is true that the kerygma as we have recovered it from the Pauline epistles is fragmentary. No complete statement of it is, in the nature of the case, available. But we may restore it in outline somewhat after this fashion:
The prophecies are fulfilled, and the new Age is inaugurated by the coming of Christ.
He was born of the seed of David.
He died according to the Scriptures, to deliver us out of the present evil age.
He was buried.
He rose on the third day according to the Scriptures.
He is exalted at the right hand of God, as Son of God and Lord of quick and dead.
He will come again as Judge and Saviour of men" (From C. H. Dodd, The Apostolic Preaching and Its Development
If we believe the historic fact to be as the above formula, we are "saved" -- forgiven and joined into the body of Christ.

Except Christ is the power and the wisdom of God the Father, the agency of God's Being which causes what we imagine to subsequently manifest, which is the natural order of the Ineffable who is imagining. Christians are not usually taught Jesus Christ as such and to imagine as causation for that which they wish to manifest in their and others' lives. Believing in a person for whom they must wait, they are short-changed of the potential of having their prayers thus answered. They see the Provider in a heaven which does not exist instead of "His" being their very own human imagination!

So I was composing this great article and was going to use Paul's exposition of the Christian's hope to substantiate my contention that he saw "hope in Christ" to be the natural order as I see it, and not the waiting for a risen man who is coming back. Then I saw Paul had said in Galatians, "Forget it. Let it go." For if I have rejected the law of doctrines as having any significance for salvation, why am I building them up as a law again? Just get on with believing the real Jesus Christ, the power and the wisdom of the Spirit of God, the intelligence that is power of the Most High who has become us, the inner Man in each imagination.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

An Ignoranced God

Forgive me the term 'ignoranced'. It beats ignoranted. Our friend Marek asked a wonderful question about our being restored (per Neville Goddard), to being twenty-year-olds immediately after death ( Fortunately, Marek included the text of the lectures which gave me the answer. It is after the extended period of lives in this state of death -- the forgetting that we are God -- that we graduate into the next form of existence, again in physical bodies on a terrestrial sphere, but no longer needing to die life after life. But for now, it is necessary for Christ, us, to taste death. It has been a long taste (I dare say millions of years), and people are graduating to the next realm. The question comes to mind, why taste death at all?

We are an odd lot. We were God's consciousness, and imagined being the living things on this earth. We made ourselves ignorant of being God to live lives in this state of forgetting. How was this progress, advancement? What do we learn in this death that we use in the next stage of evolution?

The question takes me back to Genesis 3. Remember, there was no one there except all of us, and we were spirit -- this is all psychological. Think of all of the people/entities in Genesis 3 as just your spirit/consciousness. (I suggest reviewing Neville's lecture Unless I Go Away.) Here is the problem: we were imagination. We were God, the action of the Ineffable's imagining. We were (and still are) Christ, the power and wisdom of God. The Father wanted us, I believe, to enter this death in order to become as He is. Nah, we imagined, we want to imagine everything You imagine. We won't be 'nuthin' like you if we forget being you!

The "serpent" (lit. Chaldee: the Glorious one) is an interesting puzzle. It is the picture or understanding of Christ being ignoranced in us. The power and wisdom that we were becomes entangled in this ignorance of amnesia as us. And this is what the Father wants: the forgetting. Why?

"Because God knows that in the age you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will become like God, knowing the good and the evil" (Genesis 3: 5; Alexander, 'Gods' made singular by me).

"You will become like God." By ignorance? Really? Yes! The one thing that locked us up as God, the action of the Ineffable's imagining was that we had to do it. There was no independence. As he imagined, we bent. As he desired, we desired, all of us together. We were quite willingly regimented -- we loved it! But us ignoranced said, the desires could be yours. What do you desire? Desiring on your own won't kill you; you will just become like God -- imagining on your own. THAT was the one thing we could never do without ignorancing ourselves and forgetting absolutely that we were God. And by doing it, we became more like God than we had ever been before! Stupid, but independent in desiring and manifesting our own worlds, potters' wheels within the Potter's wheel.

So we taste the death of forgetting to acquire the independence of desiring on our own. We couldn't become free without it, and the Father knew so. This isn't the independence that comes with division, for God (which includes us) is one. It is independence of desire, but it shall still be within the character of the Ineffable as we accrue Its character from here on out. A bunch of Him. O boy, this is going to be fun.

Thanks again for the question, Marek.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

It is Not the Law of Attraction, But the Law of Assumption: A Call For Abandoning the Misleading Term 'Attraction'

I know Neville Goddard once described getting thoughts lined up like the electrons in a magnet, but he quickly dropped the idea. He read a lot, and the idea of magnetic attraction, the so-called Law of Attraction, came and went, because it is unmitigated B.S.

Neville is also credited by many to have been a teacher of New Thought. He hated New Thought; he lambasted the idea to its perpetrators' faces. There is no New Thought: we are destined to fulfill Scripture, the very scriptures we inspired the prophets to write.

When Neville speaks of the Law, he is invariably speaking of the Law of ASSUMPTION. Assuming thought precedes manifestation. That is the Law we are in and the Law we can use for good in this life. It is the Law proponents of the Law of Attraction use to "attract" the things they want. There is no Law of Attraction outside gravity and electromagnetism. It is unmitigated B.S.

A positive mental attitude and a pleasing personality will give you a magnetic charisma, but if you want something for yourself or for another you are going to have to assume that you have it. Pick up any of the jillions of Law of Attraction handbooks that are being sold and what are its instructions? Assume that you have what you want and are delighted with it. It is the Law of Assumption.

"Well then, why don't they just come right out and call it the Law of Assumption?"

The Law of Assumption presumes the existence of a First Assumer, a conscious Person who made the first assumption, which assumption we can now take advantage of by assuming ourselves: God. The Ineffable Most High God. The Law of Assumption is His. His existence is required by the Law of Assumption.

"Well, what is wrong with that?"

The Law of Attraction is just happenstance. In theory, it is just an artifact of the impersonal forces of the universe: things which have similar vibration frequencies tend to gather together. So if you get the frequency of a new computer vibrating in your thoughts, a new computer will drift up the street and knock on your door. The Law of Assumption, on the other hand, posits a powerful, personal intelligence who ORCHESTRATES the fulfillment of your assumption of having a new computer. And when the assumption works, you have evidence of the Divine Orchestrator who is conscious of your imagination and powerful to bring it to pass. There is Someone to act. With the Law of Assumption, you have to deal with the Personal Divine. That insinuates a moral standard, and the proponents of the Law of Attraction want nothing to do with a moral standard. They are making money hand-over-fist with the lying facade of 'Attraction' for what is really the Ineffable Most High God's Assumption. There might be a twinge of guilt for them in that.

"Well then, why don't the Most High God just whack them liars?"

Unconditional love. You are seeing the unconditional love of God in action. He knows that He is going to get His way eventually. The liars are Him in ignorance, and He unconditionally forgives them while they are lying, just as he unconditionally forgives you for your ignorance right now. When they start to wake up spiritually, they will recognize His assumption and will repent to His Law. Hey, they are getting a lot of practice in it in the meantime. They are just missing honoring Him -- exactly the case in the Book of Malachi: "If I am a Father, where is my honor?" The Jews were bringing all of the tithes into the storehouse and were reaping the benefits of God's faithfulness, but they attributed it to . . . the Law of Attraction (the pleasing of their idols)! (You have got to read it in Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic to understand what God really said

Why don't we all call it what it is: the Law of Assumption, and recognize the existence of the God Who Assumes and Fulfills?

Neville Goddard and All The World Has Ended

One of the most interesting books I have ever had the pleasure to read over and over and over is Col. J. Garnier's The Worship of the Dead or the Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia (New and cheaper edition, 1909. London: Chapman and Hall Limited. Yes, that is the kind of book I love to read.  If you should be moved to buy a copy of this book, please purchase an edition published by Kessinger Publishing. After I discovered the book, I bought a reprint by Kessinger through It was missing a page. Its replacement was also, so I notified Kessinger. They made the correction and graciously sent me two copies. They have a free catalog at, but you can get most through []. Beware that some of their "books" are but excerpts. The Worship of the Dead is a full 422 pages. And the whole thing is available online free if you search for it.)

If you are black or a "savage" of the South Seas Islands, the book may offend you. I am white, and it offends me, but Garnier is simply looking at history analytically and trying to figure out what has gone on. Race has figured in history, so there you are. But he isn't particularly kind about it.

Garnier's conclusion is in his introduction, where it ought be, that the whole of Pagan idolatry is founded upon the deluge that was the flood of Noah, wherein the whole of the earth died save eight people. This conclusion is monumental in regards to the causation technique put forth by Neville Goddard: the world has to die to you. Thoroughly.

The ancient myths were built upon even more ancient truths, long lost in obscurity and misunderstanding. Garnier's book, like George Stanley Farber's The Origin of Pagan Idolatries, proposes that Ham's son Cush, Noah's grandson, retained the knowledge of intercourse with demonic entities and inspired the proliferation of occult religions. Supposedly, when he, his wife Semiramis and their son Nimrod died, demons responded to petitions in their names and feigned their having become gods.

But there did not need to be any flood nor any people involved. The Pagans are idolizing the technique rather than doing it! The flood of Noah is the rest we enter unto the edge of sleep. We allow ourselves to be floated up by the tide that destroys our connection to our previous worldly existence. We become God, unconditioned, and we are no longer than man or woman or whatever: we are the new man or woman or whatever. The flood marks the death of our old life: "I am not that: I am this!"

In the Book of Genesis, Lot retained connection with his old life when he was brought out of Sodom. His wife was his retained image of his existing life. He didn't go far enough to imagining himself to be the new man, and wound up with two families of trouble from his daughters. (They weren't people or tribes, the Bible is talking about psychological causation techniques.) Die to the existing world and start all over as the new!

If you are Roman Catholic, The Worship of the Dead might offend you, too. Well, no, it will. Chapter 17 (XVII), The Moral Aspects of Paganism (pg. 352ff) is one of the finest treatises I have ever read on true, spiritual Christianity and false, psychical or "natural" Christianity. In short, false Christianity is you feel holy because of psychical feelings, and true Christianity is recognition and conviction in the spirit that Christ died for you, and that by him you live.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How You Imagine Matters

How do you think the Ineffable imagines -- that all It imagines becomes manifest? Every atom is the Ineffable's intelligence believing that it is an atom, thus it is. Even the little mustard seed believes it is a mustard. Thus it becomes. If you thoroughly believe that you are what you imagine, you will become, too, for you already are.

All minds are the Ineffable. All minds have the power to become what they believe they are, because the Ineffable's intelligence is the power to become what It believes that It is. It doesn't just have power; it IS power.

Imagine vividly, intensely, vibrantly. Give it all the tones of reality, and be there in it as the actor in the scene you have devised, which scene implies that you have what you desired.

My next post will interest you much:

Neville Goddard's Riddle: How Are We Restored as Twenty-year-olds?

Hi Dan,

I hope you are well. You may remember we exchanged a couple e-mails before. Love your recent posts - as it happens, I have been reading a LOT of Neville lately. There is one thing that Neville repeats every now and then, and it puzzles me greatly. I would like to ask for your take on it. It is the "being restored as a 20 year old" thing.

A couple mentions I have highlighted in lectures:

(From: "Death does not finish the work God began in you, for the world does not terminate at the point where your senses cease to register it. You may no longer hear, touch, or see, the one you love; but when you leave this body you are instantly restored to one which is as solid and real as the one you now wear. You will be about twenty years old, in an environment best suited to the work yet to be done in you"

(From: "Your body is your emanation. Cut off its head and - believing you are it - you will instantly renew the same body, but with no missing parts. You will step out of the garment you now wear and men will call you dead; but you will have just stepped into another garment with no bridgework, no fillings in your teeth, no grey hair, no need to wear glasses or a hearing aid, to discover you are a young man (or woman) about twenty years of age. You will be in a terrestrial world just as real as this one, and continue your journey until you awaken."

(Also from the same) "Your death is over. When you go through the gate called death, you don't die, but instantly emanate a young, unaccountably new body. Most of those who go through the gate do not even know it. They simply take their young body for granted, just as they do everything here."

I was wondering if you had reflected on that at all, and if you could make anything of it. Where is this coming from? Very puzzling to me. If you had a minute to spare, it would be great to hear what you think because I don't know what to make of this.

Thanks in advance for your views, Dan, and all the best,

PS: on the subject of Neville, I found this interesting "how-to" doc compiled by a guy named Shawn Regan, not sure if you know it. I found it quite handy - look at

PPS: Thank you for the bibliographical references you've been dropping here and there. My copy of "God Is a Verb" is on the way. Curious to read this one.

Thank you, Marek.

I caught all those comments by Neville in his lectures and puzzled over them for a long while. I REALLY APPRECIATE your writing them down for a closer look and analysis. The first thing I wondered when Neville said we come back as twenty-year-olds was: what about kids? Then, what about our childhood memories? are they all false? You brought out something wonderful by typing the quotes out: they are not about the cycle of life we are in in this state of "death."

As you know, Christ crucified himself to become us on this flesh. We are in the three days of hades -- the grave -- a perfect, complete time. This state is "death." Living spirits call it "Woodland."

We are waking up through an unknown number of lives in this death. Like I said in my latest post, the Ineffable is in no hurry. It is the quality of the job he is after. Neville is saying that this cycle of lives in this state of death isn't the full treatment. Becoming like the incomprehensible Ineffable is going to take more. We are just in kindergarten, and are reborn here until we can graduate. When we graduate from this death of forgetting we won't have to be born into this terrestrial experience again, but we will be mature enough to do whatever we do in the next terrestrial sphere as persons about twenty years old, for we will have remembered. You might liken this to heaven, the next stage of mind/imagination development in our becoming the Ineffable. Remembering is not full awakening.

I would like to point out that eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the mind of man what God has in store for those who love him, for we shall become him. If we know we will next exist as twenty-year-olds, this "heaven" is still not the end of the process.


PS: Reflecting on my own life and development, I note that while my body has matured and my intelligence has grown (too much and too little, respectively), I still look through my eyes and think with the same mental perspective I did when I was a child. The spirit I am inside is the same guy without change after all these years. It -- I -- was born "ignoranced" of what it really is, and is still learning. "I" do not age, despite the body aches. Interesting. I am, and shall become, what I love. I guess that is the way to go.

And thanks for the link.

The Amazing Simplicity of Neville Goddard's Teachings

How amazingly simple is it that thought precedes manifestation? That is all that Neville is saying and all that the Bible says, though it takes the whole Bible to explain it. Imagination precedes manifestation, so we have to imagine what we want before it manifests. Duh.

This is the natural order. Everything was imagined before it became, is imagined before it becomes. First the Ineffable Most High God thought -- then manifestation. The Ineffable dreams, and what It dreams becomes. It is dreaming of a beautiful world, Itself, where Its creative power manifests Its nobility and integrity and fidelity -- all love and joy. We are Itself.

It is not all that simple, of course. The Ineffable's character has to be inculcated. That with free will (each of us) has to make free choice, character cultivated from tabla rasa. That means we have to become like the Ineffable Most High God from being dumb as a doorbell. Well, the Ineffable is in no hurry.

It is not that thought can precede manifestation of itself; it is that thought DOES precede manifestation of itself. The nature of the input is the nature of the output! Nothing in particular in -- nothing in particular out. Neville could relax; remember that he was God (as we all are); see, feel, and hear the reality of what he desired as God; and then slumber in that dream state. He subjectively appropriated what he objectively hoped for.

What does the Success Manual (the Bible) say? Involve God in it. Otherwise idle wishing for things -- ideas, hopes, and desires -- just gets old. They never come about. Adam is God's consciousness. He thought a desire (rib) and it had the power (Eve) to become living. Abraham in Genesis long desired fruit, but not until God was involved did old Sarah become restored to youthful fruitfulness. In the Book of Ruth, by Boaz old Naomi is restored to being a young mother. In Mark, Jesus restores Jairus' desire -- the woman with the issue of blood -- to a pubescent twelve-year-old. While you subjectively appropriate what you objectively hope for, involve God, the power and wisdom that is God in us -- Jesus Christ -- for hope in God does not disappoint.

You can find much about Neville Goddard's technique of imagining (learned from Abdullah, the Ethiopian rabbi). Neville learned to know exactly what he wanted; to devise a scene that implied that he HAD what he desired; to relax to a state of falling asleep -- but still in control of thought; to float as on Noah's ark, rising on the flood of sleep to leave the old world now destroyed. Unconditioned in the floating state, to take on the new condition implied by the devised scene, giving it all the tones of reality in his imagination over and over and over until it is real, to BE there thinking FROM that state as though this state was the unreal, and to remain faithful to that reality (though living in this one temporarily until the real one manifest).

The Ineffable Most High God imagined, and God* manifested. God imagines, and the world manifests. God is one, and, being in, of, through, and to him, we are on his side. Nothing exists except what has been imagined, and to the degree we imagine, it becomes. Thus the world reflects us. Take on the feelings you want the world to reflect, for they will be the world you are in. It is all amazingly simple.

*God is the action of the Ineffable's consciousness/imagination: the "spirit" that makes us alive.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Crusade: To Correct One Misunderstanding of the Bible - That Imagination Precedes Manifestation

My crusade is to correct just one MASSIVE error people have in understanding the Bible. As I recently said regarding Exodus 3: 14 (, if you get the first concept wrong, you have got the whole Bible wrong in your head. Well, that is what I meant. Get the premise right.

The Bible, of course, starts with the book of Exodus. It really needs to be read representatively; i.e., with everything being representative -- symbolic or illustrative -- of the Truth it is about. The historic Moses was someone else. This Moses is the ignoranced spirit of God who is the real you inside you. You were born here in Egypt in dire circumstances and have been claimed from psychological waters. Your reading this and other spiritual teachings is from your interest in Jethro, God's "jutting over" effect in this world. Ruminating mentally on this stuff, God speaks to you, Moses, telling you who he is and what he is doing, and it isn't "I AM THAT I AM."

Neville Goddard not withstanding, what God says is that he is you -- as your imagination -- becoming into this dimension, that imagining is how he is doing it, and that what is imagined becomes manifest.

Yes, it doesn't look like that in the Bible, but the Bible doesn't look like it did to the "Moses" who wrote it. Fortunately, our friend Moses wrote another book, Genesis, to explain it. By the way, the one MASSIVE error I am trying to correct is not that the Bible is not a history, nor that it is symbolic and entirely psychological, not even that reality is non-dual and not dualistic, that we are one with God; it is that IMAGINATION PRECEDES MANIFESTATION. We are supposed to know this.

Genesis starts with that which was before the beginning creating God, the Heavens, and the Earth. That which was before the beginning was the Imagination of the Ineffable Most High God. Its Imagination is Its Son and Its Form, Its Image, Its Power, Its Wisdom, and Its Intelligence. The Ineffable Source has nothing to move, but it has imagination -- It DREAMS. By Its dreaming it has created all things in THOUGHT. Manifestation takes awhile. This is "nature." The natural process is thought becoming manifest. This is why confident people succeed; why what we fear comes upon us; why what we plan to do to other people happens to us, why "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

This is why Moses gave the illustration of Adam and Eve. It isn't about a guy's rib being made into a woman. It is about consciousness, awareness and manifestation. Adam is God's life-force, consciousness. Adam's rib is thought, desire, his will for something to exist. Eve is the power that thought has to become manifest or "living." This isn't even hidden -- all you have to do is translate the words and apply a bit of perception.

The Intelligence of the Ineffable Most High God has the power to become manifestly what is thought -- something out of the No-Thing. Concretized imagining! It thinks It is, and becomes -- is -- what It thinks It is. This is the faith of the mustard seed which believed it was what it was. Hello, Big Bang -- the imagining of matter to facilitate experience of all things imagined!

Inasmuch as we are God (in, of, through, and to), let's dream of the beautiful as It does and apply our life-force consciousness toward it. The world we are in is the manifestation of God's unconditional love, so please, forgive as he does and think well, benevolently, to all.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Neville Goddard's Imagination Project: Being Informed by "What We Are In Imagination Is What We Become In Manifestation"

Neville Goddard (1905-1972) was a dancer in New York in the 1920's. He was introduced to and spent the period of the Great Depression learning from a Jew named Abdullah. Abdullah taught what might be called esoteric Christianity. It is a different way of looking at and understanding the Bible, a manner which is called kabbalah. The truth of the Bible is in the doing.

Neville discovered from his application of Abdullah's teaching that what is imagined in faith becomes manifest as one's reality in the future -- there is just the matter of gestation. Neville desired to visit his family in Barbados, and Abdulah told him, "You are in Barbados." Abdullah had Neville imagine that he was actually in the island -- to see the world from there, to sleep in his bed on the island, to see and feel the things that were there as though "there" was "here." Neville learned to give his imagination "all the tones of reality" of really being there and of having made the trip there first class.

To Neville's surprise, it worked. He was unexpectedly given first class passage to Barbados, and it manifested that he was in Barbados having made the trip there first class. And here is the thing: it happened quite naturally. Because it is natural. It is the order of nature. Thought before manifestation is happening all the time; it is every success and failure we have, but we fail to recognize it. The Bible tells us all through the book that this is what is happening, and we misread it.

Neville discovered this technique would always work because it is the nature of God, and if it doesn't work the fault is in us. Hence Neville's project to solve the secret of imagining:

"The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every man should aspire; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, and supreme delight, lie in the solution of this great mystery. Imagination is the Jesus Christ of scripture, and when you solve the great mystery of imagining, you will have found the cause of the phenomena of life. Imagination is called 'Jehovah' in the Old Testament and 'Jesus' in the New, but they are one and the same being. Divine Imagination, containing all, reproduces itself in the human imagination; therefore, all things exist in the human imagination. When you solve the problem of imagining, you will have found Jesus Christ, the secret of causation" (The Secret of Causation, 12/6/1969).

 Neville became student of the Bible par excellence. His perspective is quite enlightening. Having become somewhat familiar with Neville's teaching and that of others in the same vein (e.g., Rabbi Davis A. Cooper and Gregg Braden), I would like to provide you this digest:

The world reflects us. It is the manifestation of our selves' faith, our belief. We are not just the physical people we see, but the spirit/consciousness of God, the imagination we see and think through who is inside us. We are linked to the Original Mind which seems to be without us, but it is that our physical world is pushed out from us -- our beliefs out-pictured. Our consciousness is what makes us "alive," and that consciousness is God's imagination in us. What we genuinely are in our consciousness is what our worlds manifest as our reflection. Thought precedes manifestation.

You might recognize this pattern as Adam and Eve and/or Jesus Christ. Adam is God's consciousness, Eve the power from consciousness to become "living." Christ is the power of God's consciousness and the wisdom of that consciousness, and it brings into manifestation "salvation."

God, by the way, is a verb. Seriously. YHWH (Jehovah) is the 'to be' verb, that of being. It is a great mistake to think of God as someone standing or sitting "over there" somewhere. But it is not a mistake to think of God as a person. God is the action of the Ineffable Person in you and I and the whole universe. And he is calling us to God: "Be ye reconciled unto God" (2 Corinthians 5:20). This is our call to action, Godding, in the imagination of our being, for imagination -- our own, wonderful, human imagination -- is God, the action of the Ineffable.

That we are God is not a vain boast; it is a humbling obligation, for we have been bought with a price. The Imagination of the Ineffable laid down Its power and Its wisdom to become us, that we might become as the Ineffable Person It is.

The world reflects us as we really are just as the universe reflects the Ineffable as It really is. There is quite the lesson to be learned there, for the just shall live by faith. Many take this to mean that redeemed, repentant people shall live eternally for their faith in Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God. This is sort of true, but the incarnation of God isn't some other guy who lived two thousand years ago, but is the power of God and the wisdom of God that is the real us.

Neville learned to utilize the thought-precedes-manifestation reflective nature of reality to God lovingly. Knowing that he was God, as you and I are, he took on the nobility of the Ineffable -- Its integrity and love and benevolence and joy. He made intense effort to hear good things for his friends; as best as I can determine, he considered everyone to be his friend, for there is no condemnation in God. What he did not like, he did not think. What he did want, he did think. And when what happened wasn't what he wanted, he revised it in his imagination to have been what he did want.

And there is the thing: it takes practice. The only way to do it is to do it, over and over and over until it really is what is in our minds. If what is really in our minds manifests on the morrow, we have to make what is really in our minds what we genuinely want. Or wanted. For the nature of the beast is what EXISTS in the mind is manifested. If desire exists, desire manifests. We have to place in our minds the satisfaction of having; not of receiving, but of having received. The feeling of satisfaction, of peace, of health, of wealth is the key. What we want is the feeling, the state of that feeling, not the thing that gives us the feeling. The thing is utilitarian; it facilitates the manifestation of the feeling. So we feel in imagination that everything has worked out well; we feel joy in hearing that so-and-so has recovered; we delight that what was wanted has been received in full.

It came to mind while writing this that you might not be able to so imagine "there" as really as "here." Claude M. Bristol (T.N.T.: It Rocks the Earth) advises to tap at it. By tapping is meant repetition -- keep the satisfaction you desire constantly before you and build upon it. I personally believe this is what Confucius meant by "the investigation of all things" in The Great Learning. Practice hearing until you actually hear; practice seeing until you actually see; practice feeling until you actually feel. Be in that state of believing when you fall asleep.

We have a tall order before us: to become the Ineffable we are from and of and are. Our project is utter reality in imagination, for what we are in imagination is what becomes in manifestation. By and by we shall become the flow of God. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Haran Is Not Far Enough: Cities and Industry as the Manifestation of Evil (Ignorance and Doubt of Our Oneness With God) and Making Our Minds Ready For God

You might have perceived this underlying theme that runs through the Bible thicker than the scarlet thread: that cities are bad. Cain was a settler, a farmer. Able was a shepherd. Cain built cities, his offspring began the first industries. Nimrod built cities, a kingdom for his father Cush -- ignorance to rule from. God had to scatter people out of cities, even Jerusalem. God called Abram to leave Ur of the Chaldees. Abram got to Haran and settled down. These were institutional religions. "Niet! Keep going! Haran isn't far enough from city life. Go out to a land I will show you . . . as a nomad. Just you and Me, mano a mano."

What is going on? We think of the biblical lands like countries we have now, with checkpoints at the borders: "Welcome to . . . " They were in those days cities: city "states." Ramses, Babylon, Nineveh, etc., were big cities that became the seats of social power -- corrupt in all its forms. But this is all symbolic, representative of a spiritual truth: our minds are the land of God, the holy "ground" Moses stood upon. God is the only city we are to seek, the City of God being Himself, our imagination.

Cities are generally manifestations of ignorance, confusion, and doubt, aberrations of normal human relationships. Like apes in zoos, in cities people become perverse. Remember Sodom? It is desirable to leave the city and return to the soil. Which brings me to an odd thought about the imagination: Moses uses the term 'beautiful' in Genesis 1 to describe how God then saw the world. It was beautiful. So was Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Bathsheba (and any number of other women in the Bible), and Canaan, the Promised Land. Does beautiful in this case mean that the "land" of the imagination is ready for the creative force -- as in Eil Shaddai and Jehovah Jireh -- that by it the power of God will provide for every need?

Make your mind beautiful to God.

Forgiveness and the Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit: Christianity as Jewish Refined Buddhism

I am sorry I couldn't post this earlier; I was on a short trip to Taiwan in the Republic of China. While there I witnessed the phenomenon of unforgiveness between a number of sisters in a family we visited. Quite disturbing. The ones incapable or forgiving are the Christians in that particular family. It made me think, what is their church teaching?

The feature of Judaism that caused Mark to refine his Buddhism into Christianity was its forgiveness. Mark's Eternal Buddha, Jesus Christ, is God, and It has become everything. Yes, we sin and offend both man and God, but everything is God, so it is God who offends and God who is offended. It is a wash -- everything is forgiven -- there is no punishment. Not so in original Buddhism, where karma merits advance or punishment. In Judaism you either grow or continue, mature or not. Not maturing to advancement, we recycle ourselves here over and over and over until we perceive the oneness we are part and parcel to and break through to a higher grasp of imagination's -- God's -- our -- power.

Mark got it and taught it through his new version of Buddha's teachings: Jesus Christ. His "we are all one," though, became read by the church as "we all -- Christians -- are 'we', and you guys are not." It doesn't work that way, but the Christian church has divided itself from the world, which I suspect is why the Christian sisters in that family have gone on their own tangent apart from the rest of the family and are especially grieved against their Buddhist sister. Go figure.

The forgiveness of God's oneness was a revelation to Mark. I hope it will be a revelation to you as well. The Holy Spirit, the consciousness of God, speaks continuously to our hearts testifying to the unconditional acceptance the Father has for his body, our imaginations. It is the rejection and putting off of God's unconditional forgiveness of us for our imaginations being in and of the oneness of God that is the "blaspheme of the Holy Spirit." By dividing itself from the rest of God's beloved world the church denies God's unconditional forgiveness it was designed to preach and condemns its members, who neither know it nor can perform it, to continued restoration in this refining fire of death.

It isn't punishment; the lesson just goes on and on. Please, forgive.