The Becoming God

Friday, September 28, 2012

Neville Goddard How to Use Your Imagination, 1955, Text


The purpose of this record is to show you how to use your imagination to achieve your every desire. Most men are totally unaware of the creative power of imagination and invariably bow before the dictates of "facts" and accepts life on the basis of the world without. But when you discover this creative power within yourself, you will boldly assert the supremacy of imagination and put all things in subjection to it. When a man speaks of God-in-man, he is totally unaware that this power called God-in-man is man's imagination. THIS is the creative power in man. There is nothing under heaven that is not plastic as potter's clay to the touch of the shaping spirit of imagination.

Once a man said to me, "You know, Neville, I love to listen to you talk about imagination, but as I do so, I invariably touch the chair with my fingers and push my feet into the rug just to keep my sense of the reality and the profundity of things. Well, undoubtedly he is still touching the chair with his fingers and pushing his feet into the rug. Well, let me tell you of another one who didn't touch with her fingers and didn't push that foot of hers onto the board of the streetcar. It's the story of a young girl just turned seventeen. It was Christmas Eve, and she is sad of heart, for that year she had lost her father in an accident, and she is returning home to what seemed to be an empty house. She was untrained to do anything, so got herself a job as a waitress. This night it's quite late, Christmas Eve, it's raining, the car is full of laughing boys and girls home for their Christmas vacation, and she couldn't conceal the tears. Luckily for her, as I said, it was raining, so she stuck her face into the heavens to mingle her tears with rain. And then holding the rail of the streetcar, this is what she did: she said, "This is not rain, why, this is spray from the ocean; and this is not the salt of tears that I taste, for this is the salt of the sea in the wind; and this is not San Diego, this is a ship, and I am coming into the Bay of Samoa." And there she felt the reality of all that she had imagined. Then came the end of the journey and all are out.

Ten days later this girl received a letter from a firm in Chicago saying that her aunt, several years before when she sailed for Europe, deposited with them three thousand dollars with instructions that if she did not return to America, this money should be paid to her niece. They had just received information of the aunt's death and were now acting upon her instructions. One month later this
girl sailed for Samoa. As she came into the bay it was late that night and there was salt of the sea in the wind. It wasn't raining, but there was spray in the air. And she actually felt what she'd felt one month before, only this time she had realized her objective.

Now, this whole record is technique. I want to show you today how to put your wonderful imagination right into the feeling of your wish fulfilled and let it remain there and fall asleep in that state. And I promise you, from my own experience, you will realize the state in which you sleep - if you could actually feel yourself right into the situation of your fulfilled desire and continue therein until you fall asleep. As you feel yourself right into it, remain in it until you give it all the tones of reality, until you give it all the sensory vividness of reality. As you do it, in that state, quietly fall into sleep. And in a way you will never know - you could never consciously devise the means that would be employed - you will find yourself moving across a series of events leading you towards the objective realization of this state.

Now, here is a practical technique: The first thing you do, you must know exactly what you want in this world. When you know exactly what you want, make as life-like a representation as possible of what you would see, and what you would touch, and what you would do were you physically present and physically moving in such a state. For example, suppose I wanted a home, but I had no money - but I still know what I want. I, without taking anything into consideration, I would make as life-like a representation of the home that I would like, with all the things in it that I would want. And then, this night, as I would go to bed, I would in a state, a drowsy, sleepy state, the state that borders upon sleep, I would imagine that I am actually in such a house, that were I to step off the bed, I would step upon the floor of that house, were I to leave this room, I would enter the room that is adjacent to my imagined room in that house. And while I am touching the furniture and feeling it to be solidly real, and while I am moving from one room to the other in my imaginary house, I would go to sound asleep in that state. And I know that in a way I could not consciously devise, I would realize my house. I have seen it work time and time again.

If I wanted promotion in my business I would ask myself, "What additional responsibilities would be mine were I to be given this great promotion? What would I do? What would I say? What would I see? How would I act? And then in my imagination I would begin to see and touch and do and act as I would outwardly see and touch and act were I in that position.

If I now desired the mate of my life, were I now in search of some wonderful girl or some wonderful man, what would I actually find myself doing that would imply that I have found my state? For instance, suppose now I was a lady, one thing I would definitely do, I would wear a wedding ring. I would take my imaginary hands and I would feel the ring that I would imagine to be there. And
I would keep on feeling it and feeling it until it seemed to me to be solidly real. I would give it all the sensory vividness I am capable of giving anything. And while I am feeling my imaginary ring - which implies that I am married - I would sleep. This story is told us in The Song of Songs, or A Song of Solomon. It is said, "At night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth. I found him
whom my soul loveth, and I would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house, right into the chamber of her that conceived me." If I would take that beautiful poem and put it into modern English, into practical language, it would be this: "While sitting in my chair I would feel myself right into the situation of my fulfilled desire, and having felt myself into that state I would not let it go. I would keep that mood alive, and in that mood I would sleep." That is taking it "right into my mother's chamber, into the chamber of her that conceived me."

You know, people are totally unaware of this fantastic power of the imagination, but when man begins to discover this power within him, he never plays the part that he formerly played. He doesn't turn back and become just a reflector of life; from here on in he is the "affecter" of life. The secret of it is to center your imagination in the feeling of the wish fulfilled and remain therein. For in our capacity to live IN the feeling of the wish fulfilled lies our capacity to live the more abundant life. Most of us are afraid to imagine ourselves as important and noble individuals secure in our contribution to the world just because, at the very moment that we start our assumption, reason and our senses deny the truth of our assumption. We seem to be in the grip of an unconscious urge which makes us cling desperately to the world of familiar things and resist all that threatens to tear us away from our familiar and seemingly safe moorings.

Well, I appeal to you to try it. If you try it, you will discover this great wisdom of the ancients. For they told it to us in their own strange, wonderful, symbolical form. But unfortunately you and I misinterpreted their stories and took it for history, when they intended it as instruction to simply achieve our every objective. You see, imagination puts us inwardly in touch with the world of states. These states are existent, they are present now, but they are mere possibilities while we think OF them. But they become overpoweringly real when we think FROM them and dwell IN them.

You know, there is a wide difference between thinking OF what you want in this world and thinking FROM what you want. Let me tell you when I first heard of this strange and wonderful power of the imagination. It was in 1933 in New York City. An old friend of mine taught it to me. He turned to the fourteenth of John, and this is what he read: "In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." He explained to me that this central character of the Gospels was human imagination; that 'mansion' was not a place in some heavenly house, but simply my desire. If I would make a living representation of the state desired and then enter that state and abide in that state, I would realize it.

At the time I wanted to make a trip to the island of Barbados in the West Indies, but I had no money. He explained to me that if I would that night, as I slept in New York City, assume that I was sleeping in my earthly father's house in Barbados and go sound asleep in that state, that I would realize my trip. Well, I took him at his word and tried it. For one month, night after night as I fell asleep I assumed I was sleeping in my father's home in Barbados. At the end of my month an invitation from my family came inviting me to spend the winter in Barbados. I sailed for Barbados the early part of December of that year.

From then on I knew I had found this savior in myself. The old man told me that it would never fail. Even after it happened I could hardly believe that it would not have happened anyway. That's how strange this whole thing is. On reflection, it happens so naturally you begin to feel or to tell yourself, "Well, it would have happened anyway," and you quickly recover from this wonderful experience of yours.

It never failed me if I would give the mood, the imagined mood, sensory vividness. I could tell you unnumbered case histories to show you how it works, but in essence it is simple: You simply know what you want. When you know what you want, you are thinking of it. That is not enough. You must now begin to think FROM it. Well, how could I think from it? I am sitting here, and I desire to be elsewhere. How could I, while sitting here physically, put myself in imagination at a point in space removed from this room and make that real to me? Quite easily. My imagination puts me in touch inwardly with that state. I imagine that I am actually where I desire to be. How can I tell that I am there? There is one way to prove that I am there, for what a man sees when he describes his world is, as he describes it, relative to himself. So what the world looks like depends entirely upon where I stand when I make my observation.

So, if as I describe my world it is related to that point in space I imagine that I am occupying, then I must be there. I am not there physically, no, but I AM there in my imagination, and my imagination is my real self! And where I go in imagination and make it real, there I shall go in the flesh, also. When in that state I fall asleep, it is done. I have never seen it fail. So this is the simple technique upon how to use your imagination to realize your every objective.

Here is a very healthy and productive exercise for the imagination, something that you should do daily: Daily relive the day as you wish you had lived it, revising the scenes to make them conform to your ideals. For instance, suppose today's mail brought disappointing news. Revise the letter. Mentally rewrite it and make it conform to the news you wish you had received. Or, suppose you
didn't get the letter you wish you had received. Write yourself the letter and imagine that you received such a letter.

Let me tell you a story that took place in New York not very long ago. In my audience sat this lady who had heard me, oh, numerous times, and I was telling the story of revision - that man, not knowing the power of imagination, he goes to sleep at the end of his day, tired and exhausted, accepting as final all the events of the day. And I was trying to show that man should, at that moment before he sleeps, he should rewrite the entire day and make it conform to the day he wished he had experienced.

Here is the way a lady wisely used this law of revision: It appears that two years ago she was ordered out of her daughter-in-law's home. For two years there was no correspondence. She had sent her grandson at least two dozen presents in that interval, but not one was ever acknowledged. Having heard the story of revision, this is what she did: As she retired at night, she mentally constructed two letters, one she imagined coming from her grandson, and the other from her daughter-in-law. In these letters they expressed deep affection for her and wondered why she had not called to see them.

This she did for seven consecutive nights, holding in her imaginary hand the letter she imagined she had received and reading these letters over and over until it aroused within her the satisfaction of having heard. Then she slept. On the eighth day she received a letter from her daughter-in-law. On the inside there were two letters, one from her grandson and one from the daughter-in-law. They practically duplicated the imaginary letters that this grandmother had written to herself eight days before.

This art of revision can be used in any department of your life. Take the matter of health. Suppose you were ill. Bring before your mind's eye the image of a friend. Put upon that face an expression which implies that he or she sees in you that which you want the whole world to see. Just imagine he is saying to you that he has never seen you look better, and you reply, "I have never felt better." Suppose your foot was injured. Then do this: Construct mentally a drama which implies that you are walking - that you are doing all the things that you would do if the foot was normal, and do it over and over and over until it takes on the tones of reality. Whenever you do in your imagination that which you would like to do in the outer world, that you WILL do in the outer world.

The one requisite is to arouse your attention in a way, and to such intensity, that you become wholly absorbed in the revised action. You will experience an expansion and refinement of the senses by this imaginative exercise and, eventually, achieve vision in the inner world. The abundant life promised us is ours to enjoy now, but not until we have the sense of the creator as our imagination can we experience it. Persistent imagination, centered in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, is the secret of all successful operations. This alone is the means of fulfilling the intention.

Every stage of man's progress is made by the conscious, voluntary exercise of the imagination. Then you will understand why all poets have stressed the importance of controlled, vivid imagination. Listen to this one by the great William Blake:

In your own bosom you bear your heaven and earth,
And all you behold, though it appears without,
It is within, in your imagination,
Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.

Try it, and you too will prove that your imagination is the creator.

Neville Goddard Mental Diets, 1955, text

I have posted a better version of this text at

Neville Goddard 1955

Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in. We could no more stop 
talking to ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking. All that we can do 
is control the nature and the direction of our inner conversations. Most of us 
are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of 
the circumstance of our life.
We are told that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." But do we know that 
man's thinking follows the tracks laid down in his own inner conversations? To 
turn the tracks to which he is tied in the direction in which he wants to go, he 
must put off his former conversation, which is called in the Bible the Old Man, 
and be renewed in the spirit of his mind. Speech is the image of mind; 
therefore, to change his mind, he must first change his speech. By 'speech' is 
meant those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves.
The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations. For 
there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. When man 
discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and 
his mission in life. Then he can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he 
acts unconsciously. Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations 
which go on in us without our being aware of them. But as civilized beings, we 
must become aware of them and act with a purpose.
A man's mental conversations attracts his life. As long as there is no change in 
his inner talking, the personal history of the man remains the same. To attempt 
to change the world before we change our inner talking is to struggle against 
the very nature of things. Man can go 'round and around in the same circle of 
disappointments and misfortunes, not seeing them as caused by his own negative 
inner talking, but as caused by others. This may seem far-fetched, but it is a 
matter which lends itself to research and experiment. The formula the chemist 
illustrates is not more certainly provable than the formula of this science by 
which words are clothed in objective reality.
One day a girl told me of her difficulties in working with her employer. She was 
convinced that he unjustly criticized and rejected her very best efforts. Upon 
hearing her story, I explained that if she thought him unfair, it was a sure 
sign that she herself was in need of a new conversation piece. There was no 
doubt but that she was mentally arguing with her employer, for others only echo 
that which we whisper to them in secret. She confessed that she argued mentally 
with him all day long. When she realized what she had been doing, she agreed to 
change her inner conversations with her employer. She imagined that he had 
congratulated her on her fine work, and that she in turn had thanked him for his 
praise and kindness. To her great delight, she soon discovered that her own 
attitude was the cause of all that befell her. The behavior of her employer 
reversed itself. It echoed, as it had always done, her mental conversations with 
I rarely see a person alone without wondering, "to what conversation piece is he 
tied? On what mysterious track is he walking?" We must begin to take life 
consciously. For the solution of all problems lies just in this: the Second Man, 
the Lord from heaven in all of us, is trying to become self-conscious in the 
body, that he may be about his father's business. What are his labors? To 
imitate his father, to become master of the Word, master of his inner talking, 
that he may mold this world of ours into a likeness with the Kingdom of Love.
The prophet said, "Be ye imitators of God as dear children." How would I imitate 
God? Well, we are told that God calls things that are not seen as though they 
were seen, and the unseen becomes seen. This is the way the girl called forth 
praise and kindness from her employer. She carried on an imaginary conversation 
with her employer from the premise that he had praised her work, and he did.
Our inner conversations represent in various ways the world we live in. Our 
individual worlds are self-revelations of our own inner speech. We are told that 
every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof. For by 
their words shall they be justified, and by their words they shall be condemned. 
We abandon ourselves to negative inner talking, yet expect to retain command of 
life. Our present mental conversations do not recede into the past as man 
believes. They advance into the future to confront us as wasted or invested 
words. "My Word," said the prophet, "shall not return unto me void, but it shall 
accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in all the things whereto I 
sent it."
How would I send my Word to help a friend? I would imagine that I am hearing his 
voice, that he is physically present, that my hand is on him. I would then 
congratulate him on his good fortune, tell him that I have never seen him look 
better. I would listen as though I heard him; I would imagine that he is telling 
me he has never felt better, he has never been happier. And I would know that in 
this loving, knowing communion with another, a communion populous with loving 
thoughts and feelings, that my word was sent, and it shall not return unto me 
void, but it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
"Now it the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." It is only what is done 
now that counts, even though its effects may not be visible until tomorrow. We 
call not out loud, but by an inner effort of intense attention. To listen 
attentively, as though you heard, is to create. The events and relationships of 
life are your Word made visible. Most of us rob others of their willingness and 
their ability to be kind and generous by our fixed attitudes towards them. Our 
attitudes unfold within us in the form of mental conversations. Inner talking 
from premises of fulfilled desire is the way to consciously create 
Our inner conversations are perpetually out-pictured all around us in 
happenings. Therefore, what we desire to see and hear without we must see and 
hear within, for the whole manifested world goes to show us what use we have 
made of the Word. If you practice this art of controlled inner speaking, you too 
will know what a thrill it is to be able to say, "And now I have told you before 
it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ye might believe." You will be 
able to consciously use your imagination to transform and channel the immense 
creative energies of your inner speech from the mental, emotional level to the 
physical level. And I do not know what limits, if any, there are to such a 
What is your aim? Does your inner talking match it? It must, you know, if you 
would realize your aim. For as the prophet asked, "Can two walk together except 
they be agreed?" And of course the answer is, "No, they cannot." The two who 
must agree are your inner conversation and the state desired. That is, what you 
desire to see and hear without, you must see and hear within. Every stage of 
man's progress is made by the conscious exercise of his imagination matching his 
inner speech to his fulfilled desire. As we control our inner talking, matching 
it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other processes. Then we 
simply act by clear imagination and intention: we imagine the wish fulfilled and 
carry on mental conversations from that premise. The right inner speech is the 
speech that would be yours were you to realize your ideal. In other words, it is 
the speech of fulfilled desire.
Now you will understand how wise the ancient was when he told us in the 
Hermetica, "There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon man alone and on no 
other mortal creature. These two are Mind and Speech, and the gift of Mind and 
Speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts 
rightly, he will differ in nothing from the Immortals. And when he quits his 
body, Mind and Speech will be his guides, and by them he will be brought into 
the troop of the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss."
With the gift of Mind and Speech you create the conditions and circumstances of 
life. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word 
was God." The Word, said Hermes, is Son, and Mind is Father of the Word. They 
are not separate one from the other, for life is the union of Word and Mind. You 
and your inner talking, or Word, are one. If your mind is one with your inner 
conversations, then to be transformed in mind is to be transformed in 
conversation. It was a flash of the deepest insight that taught Paul to write, 
"Put off the former conversation, the Old Man which is corrupt, and be renewed 
in the spirit of your mind. Put on the New Man." "Put on the New Man," and "be 
renewed in the spirit of your mind," is to change your inner conversation, for 
speech and mind are one - a change of speech is a change of mind.
The prophet Samuel said, "The Lord spake by me, and his Word was in my tongue." 
If the Lord's Word was in the prophet's tongue, then the Lord's mouth that 
uttered the Word must be the prophet's mind, for inner conversations originate 
in the mind and produce little tiny speech movements in the tongue. The prophet 
is telling us that the mouth of God is the mind of man, that our inner 
conversations are the Word of God creating life about us as we create it within 
In the Bible you are told that the Word is very near to you, in your mouth and 
in your heart, that you may do it. "See, I have set before you this day life and 
good, death and evil, blessings and cursings. Choose life." The conditions and 
circumstances of life are not created by some power external to yourself; they 
are the conditions which result from the exercise of your freedom of choice, 
your freedom to choose the ideas to which you will respond.
Now is the accepted time. This is the day of salvation. Whatsoever things are of 
good report, think on these things. For your future will be formed by the Word 
of God which is your present inner talking. You create your future by your inner 
conversations. The worlds were framed by the Word of God, that is, your inner 
See yonder fields? The sesamum was sesamum, the corn was corn.
The silence and the darkness knew! So is a man's fate born.
(The Light of Asia)
For ends run true to origins. If you would reap success, you must plant success. 
The idea in your mind which starts the whole process going is the idea which you 
accept as truth. This is a very important point to grasp, for truth depends upon 
the intensity of imagination, not upon "facts."  When the girl imagined that her 
employer was unfair, his behavior confirmed her imagination. When she changed 
her assumption of him, his behavior reflected the change, proving that an 
assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.
The mind always behaves according to the assumption with which it starts. 
Therefore, to experience success, we must assume that we are successful. We must 
live wholly on the level of the imagination itself, and it must be consciously 
and deliberately undertaken. It does not matter if at the present moment 
external facts deny the truth of your assumption, if you persist in your 
assumption it will become a fact. Signs follow, they do not precede.
To assume a new concept of yourself is to that extent to change your inner 
talking or Word of God and is, therefore, putting on the New Man. Our inner 
talking, though unheard by others, is more productive of future conditions than 
all the audible promises and threats of men. Your ideal is waiting to be 
incarnated, but unless you yourself offer it human parentage it is incapable of 
birth. You must define the person you wish to be and then assume the feeling of 
your wish fulfilled in faith that that assumption will find expression through 
The true test of religion is in its use, but men have made it a thing to defend. 
It is to you that the words are spoken, "Blessed is she that believed, for there 
shall be an accomplishment of those things which were spoken unto her from the 
Lord." Test it. Try it. Conceive yourself to be one that you want to be and 
remain faithful to that conception, for life here is only a training ground for 
image making. Try it and see if life will not shape itself on the model of your 
Everything in the world bears witness of the use or misuse of man's inner 
talking. Negative inner talking, particularly evil and envious inner talking, 
are the breeding ground of the future battlefields and penitentiaries of the 
world. Through habit man has developed the secret affection for these negative 
inner conversations. Through them he justifies failure, criticizes his 
neighbors, gloats over the distress of others, and in general pours out his 
venom on all. Such misuse of the Word perpetuates the violence of the world.
The transformation of self requires that we meditate on a given phrase, a phrase 
which implies that our ideal is realized, and inwardly affirm it over and over 
and over again until we are inwardly affected by its implication, until we are 
possessed by it. Hold fast to your noble inner convictions or "conversations." 
Nothing can take them from you but yourself. Nothing can stop them from becoming 
objective facts. All things are generated out of your imagination by the Word of 
God, which is your own inner conversation. And every imagination reaps its own 
Words which it has inwardly spoken.
The great secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of 
fulfilled desire. The only price you pay for success is the giving up of your 
former conversation which belongs to the Old Man, the unsuccessful man. The time 
is ripe for many of us to take conscious charge in creating heaven on earth. To 
consciously and voluntarily use our imagination, to inwardly hear and only say 
that which is in harmony with our ideal, is actively bringing heaven to earth. 
Every time we exercise our imagination lovingly on behalf of another, we are 
literally mediating God to that one. Always use your imagination masterfully, as 
a participant, not an onlooker. In using your imagination to transform energy 
from the mental, emotional level to physical level, extend your senses - look 
and imagine that you are seeing what you want to see, that you are hearing what 
you want to hear, and touching what you want to touch. Become intensely aware of 
doing so. Give your imaginary state all the tones and feeling of reality. Keep 
on doing so until you arouse within yourself the mood of accomplishment and the 
feeling of relief.
This is the active, voluntary use of the imagination as distinguished from the 
passive, involuntary acceptance of appearances. It is by this active, voluntary 
use of the imagination that the Second Man, the Lord from heaven, is awakened in 
man. Men call imagination a plaything, the "dream faculty." But actually it is 
the very gateway of reality. Imagination is the way to the state desired, it is 
the truth of the state desired, and the life of that state desired. Could you 
realize this fully, there would you know that what you do in your imagination is 
the only important thing. Within the circle of our imagination the whole drama 
of life is being enacted over and over again. Through the bold and active use of 
the imagination we can stretch out our hand and touch a friend ten thousand 
miles away and bring health and wealth to the parched lips of his being. It is 
the way to everything in the world. How else could we function beyond our 
fleshly limitations? But imagination demands of us a fuller living of our dreams 
in the present.
Through the portals of the present the whole of time must pass. Imagine 
elsewhere as here, and then as now. Try it and see. You can always tell if you 
have succeeded in making the future dream a present fact by observing your inner 
talking. If you are inwardly saying what you would audibly say were you 
physically present and physically moving about in that place, then you have 
succeeded. And you could prophesy it from these inner conversations, and from 
the moods which they awaken within you, what your future will be. For one power 
alone makes a prophet - imagination, the divine vision. All that we meet is our 
Word made visible. And what we do not now comprehend is related by affinity to 
the unrecognized forces of our own inner conversations and the moods which they 
arouse within us. If we do not like what is happening to us, it is a sure sign 
that we are in need of a change of mental diet. For man, we are told, lives not 
by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And having 
discovered the mouth of God to be the mind of man, a mind which lives on Words 
or inner talking, we should feed into our minds only loving, noble thoughts. For 
with Words or inner talking we build our world.
Let love's lordly hand raise your hunger and thirst to all that is noble and of 
good report, and let your mind starve e'er you raise your hand to a cup love did 
not fill or a bowl love did not bless. That you may never again have to say, 
"What have I said? What have I done, O all powerful human Word?"

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Straighten out your "Perspective for Power in Prayer"

This is about Power in Prayer (following Neville Goddard's 
description and logic of metaphysics). You will have power in 
prayer if you straighten out your perspective of reality. Consider,
If God is one, then God is all, and all (including you and I are 
God. There is no separation between God and man, though we are 
individualities of his spirit. This is 'echad in Hebrew: "many 
unifying in one" (Deuteronomy 6: 4). It is also advaita in Sanskrit: 
"not divided" (the cores of religions are similar concepts; it's the 
superstitions the ignorance of their priests and ministers cook up 
that divides.)

"Omnipresent omniscience is omnipotent." Omniscience is God's 
consciousness. We call it the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit. It is 
what became your consciousness. It is dynamic; it is power itself.  
God's omniscience is omnipresent -- it is in our bodies and in our 
minds. It is the power of our life and it is the residence of our 
mind and thought. Our minds are not separate from God's mind. He 
is not "watching from a distance" -- our eyes and ears and feelings 
are his.

God's omniscience is omnipotent. It is all powerful. It has created 
all things. All things exist in it. It can bring forth all things 
it desires. It has become us, and we are to use it. What we 
believe is our use of God's omnipotence, which will bring forth. 
"Believe ye receive, and ye shall have." 
It may take some gestation time, for things grow from seed to mature 
fruit over time, but hold the destined "end" of the seed planted 
in your mind, and you will harvest. 
"It is perfect prophecy: If you plant wheat, you can bet that what 
will sprout will be wheat!" -- T. L. Osborn. 
Have this perspective, "My thinking is Power; What I believe is 
planted," and watch what you plant, for it is going to come up!