The Becoming God

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Pattern of Salvation: An End to Quiet Desperation: a Comment on Victor Alexander's Translation of Isaiah: Affliction is to get you to cry out.

I thank Victor Alexander ( again for his translation of Isaiah from the Ancient Aramaic. I cannot believe how badly I have misunderstood Isaiah, and how wonderful the poem really is. As Alexander points out in his Translator's Note, the whole book of Isaiah is one big poem. I had thought it a collection of individual prophesies regarding ancient nations.

What really restructured the book for me was Alexander's note on Chapter three: "The verses of the Book of Isaiah seesaw between praise and admonition for the nation. The content is polemical. Like a two-edged sword it cuts this way and that. In the Western literary tradition this poetic structure was misunderstood by the translators. They turned the meaning of the verses in each stanza one way or the other, not realizing the ebb and flow of the poetry. The Western translators harmonized the two facets of the meaning. They interpreted the two as either praise or admonition, when it's both." Ebb and flow of the poetry . . . cutting this way and that. OMG--I've been misreading the book and misunderstanding its meaning for forty years! Indeed, Isaiah's illustrations evoke emotions and swing from one sense to another, paring between indignation and affection, depravity and hope. He is talking about attitudes and the role they play in "the Salvation of Jehovah," which is the meaning of the name 'Isaiah.'

Alexander's translation from the Aramaic is not an easy read. Isaiah wrote thousands of years ago, and the point of some of his illustrations seem unclear to us. I trust it to be a faithful translation, though, Alexander being just as unclear as anyone else as to the meaning of what was said, but, "This is what it says." I will take that, with gratitude, and eke out what understanding I can. Our understanding is God's problem, anyway, and Alexander is part of the fix for that (thank you, Vic).

Two other notes, if I may:
1) Alexander uses the ancient Aramaic word for 'Lord,' Maryeh, throughout the book. I did not like it until I understood its significance: it welds together the ideas of Messiah, the Creator, Eashoa (Jesus), and Father all into one. THE One--Allaha; i.e., God.

2) In my opinion, what Isaiah said refers not to any future except the here and now. The emotions, senses and attitudes indicated by his illustrations are within us, and inasmuch as the ancient Hebrew had no future tense (Young, Literal Translation of the Bible*), I mentally convert the future tenses of modern translations, including Alexander's, into present and infinitive tenses to bring what is being spoken into the present and real. The "future" is ours--right here and right now.

*Pirated from a comment on Young’s translator's notes: “They would use the past tense to show that future things will definitely come to pass, thus assuring that God's promises are a sure thing . . . it's as good as done.” I disagree with Young; they used the past tense because the matter had been concluded in judgment. It's that Christian thing: "Every one who is looking on a woman to desire her, did already commit adultery with her in his heart" (Young's Literal). "Did already commit." Enough said.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Bible was Written as a Success Manual

Ah ha! It certainly took me a long time to figure out that the Bible was written as a success manual. We have got Napoleon Hill's and myriad of his copiers' Law of Success manuals which simply mimic the Bible's Principle for Success: the Law.

The top thing on Moses' list is having a sound theology: "As the beginning were created (by the Ineffable's imagination) the Multi-One Consciousnesses in Minds and Bodies" (Genesis 1: 1, paraphrased)--the One manifest as many!! This is that God's imagining. We are that One, and WE are doing all of this by our concert of Ashur imagining. Ashur was the ancient Aramaic name for the Triune Creator God. Our minds are Ashur and WE are doing all this by OUR grace, unbeknownst to us . . .

. . . because we flipped to zero--complete amnesia/ignorance of what we actually are--and are recovering the whole of what we were WITH human individuality (which we had not) to complete, conscious awareness of our Godhood. The Bible is THE success manual to fully recovering/developing God's character: the Law--which we left to fetch man to it--the Holy Spirit in full facility of the Oneness.

The Spirit that we are inside is the Tree of Life depicted in the Kabbalah. All of its qualities become manifest in our ATTITUDES. THAT is where success is--in the imagination. That is the source of life in us: the consciousness, "spirit."

Attitudes which are the Tree of Life are the Door to recovering Ineffability. Napoleon Hill didn't offer that. The Bible, the success manual par excellence, does. So here is the Bible's success formula: the Holy Spirit.

I know that it is difficult to stop misreading the Bible. It does not help that it is mistranslated and mispurposed from end to end. Get what you can in this lifetime and be up a bit in the next. We are all here for the three days--the perfect and complete time to achieve success--the six thousand years from sleeping in Adam to our resurrection in Christ -- which can be any amount of "real" time. Over time the Holy Spirit within you, who IS you, will answer all your questions and will lead you to THE success.

Respond to God's call to begin on the road to our predestined success: "Come unto Me."

Friday, November 07, 2014

Your Theology is All-Important

Theology is all important. It forms our world views, beliefs and values. Ours are woefully inadequate. Christians have no idea that in the Trinity there is a Goddess. They know of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, but they do not know anything at all of the Goddess.

The Goddess is not is not another among the Trinity; she is the Trinity--the “Goddess” is the oneness of God. This is important because we are in there, too.

The oneness of God was the Rock which followed Israel through its wilderness experience, the Rock which was rejected by the builders. It is the oneness of God which has become the Chief Cornerstone.

Does God hear me? Well, do you hear yourself? Examine yourself to see whether you are in the Christian faith: do you not know that Christ, who IS God, is within you, that is, IS you? Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God – the Kingdom of God – His very presence – not next to you, not an adjunct position, but YOU. If when you think of God, Christ, Jesus, or Jehovah you think of someone or something outside of yourself, you fail the test.

God is one. One. If you think two, that your voice has to be heard by another, your faith is NOT in the true God. There ain’t nothing out there, little buddy. God is within. Pray and talk to your self, because you can hear your self, and when you have prayed and heard your self, you know that you HAVE whatsoever you ask.

The oneness gives birth to and nurtures the Kingdom, which is the Son with all his powers as King. He also happens to be us. Christianity is not supposed to be a "there and then, that Christ in history was true" religion. It is supposed to be a "Christ here and now, present and active within us, as us--we ARE Christ: the power, wisdom and authority of the King--Christians." THAT is what the oneness means.

“First of all, you must know EXACTLY what you want.” If you do not know, investigate. This is “the investigation of all things” in the Great Learning.

Pray to "create" like God: imagine exactly what you want exactly the way you want it—in vivid, “present” 3-D. Experience the exact sensory feelings, the emotional feelings, the "seasonal" feelings you want AS THOUGH THEY WERE EXACTLY WHAT YOU ACTUALLY HAVE. Be there and do that mentally created reality.

Create your petition in your mind as God with the expectation that what you desire IS, and wait for this IS to come to pass in complete manifestation. "Come to pass" in Hebrew is the verb hayah (HWH, "is/to become", Stong's #1961), the root word of YHWH, and it means to fall or to cause to fall. What you want will be caused to "fall from heaven," YOUR IMAGINATION, which is the imagining of the Father . . . because the "Goddess," the Oneness of God. We are that One.

Understand the theology of the Ineffable who is imagining: there is nothing in the universe except the fantastic imagining of the ineffable Most High God which is "falling," i.e., coming to pass, AND THAT--IS US!!!

Neville Goddard the Evangelist.

Neville Goddard calls you to be an Evangelist.

Neville Goddard was first of all an Evangelist, and he invites you to be one also. Neville preached the Gospel of the ONENESS of God: "If God is One, then he cannot be two." It cannot be "God and I" as two separate persons divided one from the other. It is "God and I" as ONE.

The shema, "Listen, O Israel . . . " (Deuteronomy 6: 4), is crucial. It is what we are to witness to with our lives, and it is the ONENESS of God. The western church has been sold a bill of goods about prophecy being the foretelling of events. Prophecy is speaking on God's behalf, the proclamation of things about God--his greatness and glory and truth and presence, what it is that he is doing, etc. The spirit of prophecy--what God is and what he is doing--is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the pattern of the oneness of God becoming--expanding eternally--in all dimensions, and we are in the thick of it. Wake up, little buddy.

I couldn't find a transcript for "How to Use Your Imagination," so I transcribed it myself and posted it. It is by far my most popular post, and yes, you are welcome. People want magic, to get rich, success. That is fine, wonderful; find the magic of believing, get rich, succeed, BUT REMEMBER FROM WHENCE IT CAME. Said Neville, "IF IT WORKS, YOU HAVE FOUND HIM." This ought to put you on your knees. He, i.e., Yah, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the One with whom we have to do, "is your own wonderful human imagination." He and you, the "two" of you, are one, not two.

Listen to Neville's lectures "Call Upon Self" and "Believe It In," "Unless I Go Away" and "This is Your Future." In them Neville is talking about theology--justification by faith, redemption and salvation. These are standard Christian themes. He was a Christian, but his approach was the oneness of God. "God promised to bring himself forth from you."

"How can a person believe in a God of whom they have never heard?" What Christian ever has been told of the true God, that they ARE God? They cannot believe in the true God--the One with whom they are one. They have never heard of him.

"How can one preach (the true God) unless he is sent?" Neville is appealing to YOU to discover the true God and for YOU to go and proclaim--prophesy--his oneness to the world. It is God in Neville who is calling.

I sincerely hope many--you--will hear Neville's call to service to God who has become us. "Go ye therefore and teach all people, baptizing (infusing them into) the nature (oneness) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (God's consciousness which has become their--and our--imagination), teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded (the truth I reveal to) you" (Matthew 28: 19-20, my paraphrase).

The "ball" we have been given isn't a get-rich-by-wishful-thinking scheme. It is Life. You are a Life-Giving, Living Branch of God. Please do not drop the ball.